Literatuur: onderwijsonderzoek
Ben Wilbrink
Ook wel:
Onderwijs onderzocht
R. Chris Fraley & Simine Vazire (October 8, 2014). The N-Pact Factor: Evaluating the Quality of Empirical Journals with Respect to Sample Size and Statistical Power. PLOSone
webpage open access
Daniel Lakens (blog 9 October 2014). Why do we cite small N studies?
Cronbach, Lee J., and Patrick Suppes (Eds) (1969). Research for tomorrow's schools: Disciplined inquiry for education. London: Collier-Macmillan Limited. LCCC 70-81074 a.o.: Ch. 2: American scholars and educational progress: 1855-1958
Daniel Willingham (2014). A Draft Bill of Research Rights for Educators
- The right to know what is supposed to improve. What problem is being solved? For example, when I’ve been to schools or districts implementing a one-to-one tablet/laptop policy, I’ve always asked what it’s meant to do. The modal response is a blank look followed by the phrase “we don’t want our kids left behind.” Behind in what? In what way are kids elsewhere with devices zooming ahead?
- The right to know the means by which improvement will be measured. How will we know things are getting better? If you’re trying to improve students’ understanding of math, for example, are you confident that you have a metric that captures that construct? Are you sure scores on that metric will be comparable in the future to those you’re looking at now? How big an increase will be deemed a success?
- The right to know the approximate time by which this improvement is expected. A commitment to an intervention shouldn’t be open-ended. At some point we must evaluate how it’s going.
- The right to know what will be done if the goal is or is not met. Naturally, conditions may change, but let’s have a plan. If we don’t meet our target, will we quit? Keep trying for a while? Tweak it?
- The right to know what evidence exists that the intervention will work as expected. Is the evidence from actual classrooms or is it laboratory science (plus some guesswork)? If classrooms, were they like ours? In how many classrooms was it tried?
- The right to have your experience and expertise acknowledged. If the intervention sounds to you and your colleagues like it cannot work, this issue should be addressed in detail, not waved away with the phrase “all the research supports it.” The fact that it sounds fishy to experienced people doesn’t mean it can’t work, but whoever is pitching it should have a deep enough understanding of the mechanisms behind the intervention to be able to say why it sounds fishy, and why that’s not a problem.
Katherine E. Castellano & Andrew D. Ho (2013). A practitioner's guide to growth models. A paper commissioned by the Technical Issues in Large-Scale Assessment (TILSA) and Accountability Systems & Reporting (ASR) State Collaboratives on Assessment and Student Standards Council of Chief State School Offi cers
Michael S. Garet, Andrew J. Wayne, Fran Stancavage, James Taylor, Marian Eaton, Kirk Walters, Mengli Song, Seth Brown, Steven Hurlburt, Pei Zhu, Susan Sepanik & Fred Doolittle (2011). Middle School Mathematics Professional Development Impact Study Findings After the Second Year of Implementation. website
Gina Kolata (2013). Guesses and hype give way to data in study of education. The New York Times. Education Issue. webpage
Stellan Ohlsson (1988). Computer simulation and its impact on educational research and practice. International Journal of Educational Research, 12, 5-34.
T. Mooij, J. Roeleveld, D. Fettelaar en G. Ledoux (2012). Kwaliteitsbeoordeling van scholen primair onderwijs:
Het correctiemodel van de inspectie vergeleken
met alternatieve modellen. Pedagogische Studiën, 89, 272-287. samenvatting
Keith Morrison & Greetje van der Werf (2013) Editorial, Educational
Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 19:6, 487-489info
Over big data.
