Literatuur filosofie en wetenschap(sgeschiedenis)

Ben Wilbrink

Robert G. Colodny (Ed.) (1966). Mind and Cosmos. Essays in Contemporary Science and Philosophy. University of Pittsburgh Press.

David Reybrouck (2013). Tegen verkiezingen. De Bezige Bij. isbn 9789023474593

Jabik Veenbaas (2013). De Verlichting als kraamkamer. Over het tijdperk en zijn betekenis voor het heden. Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgeverij. isbn 9789046810170

David Papineau (1979). Theory and Meaning. Clarendon Press. isbn 0198245858

Suppe, Frederick Suppe (Ed.) (1977). The structure of scientific theories. University of Illinois Press. isbn 0252006348

Edward Diener & Rick Crandall (1978). Ethics in social and behavioral research. University of Chicago Press. isbn 0226148238 abstract

Donald W. Fiske & Richard A. Shweder (1986). Metatheorie in social science. Pluralisms and subjectivities. University of Chicago Press. isbn 0226251918 site, contents

W. L. Harper & C. A. Hooker (Eds.) (1976). Foundations of probability theory, statistical inference, and statistical theories of science. Proceedings of an international research colloquium held at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 10-13 May 1973. Volume II: Foundations and philosophy of statistical inference. Reidel.

M. Merleau-Ponty (1945). Phénoménologie de la perception. Librairie Gallimard.

Ernest A. Moody (1975). Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Science, and Logic. University of California Press. isbn 0520026683

reviewed (preview)

Ackerman, Bruce A. Ackerman (1980). Social justice in the liberal state. Yale University Press. isbn 0300024398 Wiki

Albrecht, Clemens Albrecht, Günther C. Behrmann, Michael Bock, Harald Homann & Friedrich H. Tenbruck, (1999). Die intellektuelle Gründung der Bundesrepublik. Eine Wirkungsgeschichte der Frankfurter Schule. Campus Verlag. isbn 3593362147 Inhalt

Aron, Raymond Aron (1938/1986). Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire. Essai sur les limites de l'objectivité historique. Éditions Gallimard. isbn 2070706133

Axtell, James L. Axtell (1968). The educational writings of John Locke. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521407366

Baker, G. P. Baker & P. M. S. Hacker (1984). Language, sense & nonsense. A critical investigation into modern theories of language. Basil Blackwell. isbn 0631135197

Davidson, Donald Davidson (1980/1982). Essays on actions and events. Oxford: Clarendon Press. isbn 0198246374

Barry Gholson, William R. Shadish, Robert A. Neimeyer, Arthur C. Houts (Eds) (1989). Psychology of Science: Contributions to Metascience. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521354102 info

Norwood Russell Hanson (1973). Constellations and conjectures. Edited by Willard C. Humphreys, Jr. Dordrecht: Reidel. isbn 902270192

Norwood Russell Hanson (1971). What I do not believe and other essays. Edited by Stephen Toulmin and Harry Woolf. Dordrecht: Reidel. isbn 9027701911

David C. Lindberg & Robert S. Westman (Eds) (1990). Reappraisals of the scientific revolution. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521342627

McKnight, Stephen A. McKnight (Ed.) (1992). — Science, pseudo-science, and utopianism in early modern thought. — Columbia: University of Missouri Press. (Debus: Science and history; the birth of a new field. Debus: The scientific revolution: a chemist's reappraisal. Dobbs: Alchemical death and resurrection: the significance of alchemy in the age of Newton. McKnight: Science, the Prisia Theologia, and modern epochal consciousness. Vondung: Millenarianism, hermeticism, and the search for a universal science. Walsh: A mythology of reason: the persistence of pseudo-science in the modern world. Applebaum: Epistemological and political implications of the scientific revolution)

Thomas S. Kuhn (1977). The essential tension. University of Chicago Press. isbn 0226458059

Kramer, Matthew H. Kramer (1997). John Locke and the origins of private property. Philosophical explorations of individualism, community, and equality. Cambridge university Press. isbn 0521584124

Laudan, Larry Laudan (1981). — Science and hypothesis. Historical essays on scientific methodology. — Dordrecht: Reidel. isbn 9027713154

Menard, Henry W. Menard (1971). Science: growth and change. Harvard University Press. isbn 0674792807 Een thematiek die wel enige verwantschap heeft met Dilemma’s in groeiende deelname aan hoger onderwijs!