Jonas Salk, Bruno Latour & Steve Woolgar (2013). Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts. Princeton University Press. [in KB als eBook]
John R. Anderson & Christian D. Schunn (2000). Implications of the ACT-R learning theory: No magic bullets. In R. Glaser (Ed.), Advances in instructional psychology: 5 (pp. 1–34). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pdf
Robert E. Floden (2009). Empirical research without certainty. , 385 abstract
John Hattie & Eric M. Anderman (Eds.) (2013). International Guide to Student Achievement. Routledge. [als eBook beschikbaar voor vrienden van de KB, evenals trouwens de Hattie’s Invisible Learning en Invisible Learning for Teachers ] site
/ pamphlet / voorbeeld / bijdrage Hanushek / Bijdrage van Watt & Richardson ‘Teacher motivation and student achievement outcomes’
David F. Labaree (201). The lure of statistics for educational researchers. Educational Theory, 61, 621-632. abstract of scan
Hilary M. Shager, Holly S. Schindler, Katherine A. Magnuson, Greg J. Duncan, Hirokazu Yoshikawa
& Cassandra M. D. Hart (2013). Can Research Design Explain Variation in Head Start Research Results? A Meta-Analysis of Cognitive and Achievement Outcomes. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 35, 76-95. abstract
Although a substantial body of literature indicates that Head Start has meaningful effects on children’s cognitive and achievement outcomes, there are a variety of factors that might explain the magnitude of Head Start effects that are about the evaluation research designs, not just the program itself. Thus, comparing results from evaluation studies requires attention to both how the studies are conducted and which instruments are used to assess outcomes.
Louis T. Mariano & Paco Martorell (2013). The Academic Effects of Summer Instruction
and Retention in New York City. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 35, 215–229
Ik vermoed dat dit geen goed onderwijsonderzoek is. De onderzoekers zijn respectievelijk methodoloog en econoom, wat ze op zich natuurlijk niet diskwalificeert, maar wat wel de vraag oproept of deze onderzoekers de noodzakelijke inhoudelijke expertise wel hebben. De literatuurlijst stelt me in dit opzicht niet gerust. Ik werd natuurlijk getriggerd door de vrolijke mededeling dat een jaartje overdoen in klas 5 (groep 7) positieve effecten zou hebben (wat ik op zich wel geloof, maar vergeet dan niet om ook de negatieve effecten te inventariseren, voor een goede afweging).
Stephen W. Raudenbusch, Andres Martinez & Jessaca Spybrook (2007). Strategies for improving precision in group-randomized experiments. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 29, 5-29. abstract
Howard S. Bloom, Lashawn Richburg-Hayes & Alison Rebeck Black (2007). Using covariates to improve precision for studies that randomize schools to evaluate educational interventions. Educational Evaluation and Policiy Analysis, 29, 30-59. abstract
Larry V. Hedges & E. C. Hedberg (2007). Intraclass correlation values for planning group-randomized trials in ducation. Educational Evaluation and Policiy Analysis, 29, 60-87. abstract
Stephen W. Raudenbush (2008). Advancing Educational Policy by Advancing Research on Instruction. American Educational Research Journal, 45, 206-230. abstract
The author considers studies of the impact
of intended versus experienced instructional regimes. Both are important;
however, intended regimes are well measured and accessible to randomized
trials, whereas experienced instruction is measured with error and not
amenable to randomization. Multiyear sequences of experienced instruction
are of central interest but pose special methodological challenges. A 2-year
study of intensive mathematics instruction illustrates these ideas.
Stephen W. Raudenbusch & J. Douglas Willms (1995). The estimation of school effects. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 20, 307-333. pdf
Pieter Vijn & Ivo W. Molenaar (1981). Robustness regions for dichotomous decisions. Journal of Educational Statistics, 6, 205-235.
N. L. Gage (1994). The scientific status of research on teaching. Educational Theory, 44, 37
J. A. Bulterman-Bos (2012). Wetenschap en vakmanschap en de toekomst van de onderwijs/leerwetenschappen. Pedagogische Studiën, 89, 174-184. abstract
Ib Waterreus & I. van der Heul (Red.) (2012). Stapsgewijze verbeteringen in het onderwijs en samenwerking tussen onderwijsonderzoek en onderwijspraktijk. Pedagogische Studiën, 89, 377-387. pdf via Onderwijsraad
Patrick Suppes (Ed.). (1978). Impact of Research on Education: Some Case Studies. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Education. No isbn [Een samenvatting van 110 blz is afzonderlijk gepubliceerd]
- John B. Carroll: On the theory-practice interface in the measurement of intellectual abilities 1-106
- Jonçich Clifford: Words for schools: The application in education of the vocabulary researches of Edward L. Thorndike 107-198
- Robert Glaser: The contributions of B. F. Skinner to education and some counterinfluences 199-267
- Guy J. Groen: The theoretical ideas of Piaget and educational practice 267-318
- Patrick Suppes & Hermine Warren: Psychoanalysis and American elementary education 319-396
- J. W. Getzels: Paradigm and practice: On the impact of basic research in education 477-522
- Torsten Husén: Educational research and educational reform: A case study of Sweden 523-580
Gerard Kerkvliet & Frans Vanderwilt (Red.) (1996). Terugblik op dertig jaar SVO. Bundel ter gelegenheid van de opheffing van het Instituut voor Onderzoek van het Onderwijs SVO 1965-1996. geen isbn
M. van Steinvoorn (1981). Praktijkgericht onderzoke en innovatie. Bijdragen tot de Onderwijsresearchdagen 1980. SVO-reeks 45. isbn 9012035457
- bijzonderheden:
- Sjoerd Karsten: Aktieonderzoek 87-131
- Ph. Groeneweg: De kriteria bij de beoordeling van onderzoek(svoorstellen0 door S.V.O. 189-195
- Co van Calcar & Jan Karel Koppen: Aktieonderzoek opnieuw in het geding? 251-319
- Remco Reisinger & Wybe Zijlstra: Groepsgewijs leren 402-420
- K. Koops: Praktijkgericht onderzoek naar de integratie van W.O. en H.B.O. in Leeuwarden 502-521
Robert E. Klitgaard & George R. Hall, (1973). A statistical search for unusually effective schools. html.
Holland & Richards (1965), Academic and non-academic achievement: correlated or uncorrelated? ACT ResRep # 2, 1965. Ook in Journal of Educational Psychology, 1965, 50, 165-174.
In a sample of 7262 college freshmen attending 24 colleges and universities, the student scores for several academic achievement tests, the student scores for several scales of extracurricular achievement, and the student average school grades were intercorrelated. The correlations between these measures of academic and non-academic accomplishments are generally neglegible (median r = .04). The results can be attributed neither to a narrow range of academic talent nor to non-linear relationships. The results strongly suggest that academic and non-academic accomplishment are relatively independent dimensions of talent. The implications of the findings for the selection of talented persons and the conservation of talent were discussed.
NN (1981). Where be your findings now? An essay on the impact of educational research. Internaional Review of Education, XXVII, 197-204.
JSTOR read online
Christine L. Borgman (2015). Big data, little data, no data. Scholarship in the networked world. The MIT Press. SOCIOL B5-99
Linschoten, J. Linschoten (1964). Idolen van de psycholoog. Utrecht: Bijleveld.
Trudy Dehue (1990). De regels van het vak. Nederlandse psychologen en hun methodologie 1900-1985.Amsterdam: Van Gennep. isbn 9060128265
- Trudy Dehue (1996). De beproefde procedures. De Psycholoog, 273-279. Een leuk stuk, o. a. over de opkomst van het experiment met toevalsgroepen.