John L. Pollock (1974). Knowledge and justification. Princeton University Press. isbn 0691072035

Een klassieker, van een nog jonge Pollock. Niet als eBook in KB (2014). Informatief:

Moody, Ernest A. Moody (1975). Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Science, and Logic. University of California Press. isbn 0520026683

Henri Poincaré (1908). Science et Méthode. Ernest Flammarion. (I happen to have a first impression, wow!) Online, een druk uit 1920: See also the French Wiki . Another online version (large document download!) pdf

Leonard P. Pojman & Owen McLeod (Eds) (1999). What do we deserve? A reader on justice and desert. Oxford University Press. isbn 0195122186

Olson, Richard Olson (1990). Science deified & science defied. The historical significance of science in Western culture. Volume 2. University of California Press. isbn 0520068467

Per hoofdstuk op google.books volledig online?

Roger D. Rosenkrantz (1977). Inference, method and decision. Towards a Bayesian philosophy of science. Reidel. isbn 9027708177

Rescher, Nicholas Rescher (1978). — Scientific progress. A philosophical essay on the economics of research in natural science. — University of Pittsburgh Press. isbn 0822911280

sections; the future of scientific progress - historical stagesetting - the potential limilessness of science - the historical accelartion of science: adams' law of exponential growth - cost escalation: Planck's principle of increasing effort - the quantity of quality - logarithmic retardation - the technological dependence of science - the quantification of technological dependency: the capacity/findings relation - the stratification of discoveries by technology-levels: technological escalation - the economics of scientific technology: an arms race against nature - the cyclic pattern of progres at the problem-area micro-level: dimishing returns in the restricted context - aggregation to the macrolevel and the origin of (scientific_ species - data barriers, unanswerable questions, and the limits of scientific knowledge - implications and nonimplications of a deceleration of science

Rousseau, G. S. Rousseau (Ed.) (1990). — The languages of psyche. Mind and body in Enlightenment thought. — University of California Press. isbn 0520070445

Rousseau, G. S. Rousseau & Roy Porter (Eds) (1980). The ferment of knowledge. Studies in the hagiography of eigteenth-century science. Cambridge University Press. isbn 052122599X

Ryle, Gilbert Ryle (1971). Collected papers. Volume II: Collected essays 1929-1968. Hutchinson of London. isbn 0091044200

Roman Schnur (Her.) (1964). Zur Geschichte der Erklärung der Menschenrechte.Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.

Wilfrid Sellars (1963). Science, Perception and Reality. Routledge & Kegan Paul. isbn 0710036191

Seidenfeld, Teddy Seidenfeld (1979). Philosophical problems of statistical inference. Learning from R. A. Fisher. Dordrecht: Reidel. isbn 9027709653


Seung, T. K. Seung (1993). — Intuition and construction. The foundation of normative theory. — New Haven: Yale University Press. isbn 0300057407 (keywords; philosophy - constructivism - rationalism)

Suppes, Patrick Suppes (Ed.) (1969). — Studies in the methodology and foundations of science. Selected papers from 1951 to 1969. Reidel. — (reprints of articles by Patrick Suppes)

(models and measurement: A comparison of the meaning and uses of models in mathematics and the empirical sciences (1960); Models of data (1962); A set of independent axioms for extensive quatities (1951); Foundational aspects of theories of measurement (1958, with Dana Scott); Measurement, emprical meaningfulness, and three-valued logic (1959) - probability and utility: The role of subjective probability and utility in decision-making (1956); The philosophical relevance of decision theory (1961); An axiomatization of utility based on the notion of utility differences. (1955, with M. Winet); behavioristic foundations of utility (1961); Some formal models of grading principles (1966); Probabilistic inference and the concept of total evidence (1966) - foundations of physics: Axioms for relativistic kinematics with or without parity (1959); Probability concepts in quantum mechanics (1961); The role of probability in quantum mechanics (1963); The probabilistic argument for a non-classical logic of quantum mechanics (1966); - foundations of psychology: Stimulus sampling theory for a continuum of responses (1960); On an example of unpredictability in human behavior (1964); Behaviorism (1965); On the behavioral foundations of mathematical concepts (1965); Towards a behavioral foundation of mathematical proofs (1965); The psychological foundations of mathematics (1967); On the theory of cognitive processes (1965); Stimulus-response theory of finite automata (1969)) (Suppes' site)