Bodong Chen, Marlene Scardamalia & Carl Bereiter (2015). Advancing knowledge building discourse
through judgments of promising ideas. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
Ryan P. Womack (2015). Research Data in Core Journals in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physicsfree
E. A. van Trotsenburg (1972). Ontwikkelingslijnen in het empirisch onderzoek van pedagogische en didactische vraagstukken. Amsterdam: Scholar's Press. isbn 9029995017 (eerder als proefschrift) abstract
Niet onverdienstelijk historisch overzicht
A. D. de Groot (1976). Ontwikkelingslijnen in de Nederlandse Onderwijresearch. Tijdschrift voor Onderwijresearch, 1, 145-160. free online
Jon Clark (Ed.) (1996). James S. Coleman. London: The Falmer Press. isbn 0750705124 abstract
- Reflections on schools and adolescents, James S. Coleman; youth and adolesence - a historical and cultural perspective, Torsten Husen; Coleman's contribution to understanding youth and adolescence, Denise B. Kandel; private schooling in post-communist Poland, Barbara Heyns; early schooling and educational inequality - socioeconomic disparities in children's learning, Karl L. Alexander and Doris R. Entwistle; Coleman's contributions to education - theory, research styles and empirical research, James J. Heckman and Derek Neal; the sociological contribution to social policy research, Martin Bulmer; the political context of social policy research, Sally B. Kilgore; games with simulated environments, Sarane Spence Boocock; methodological individualism and collective behaviour, Benjamin Zablocki; mobility measurement revisited, David J. Bartholomew; self-employment and entrepreneurship - a study of entry and exit, Peter Abell; educational opportunities and school effects, Aage B. Sorensen; the violation of normative rules and the issue of rationality in individual judgements, Michael Imbar; foundational problems in theoretical sociology, Thomas J. Fararo; rational schoice as grand theory - James Coleman's normative contribution to social theory, Adrian Favell; constitutionalism versus relationalism - two versions of rational choice sociology, Siegwart Lindenberg; analyzing the economy - on the contribution of James S. Coleman, Richard Swedberg; can rational action theory unify future social science?, Randall Collins; a vision for sociology, James S. Coleman.
Daniel T. Willingham (2012). When Can You Trust the Experts : How to Tell Good Science from Bad in Education. Wiley. [als eBook in KB] info & free download ch 1 here
Rutger Claassen & Ingrid Robeyns (2015). Economische beleidsanalyses - een filosofische blik. pdf
James S. Coleman (1961). The adolescent society. New York: Free Press. LCCC 61-4725
Carl F. Kaestle (1993). The Awful Reputation of Education Research. Educational Researcher, 22, #1, 23, 26-31. read online free
Brian Byrne and William L. Coventry, Richard K. Olson and Sally J. Wadsworth, Stefan Samuelsson, Stephen A. Petrill, Erik G. Willcutt and Robin Corley (2010). 'Teacher Effect' in Early Literacy Development: Evidence from a Study of Twins. J Educ Psychol. 2010 February 1; 102(1): 32–42. doi:10.1037/a0017288. pdf
Tweede vervolgonderzoek Mathijssen-Sonnemans cohort, 1952-1993: Brabant data.
Met uitvoerige lijst studies gebaseerd op Brabant-data. Originele rapportage: Mathijssen, M.A.J.M., Sonnemans, G.J.M.; Schoolkeuze en schoolsucces bij VHMO en ULO in Noord-Brabant; 1958; Tilburg; Zwijssen.
Ida Gran Andersen & Simon Calmar Andersen (2015). Student-centered instruction and academic achievement: linking mechanisms of educational inequality to schools' instructional strategy. British Journal of Sociology of Education
William W. Cooley & Paul R. Lohnes (1976). Evaluation Research in Education. Irvington Publishers. isbn 0470013982
Chapter 8: Evaluation of the National Follow Through Program. Maar niets over Direct Instruction versus other models. Het boek is een 40 jaar oude standaard, zou je kunnen zeggen. Verrassend actueel, misschien zelfs wel.
Hans Oosthoek & Pieter van den Eeden (Eds.) (1984). Education from the Multi-Level Perspective: Models, Methodology and Empirical Findings. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
- a.o.
- Cees de Graaf: Multi-level analysis in educational research 45-70
- Liza C. Belandria & Leigh Burstein: Cross-national comparisons of the multi-level effects of background on achievement: Am extension of earlier findings 71-101
- Wim Meijnen: Class-specific itellectual achievement in the early grades 103-130
- Jaap Dronkers & Els Diekerhof: The effect f district participation in different types of secondary education on the educational careers of individuals 131-150
- Gail E. Thomas: Choosing a college major in the hard and and technical sciences and the professions: An empirical investigation 151-170
- Hans Oosthoek: Multi-level effects in undergraduate law 171-203
- Geoffrey Maruyama & Herbert Wallberg: Educational productivity in social psychological context 205-224
- Trevor Williams: Measuring the quality of school life 223-242
- Peter van der Kley: Education and social inequality: The role of ability groups in the process of class- and gender-related selection 243-269
Robert G. Burgess (Ed.) (1989). The ethics of educational research. London: The Falmer Press. contents
i.a. Pamela Sammons: Ethical issues and statistical work - Alison Kelly: Education or indoctrination? The ethics of school based action research - Helen Simons: Ethics of case study in educational research and evaluation - Harry Torrance: Ethics and politics in the study of assessment the whole book
Rien Rouw, Daisy Satijn, & Tim Schokker (Red.) (2009). Bewezen beleid in het onderwijs. Directie Kennis van het Ministerie van onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. geen isbn download
Jeanne S. Chall (2000). The Academic Achievement Challenge. What Really Works in the Classroom? The Guilford Press. info
Ik kan dit boek wel helemaal gaan scannen, maar ik moet het natuurlijk gewoon lezen.
- A book-length treatment of the effectiveness of traditional versus progressivist education; what educational research has to tell us.
Alan H. Schoenfeld (2007). Method. In Lester Ed.) Second handbook of research in mathematics teaching and learning (69-107).
H. Korpershoek H. Kuyper M.P.C. van der Werf (2006). Havo-5 en vwo-5 en de tweede fase; de bovenbouwstudie van vocl'99. GION
W. K. B. Hofstee (1987). Het causaliteitsvraagstuk in evaluatieonderzoek. In: Hofstee, W.K.B. (Red.), Evaluatiemethodologie. Swets & Zeitlinger, 93-108.
Robert Coe, Karen Jones, Jeff Searle, Dimitra Kokotsaki, Azlina Mohd Kosnin, Paul Skinner
(2008). Evidence on the effects of selective educational systems pdf
Ellen Condliffe Lagemann (1989). The plural worlds of educational research. History of Education Quarterly, 29, 185-213. info
I have not yet seen this one. Probably its contents have been well represented in Lagemann’s book , see also this review.
Rachel Brown-Chidsey & Kristina J. Andren (Eds.) (2013). Assessment for intervention. A problem-solving approach. Guilford. isbn 9781462506783
Hilary Rose & Steven Rose (2016). Can neuroscience change our minds? Polity. isbn 9780745689326
Cindy L. Poortman & Kim Schildkamp (2016). Solving student achievement problems with a data use intervention for teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education
Ik krijg hier geen greep op. Mijn indruk is dat de maatregelen die de datateams nemen bestaan uit meer van hetzelfde: meer toetsen, meer lessen. Dat is misschien niet fair, maar het artikel geeft verdraaid weinig details over wat mijns inziens de crux is: diagnose, analyse van mogelijkheden voor ingrijpen, aanpak kiezen en uitvoeren, evalueren.
Clifford Adelman (2006). The toolbox revisited. Paths to Degree Completion from High School Through College. U.S. Department of Education. pdf
- from the executive summary The Toolbox Revisited is a data essay that follows a nationally representative cohort of students from high school into postsecondary education, and asks what aspects of their formal schooling contribute to completing a bachelor’s degree by their mid-20s. The universe of students is confined to those who attended a four-year college at any time, thus including students who started out in other types of institutions, particularly community colleges.