Gert Biesta (2015). Het prachtige risico van onderwijs. Uitgeverij Phronese. isbn 978949090120108

Het eerste hoofdstuk, over creativiteit, begint veelbelovend: het romantische gezwatel van Sir Ken Robinson en talloze anderen wordt meteen weggezet als valse romantiek. Helaas, dat genoegen duurt slechts een enkele alinea. Daarna raak ik helemaal de weg kwijt: dit hoofdstuk is bedoeld voor collega-filosofen, niet voor mij. Hoewel beginnen bij Genesis helemaal geen slecht idee is: ook de thema-boeken van Max Jammer over ruimte, tijd, kracht beginnen met opvattingen uit de klassieke oudheid en verder terug. En dat blijkt heel zinvol, want oude betekenissen zijn we nooit echt kwijtgeraakt, is mijn indruk.

Hoofdstuk 2, over communicatie. Grijpt eerst terug op Dewey (1958), met een leeg begrip ‘communicatie’, want losgekoppeld van specifieke inhouden. Ik geloof het eigenlijk niet, ben geneigd er Dewey opna te gaan lezen, maar dat kost me teveel tijd (heb de tekst waarschijnlijk wel op de plank staan, dat dan weer wel).

“Als het zo is dat betekenis alleen maar bestaat in sociale praktijken dan volgt daaruit dat betekenis alleen kan worden ge(re)presenteerd in en door middel van sociale praktijken. Voor het onderwijs betekent dit onder andere dat vragen over het curriculum moeten worden benaderd in termen van de representatie van praktijken binnen de muren de muren van de school en niet in termen van de representatie van formele abstracties van deze praktijken. Dit betekent bijvoorbeeld dat wiskundeonderwijs de praktijk van mathematiseren de school in zou moeten brengen en het de leerlingen mogelijk zou moeten maken om daaraan deel te nemen, net als, bijvoorbeeld, geschiedsonderwijs de leerlingen aan de slag zou moeten laten gaan met de praktijk van het historiseren.”

Biesta (2015) Het prachtige risico van onderwijs. blz. 52

zie ook

Hoofdstuk 3. Ik ga dit boek asl steeds meer beklemmend ervaren. De wereld wordt dichtgeplakt met filosofenpapier. Nergens meer enig contact met empirie? Het lijkt er benauwend veel op. Een lichtpuntje: nuchtere opmerkingen over de funeste invloed van het constructivisme (p. 72, 88, en noot 1). Als ik het goed heb, geeft Biesta (2012) een iets uitvoeriger behandeling van onder andere de funeste invloed van het constructivistisch gedachtengoed op de positie van leraren (en de andere onderwerpen uit hoofdstuk 3 komen er ook langs, en nu in minder vage bewoordingen dan in het boek, zo lijkt het):

Gert J. J. Biesta (2012). Giving teaching back to education: Responding to the disappearance of the teacher. Phenomenology & Practice, 6, nr. 2, 35-49. pdf

Elizabeth M. Wilkinson & L. A. Willoughby (Eds) (1967) Friedrich Schiller on the aesthetic education of man, in a series of letters. Clarendon Press.

Paul Weingartner & Gerhard Zecha (Eds) (1970). Induction, physics, and ethics. Reidel. isbn 0902770158 — 382 pp. cloth, no dust jacket, ex-library, otherwise insides clean and tight info & contents

Michael White (2000). Leonardo, the first scientist. Little, Brown and Company. isbn 0316648469

C. J. M. Schuyt (1972). Recht, orde en burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid. Rotterdam: Universitaire Pers Rotterdam. (o.a. "De creatieve wanorde van het studentenprotest 1964-1968").

Florike Egmond, Eric Jorink & Rienk Vermij (Red.) (1999). Kometen, monsters en muilezels. Het veranderende natuurbeeld en de natuurwetenschap in de zeventiende eeuw. Arcadia. info

Gerd Gigerenzer, Zeno Swijtink, Theodore Porter, Lorraine Daston, John Beatty, & Lorenz Krüger, L. (1989). The empire of chance. How probability changed science and everyday life. Cambridge University Press. isbn 052139838X info

Edward Grant (1996). The foundations of modern science in the middle ages. Their religious, institutional, and intellectual origins. Cambridge: Cambridge university Press. isbn 052156762 info

Norman Kretzmann & Eleonaore Stump (Eds) (1988). The Cambridge translations of medieval philosophical texts. Volume one: Logic and the philosophy of language. Cambridge University Press. isbn 052128063X

John Emery Murdoch and Edith Dudley Sylla (Eds) (1975). The cultural context of medieval learning. Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Philosophy, Science, and Theology in the Middle Ages - September 1973. Dordrecht/Boston: Reidel. isbn 9027705607

Reichenbach, Hans Reichenbach (1956/1991). The direction of time. Berkeley: University of California Press. isbn 0520074149

I. Bernard Cohen (1985). Revolution in science. Belknap Press. isbn 0674767780

Kretzmann, Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny and Jan Pinborg (Eds) (1982). The Cambridge history of Later Medieval Philosophy. From the rediscovery of Aristotle to the disintegration of scholasticism 1100-1600. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521369339


Scott L. Montgomery (2000). Science in translation. Movements of knowledge through cultures and time. University of Chicago Press. isbn 0226534804 info

Joel Kaye (2000). Economy and nature in the fourteenth century. Money, market exchange, and the emergence of scientific thought. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521793866 info

A. C. Crombie (1953/1971/20002) Robert Grosseteste and the origins of experimental science 1100-1700. Oxford University Press. isbn 0198241895 info

A. C. Crombie (1952/59/70/79). Augustine to Galileo. Volume I: Science in the middle ages.5th to 13th centuries Volume II: Science in the later middle ages and early modern times 13th to 17th centuries. In one volume, London: Heinemann Educational Books. isbn 0435541943

David Bohm (1957/1984). Causality and chance in modern physics. With a new foreword. RKP. isbn 0710200315

Norman Campbell (1920/1957) Foundations of science. The philosophy of theory and experiment. Dover. isbn 0486603725

Mark A. Bedau and Paul Humphreys (Eds) (2008). Emergence. Contemporary readings in philosophy and science. MIT Press. isbn 9780262524759

Guy S. Métraux & François Crouzet (Eds.) (1963). The Evolution of Science. Readings from the history of mankind. UNESCO. A Mentor Book.

De eerste reeks bijdragen: V. Gordon Childe: The prehistory of science: Archaeological documents. - R. C. Majumdar: Scientific spirit in ancient India. - J. Filliozat: India and scientific exchanges in antiquity. - Kiyosi Yabuuti: Sciences in China from the fourth to the end of the twelfth century. - J. M. Millas-Vallicrosa: Translations of oriental scientific works (to the end of the thirteenth century). - Bertrand Gille: Technological developments in Europe: 1100 to 1400. (interessant hoofdstuk, 168-220)(uit het Frans vertaald) - M. D. Chenu: Nature and man at the school of Chartres in the twelfth century. De tweede reeks bijdragen gaat over moderner tijden, en lijkt me minder uniek.

Evan Selinger & Robert P. Crease (Eds) (2006). The philosophy of expertise. Columbia University Press. isbn 0231136447

John Earman (Ed.) (1983). Testing scientific theories. University of Minnesota Press. isbn 0816611599

Jaakko Hintikka (2007). Socratic epistemology. Explorations of knowledge-seeking by questioning. Cambridge University Press. isbn 9780521616515

Norwood Russell Hanson (1958). Patterns of discovery. Cambridge at the University Press.

George Dykhuizen (1973). The life and mind of John Dewey. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. isbn 0809306166

Larry Laudan (1977). Progress and its problems. Towards a theory of scientific growth. University of California Press. isbn 0520037219 info

Ik heb meteen een stuk ervan gelezen. Leuk. o.a. 7. Rationality and the sociology of knowledge. 6. The history of ideas begint meteen met een uiteenzetting over disciplinary autonomy. In dit hoofdstuk ook aardige passages over ‘verklaren.' p. 177: To assume problem identity through time is, for the historian of ideas, the first step on the road to what may be a most serious falsification of the historical record, for when we misconceive the precise character of a thinker's problems, we are apt to misunderstand the nature of the solutions he proposes. Leuk: wat ik in het artikel over assessment (1998) probeer te doen is in zekere zin precies het omgekeerde: laten zien hoe eens goede oplossingen voor bepaalde problemen zijn blijven bestaan, hoewel de problemen zijn veranderd of verdwenen!