Ponsioen, A. J. G. B., Vliet, F. van, Blijderveen, R. & Zwiers, S. (2016). Braingame Brian: N=1 in de praktijk. Wat doet deze interventie bij deze cliënt? De Psycholoog, 51(5), 44-57. pdf ophalen
Angus Deaton Nancy Cartwright (September 2016). Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials. NBER Working paper 22595 pdf
Report by Tom Bennett With an introduction from Tony McAleavy.
The school Research Lead. ResearchEd pdf
Jean Stockard (September 14, 2016). Best evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse. blog
Eric A. Hanushek and Steven G. Rivkin (2010). Generalizations about Using Value-Added Measures of Teacher Quality. AEA Papers and Proceedings may, 267-271. pdf
Jelte M. Wicherts, Coosje L. Veldkamp, Hilde E. Augusteijn, Marjan Bakker, Robbie C. van Aert and Marcel A. van Assen (2016). Degrees of freedom in planning, running, analyzing, and reporting psychological studies A checklist to avoid p-hacking. Frontiers in Psychology. abstract
M. van der Steeg (Marc) 2016-11-24. Essays on teacher quality and coaching. Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit. free full text pdf
Typisch onderwijsonderzoek zoals economen dat doen? Ik heb het nog niet bekeken. Behalve dan de literatuurlijst: daar blijkt weer de kokervisie van onderwijseconomen, vrijwel uitsluitend economische literatuur, ook al beweegt Van der Steeg zich op algemene onderwijsterreinen (niet uitsluitend specifiek economisch, sterke uitspraken die niet alleen maar economisch van aard zijn).
Classroom Research and Cargo Cults. by E. Donald Hirsch Jr. (Tuesday, October 1, 2002). Policy Review Hoover Institution. article
The Cork in the Bottle.
Richard P. Phelps. blog
Recommended Educational Research Papers for Teachers to Read. webpage
Schneider, M., & Preckel, F. (2017, March 23). Variables Associated With Achievement in Higher Education: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses. Psychological Bulletin Advance online publication.
Mark as interesting Comment Delete highlight
Variables Associated With Achievement in Higher Education: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses. Available from: [accessed Mar 29, 2017]. researchgate
Hattie Effect Size 2016 Update
January 18, 2017 by Shaun Killian
Teaching critical thinking
N. G. Holmes, Carl E. Wieman and D. A. Bonn (2015).
open access
Kim Schildkamp a.o. (2016). Factors promoting and hindering data-based decision making in schools. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice. open access
La recherche sur l’éducation. Contributions des chercheurs. Avril 2017. Rapport remis à M. Thierry MANDON, Secrétaire d’État chargé de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche. Rédaction : Françoise Thibault, Déééguée générale de l’Alliance ATHENA, Vice-présidente de la FMSH de Paris Pour la partie STIC, Catherine Garbay, directrice de recherche au CNRS, Chargée de mission ALLISTENE pdf
o.a. contribution by Tricot.
A Review of Self-regulated Learning: Six Models and Four Directions for Research
Ernesto Panadero (2017). Frontiers in Psychology. Educational Psychology
open access
Engelmann Ch 5. Follow through evaluation. 224-253
Whose justice is this! Capitalism, class and education justice and inclusion in the Nordic countries: race, space and class history Dennis Beach (2017). Educational Review info
Growth in Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Achievement in Primary School: A Bivariate Transition Multilevel Growth Curve Model Approach · Mar 2017 Dickson Nkafu Anumendem ; Bieke De Fraine ; Patrick Onghena ; Jan Van Damme
Schneider, M., & Preckel, F. (2017, March 23). Variables Associated With Achievement in Higher Education: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses. Psychological Bulletin. Advance online publication.
Changing my mind on group work
Posted: May 27, 2017 | Author: Greg Ashman blog
On a meta=analysis by Slavin.
Why statistical inference from clinical trials is likely to generate false and irreproducible results
Leonid Hanin (2017). BMC Medical Research Methodology open access
What works may hurt: Side effects in education. Yong Zhao 2017 J Educ Change download
Jacqueline P. Leighton (2017). Using think-aloud interviews and cognitive labs in educational research. Understanding qualitative research. Oxford UP. Very expensive even as pb or eBook. info
The Dissolution of Education Knowledge Richard P. Phelps pdf
Dismissive Reviews: Academe’s Memory Hole
May 30, 2012 | Richard P. Phelps
Brian Creese, Alvaro Gonzalez and Tina Isaacs (2016). Comparing international curriculum systems: the international instructional systems study The Curriculum Journal, 27, 5-23. free access
Educational Research:The Hardest Science of All
by David C. Berliner (2012). Educational Researcher, 31, #8, 18–20 pdf
The Impact of Symmetry: Explaining Contradictory Results Concerning Working Memory, Reasoning, and Complex Problem Solving. Alexandra Zech, Markus Bühner, Stephan Kröner, Moritz Heene and Sven Hilbert (2017). Journal of Intelligence. open access
[levels of aggregation]
Dana Charles McCoy a.o. (2017). Impacts of Early Childhood Education on Medium- and Long-Term Educational Outcomes. Educational Researcher abstract & references
The Weak Spots in Contemporary Science (and How to Fix Them). Jelte M. Wicherts (2017).
open access
Philip Ball (16 November 2016). The mathematics of science's broken reward system.
Montessori education: a review of the evidence base
Chloë Marshall (2017). npj Science of Learning, 2open access
Do Students Show What They Know on Standardized Tests?
working papers (2016)
John A. List,
Jeffrey A Livingston,
Susanne Neckermann
Does Pre-k Work? It Depends How Picky You Are
Grover J. 'Russ' Whitehurst (Wednesday, February 26, 2014). blog [via Heather Fearn]
Impacts of Early Childhood Education on Medium- and Long-Term Educational Outcomes’ [USA]. (includes controversial Perry Preschool study). open access. Criticism on the Perry PP: @HeatherBellaF Puts a bomb under this meta-analysis?
José A. Robles-Zurita
(2017). Cognitive skills and the LOGSE reform in Spain: evidence from PIAAC. SERIEs, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 401–415
open access
Gabriel Heller-Sahlgren (2018). Smart but unhappy: Independent-school competition and the wellbeing efficiency trade-off in education pdf
Ph. Kohnstamm (1952). Keur uit het didactisch werk. Wolters.
(vooral: intelligentie en het testen daarvan voor en in school; over het rapport Bolkestein)
Jean Stockard, Timothy W. Wood, Cristy Coughlin, Caitlin Rasplica Khoury (2018). The Effectiveness of Direct Instruction Curricula: A Meta-Analysis of a Half Century of Research. Review of Educational Research abstract & references
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This article describes a triarchic analysis of an aptitude–treatment interaction in a college-level introductory psychology course given to selected high school students. Of the 326 total participants, 199 were selected to be high in analytical, creative, or practical abilities, or in all 3 abilities, or in none of the 3 abilities. The selected students were placed in a course that either well matched or did not match their pattern of analytical, creative, and practical abilities. All students were assessed for memory, analytical, creative, and practical achievement. The data showed an aptitude–treatment interaction between students' varied ability patterns and the match or mismatch of these abilities to the different instructional groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
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FOR A FIELD coming somewhat late to the replication crisis party, it’s ironic that economics identified its own credibility issues early. In 1983 Edward Leamer, an economist at UCLA, published a lecture he called “Let’s Take the Con Out of Econometrics.” Leamer took his colleagues to task for the then-new practice of collecting data through observation and then fitting it to a model. In practice, Leamer said, econometricians fit their data against thousands of statistical models, found the one that worked the best, and then pretended that they were using that model all along. It’s a recipe for letting bias creep in.
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New digital laboratories of experimental
knowledge production: Artificial intelligence
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