Nancy Cartwright (1993). How the laws of physics lie. Oxford University Press. isbn 0198247044

Nancy Cartwright (1989/1994). Nature's capacities and their measurement. Oxford University Press. isbn 0198235070

Nancy Cartwright (1999). The dappled world. A study of the boundaries of science. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521644119

Lattis, James M. Lattis (1994). Between Copernicus and Galileo. Christoph Clavius and the collapse of Ptolemaic cosmology. The University of Chicago Press. isbn 0226469298 — 293 pp. paperback

Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout (Eds) (1991). The philosophy of science. The MIT Press. isbn 0262521563

Otto Neurath, Rudolf Carnap & Charles Morris (Eds) (1971 3rd). Foundations of the unity of science. Volume 1 and 2 Chicago University Press. isbn 0226575861, 0226575888

Martin Curd & J. A. Cover (Eds) (2001). Philosophy of science. The central issues. Norton. isbn 0393971759 info

Alan Sokal (2010). Beyond the hoax. Science, philosophy and culture. Oxford University Press. isbn 9780199561834

Fix, Andrew C. Fix (1991). Prophecy and reason. The Dutch Collegiants in the early Enlightenment. Princeton University Press. isbn 069103141X

(keywords: Collegiants - Netherlands - History - Enlightenment - intellectual life - history of doctrine - 17th century - rationalism)

Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (Ed.) (1998). Philosophers on education. New historical perspectives. Routledge. isbn 0415191319info

G. Heymans (1923 4e). Die Gesetze und Elemente des wissenschaftlichen Denkens. Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth.

online edition 1905

Dirk Noordman (1996). Economie en filosofie in de vroege middeleeuwen. Verloren. isbn 9065504265

Jozef T. Devreese & Guido vanden Berghe (2003). 'Wonder en is gheen wonder' De geniale wereld van Simon Stevin 1548-1620. Leuven: Davidsfonds. isbn 9058261743 Over Stevin

George A. Reisch (2005). How the Cold War transformed philosophy of science. To the icy slopes of logic. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521546893


Gregory J. Feist (2006). The psychology of science and the origins of the scientific mind. Yale University Press. isbn 030011074X

Arno Borst (1993). The ordering of time. From the ancient computus to the modern computer. Polity Press. isbn: 0226066584

John Asimakopoulos (2014). Social structures of direct democracy. On the political economy of equality. Brill. info [besturen door willekeurig gekozen burgers][van Reybroeck] [als eBook in KB]

Ik moet dit wel lezen, maar het er even geen tijd voor, dus maar weer teruggebracht.

Buridan, Johannes Buridan (1489/1988). De ethiek. Uitgegeven, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien door Henri Krop. Baarn: Ambo. isbn 9026308817 Interessant boekje, Buridan is Lage Landen filosoof, bekend van zijn werk in Parijs, leerling van Aquino. Dit boekje bevat commentaar op Aristoteles' Ethica Nicomachea. In de vorm van quaestiones.

J. L. Mackie (1974). The cement of the universe. A study of causation. Oxford at the Clarendon Press. isbn 0198246420

Karl R. Popper (1994). Alles Leben ist Problemlösen. Über Erkenntnis, Geschichte und Politik. Piper. isbn 3492037267

(1955). Freedom and restriction in science and its aspects in society. Congress promoted by the Netherlands University for the discussion of the subject. Martinus Nijhoff.

Joel J. Kupperman (1999). Learning from Asian philosophy. Oxford University Press. isbn 019512832X


Ernan McMullin (Ed.) (1967). Galileo Man of Science. Basic Books. lccc 68-11203

Maurice A. Finocchiaro (1980). Galileo and the art of reasoning. Rhetorical foundations of logic and scientific method. Reidel. isbn 9027710945

Stillman Drake (1981). Cause, experiment and science. A galilean dialogue incorporating a new English translation of Galileo's "Bodies that stay atop water, or move in it." The University of Chicago Press. isbn 0226162281

Galileo Galilei (1638/2002). Dialogues concerning two new sciences. Edited, with commentary, by Stephen Hawking. Running Press. isbn 0762420154

Dava Sobel (1999). Galileo's daughter: a historical memoir of science, faith, and love. New York: Walker. isbn 0802713432

Stillman Drake (1990) Galileo: Pioneer scientist. University of Toronto Press. isbn 08020767076076

Galileo Galilei (1632/1953, 1967) Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems - Ptolemaic & Copernican. Translated, with revised notes, by Stillman Drake, foreword by Albert Einstein. University of California Press. isbn 0520004507

Stillman Drake (1978/1995). Galileo at work. His scientific autobiography. Dover. isbn 0486286312

A. Rupert Hall (1963/1981). From Galileo to Newton. Dover. isbn 0486242277 — 380 pp. softcover

Stillman Drake (1957). Discoveries and opinions of Galileo. Anchor Books/Doubleday. isbn 0385092393 (i.a.: The starry messenger (1610), Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615), extracts from Letters on sunspots (1613), en The assayer (1623))

Akeel Bilgrami & Jonathan R. Cole (Eds.) (2015). Who's afraid of academic freedom? Columbia University Press. isbn 9780231168809


Announced: Joanna Williams (2016). Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity Confronting the Fear of Knowledge. Palgraveinfo

Isaac Newton (1726/1999). The principia. Mathemathical principles of natural philosophy. A new translation by I. Bernard Cohen & Anne Whitman. Preceded by I. Bernard Cohen A guide to Newton’s Principia. University of California Press. info

Cohen’s Guide is an important book in itself.). Replaces the problematic translation by Motte (1729), as revised by Cajori (1934)(University of California Press).

Michael White (1997). Isaac Newton, the last sorcerer. London: Fourth Estate. isbn 1857024168

H. J. E. Beth (1932). Newton's 'Principia.' deel I, II. Groningen: Noordhoff.

Robert Palter (Ed.) (1970). 1666 The annus mirabilis of Sir Isaac Newton. MIT Press. isbn 0262160358

The articles in this symposium were originally published in The Texas Quarterly, 19 #3, autumn 1967. Articles on Newton's life and society, on his scientific achievements, on philosophical analysis of his scientific achievements, and on his influence.

Richard S. Westfall (1971). Force in Newton's physics. The science of dynamics in the seventeenth century. American Elsevier.

Jammer, Max Jammer (1954/1993). Concepts of space. The history of theories of space in physics. Third, enlarged edition. New York: Dover. isbn 0486271196

Russell McCormmach (2004). Speculative truth. Henry Cavendish, natural philosophy, and the rise of modern theoretical science. Oxford University Press. isbn 0195160045

“The concepts of heat and of temperature; a newly found, long missing, unpublished manuscript containing his first theory of heat, approximately from 1790.”

Max Jammer (2000). Concepts of mass in contemporary physics and philosophy. Princeton University Press. isbn 069101017X info

Max Jammer (1957/1999). Concepts of force. Dover edition 1999. review by Patrick Suppes

Bernard d'Espagnat (2006). On physics and philosophy. Princeton University Press. isbn 0891119643

info; & Ch. 1 pdf

Edward Grant (1981). Much ado about nothing. Theories of space and vacuum from the middle ages to the scientific revolution. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521229839

Hasok Chang (2004/2007). Inventing temperature. Measurement and scientific progress. Oxford University Press. isbn 9780195337389

Milic Capek (Ed.) (1976). The concepts of space and time. Their structure and their development. Dordrecht/Boston: Reidel. isbn 9027703752 (Contributions from Duhem, Koyré, Jammer, Descartes, Russell, Einstein, Bergson etc.)

Norwood Russell Hanson (). Perception and discovery. An introduction to scientifi inquiry. Freeman, Cooper & Company.

Jerome A. Popp (1998). Naturalizing philosophy of education. John Dewey in the Postanalytic Period. Southern Illinois University Press. isbn 0809321718

Mark Lilla (2001). The reckless mind. Intellectuals in politics. New York Review of Books. isbn 0940322765 info. A number of casus, oa Heidegger, Foucault. Interesting.

E. W. Beth (1944). Geschiedenis der logica. Den Haag: Servire.

Handig inleidinkje?

Frans H. van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst, & Tjark Kruiger (1987). Handbook of argumentation theory. A critical survey of classical backgrounds and modern studies. Pragmatics and discourse analysis. FORIS Publications. isbn 9067653306

Jean van Heijenoort (Ed.) (1967). From Frege to Gödel. Harvard University Press. isbn 0674324498 - - 664 pp. softcover, fourth printing 1981, insides clean and tight

Antoine Braet (2007). De redelijkheid van de klassieke retorica. Leiden University Press.

Jonathan Barnes (2007). Truth, etc. Six lectures on ancient logic. Oxford University Press. isbn 9780199282814

Maurice A. Finocchiaro (2005). Arguments about arguments. Systematic, critical and historical essays in logical theory. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521618533 info

Hintikka, J. Hintikka & U. Remes (1974). The method of analysis. Its geometrical origin and its general significance. Reidel. isbn 9027705321

Richmond Campbell & Lanning Sowden (Eds) (1985). Paradoxes of rationality and cooperation. Prisoner's dilemma and Newcomb's problem. The University of British Columbia Press. isbn 0774802154

Axelrod, Robert (1984). The evolution of cooperation. Basic Books. isbn 0465021220 — 241 pp. small octavo, 1st printing, cloth, dust jacket worn, name on free frontpaper, otherwise insides clean & tight

James S. Coleman & Thomas J. Fararo (Eds) (1992). Rational choice theory. Advocacy and critique. London: SAGE. isbn 0803947623.

E. J. Dijksterhuis (1943). Simon Stevin. 's-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff.

Jack Dowie & Paul Lefrere (Eds) (1980). Risk & Chance. Selected Readings Open University Press. isbn 0335002625

Johan van Benthem (2015). Constanten, of variabelen, van het logisch denken. pdf

Vooral over Evert -Willem Beth.

Raimo Tuomela (1977). Human action and its explanation. A study on the philosophical foundations of psychology. Reidel. 1977. isbn 902270824X — 426 pp., cloth, dust jacket one tear, first free endpaper clipped, otherwise clean and tight

Max Jammer (1957). Concepts of force. A study in the foundations of dynamics. Harvard University Press. lccc 57-7610 Max Jammer (1957). Concepts of force. A study in the foundations of dynamics. Dover edition 1999. isbn 048640689X

Max Jammer (1957/1962). Concepts of force. A study in the foundations of dynamics. Harper edition 1962. lccc 57-7610

Max Jammer (1961). Concepts of mass in classical and modern physics. Harvard University Press. lccc 61-13737

Anthony Kenny (1989). The metaphysics of mind. Clarendon. isbn 0198249659

Russell L. Ackoff & Fred E. Emery (1972). On purposeful systems. Chicago: Aldine. isbn 0202370003

Rorty, Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (Ed.) (1976). The identities of persons. University of California Press. isbn 0520030303

Franz Rosenthal (1970). Knowledge triumphant. The concept of knowledge in medieval Islam. Leiden: Brill. pdf

Robert G. Colodny (Ed.) (1970). The nature and function of scientific theories. Essays in contemporary science and philosophy. University of Pittsburgh Press. isbn 0822932113 info; read online:

Ingrd Robeyns (2016). Capabilitarianism. final version

Herbert Feigl & May Brodbeck (Eds.) (1953). Readings in the philosohy of science. Appleton-Century-Crofts lccc 53-6438

Gerald Horton & Robert S. Morison (Eds.) (1979). Limits of scientific inquiry. W. W. Norton & Cy. isbn 0393012123

John E. Lesch (1984). Science and medicine in France. The emergence of experimental physiology, 1790-1855. Harvard UP. isbn 0674794001

W Patrick McCray (2016). It’s not all lightbulbs. If we abandon the cult of the Great White Innovator, we will understand the history of technology in a much deeper way. blog

Galileo Galilei (1632/2012). Dialoog over de twee voornaamste wereldsystemen. Atheneum. isbn 9789025369989 (vertaler: Hans van den Berg) recensie

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Ernst Cassirer (1923/1953). Substance and function. & Einstein's theory of relativity. Dover. isbn 0486200507 (The concept of number - The concept of space and geometry - The concepts of natural science - The concept of reality - Subjectivity and objectivity of the relational concepts - On the psychology of relations - Einstein's theory of relativity considered from the epistemological standpoint)

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