Ben Williamson (2017). Educating Silicon Valley: Corporate education reform and the reproduction of the technoeconomic revolution. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies Volume 39, 2017 - Issue 3 open access
Sean Coughlan (15 september 2015). Computers 'do not improve' pupil results, says OECD BBC News webpage
Chris Anderson (2013). Makers. De nieuwe industriële revolutie. [Makers: The new industrial revolution] Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers. isbn 9789046813881 info
Allard Bijlsma & Yori Mul (2009). Handboek digibord & didactiek. Instrukt. isbn 9789046005774
Clay Shirky, introduced by Valerie Strauss (September 25 2014). Why a leading professor of new media just banned technology use in class. The Washington Post blog. pdf
Raphet Ackerman & Morris Goldsmith (2011). Metacognitive regulation of text learning: On screen versus on paper. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17, 18-32. academia access
See also Maria Konnikova
Hans de Jongh (11-7-2014). Oprukken van tablet in de klas baart psychologen zorgen. Financieel Dagblad webpagina
De psychologen zijn Han van der Maas (UvA, Rekentuin) en Jelle Jolles (VU).
Roderick Sims (2014). Design Alchemy : Transforming the way we think about learning and teaching. Springer. [als eBook in KB] info
C. Girard, J. Ecalle & A. Magnan (2013). Serious games as new educational tools: how effective are they? A meta-analysis of recent studies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29 abstract
M. Webb, D. Gibson & A. Forkosh-Baruch (2013). Challenges for information technology supporting educational assessment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29 abstract
Pieter Wouters, Christof van Nimwegen, Herre van Oostendorp, and Erik D. van der Spek (2013). A Meta-Analysis of the Cognitive and Motivational Effects of Serious Games. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 249-265. pdf
Voor motivatie maken ze geen verschil, cognitieve effecten: d = 0,29. Dat laatste effect is niet interessant voor wie het om verbetering van onderwijsresulaten is te doen (zie Hattie over de betekenis van effectgrootte; zijn benchmark is d = 0,4; dat wil zeggen dat dat pas het punt is waar de teller begint te lopen).
Gary M. Olson & Judith S. Olson (2003). Human-Computer Interaction: Psychological Aspects of the Human Use of Computing. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, 491-516. pdf
From the Summary and Conclusions p. 511
John A. Bargh and Katelyn Y. A. McKenna (2004). The internet and social life. Annual Review of Psychology, 55, 573-590. abstract
Michiel van Geloven (2008). De business case van onderwijsvernieuwing. De duurzame resultaten van zes jaar samenwerken in de Digitale Universiteit. Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs
Fleur Ruth Prinsen , Jan Terwel , Bonne J.H. Zijlstra & Monique M.L. Volman (2013) The effects of guided elaboration in a CSCL programme on the learning outcomes of primary school students from Dutch and immigrant families. Educational Research and Evaluation, 2013 Vol. 19, No. 1, 39–57 abstract
Michael Henderson, Nicola F. Johnson & Glenn Auld (2013) Silences of ethical practice: dilemmas for researchers using social media, Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 19:6, 546-560abstract
Samuel Greiff, Sascha Wüstenberg, Daniel V. Holt, Frank Goldhammer & Joachim Funke (2013). Computer-based assessment of Complex Problem Solving: concept, implementation, and application. Education Tech Research Dev (2013) 61:407–421 abstract
Ik denk dat hier de onzin aardig bij elkaar staat: probleemoplossen, maar dan losgezongen van expertise.
David Jonassen (Ed.) (1996 1st). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. AECD. [] info
David Jonassen & Marcy Driscoll (Eds.) (20xx 2nd). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. AECD. [KB eBooks] info
J. Micheal Spector, M. David Merrill, Jeroen Van Merrienboer, and Marcy P. Driscoll (Eds.) (2007 3rd). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. AECD. [] info [Mashhad University, Iran, heeft het hele boek online staan . . . ]
William G. Bowen (2013). Higher Education in the Digital Age. Princeton University Press. site en preface
Florin D. Salajan (2013). Policy Formulation and Networks of Practice in European eLearning: the emergence of a European E-Learning Area. European Journal of Education. Special Issue: Adult Learning Systems in a Comparative Perspective. Volume 48, Issue 2, pages 292–310, June 2013 abstract
Yves Punie, Lieve Van den Brande and Ilkka Tuomi (Guest editors) (2013). Special Issue: ICT and Education: taking stock of progress and looking at the future. European Journal of Education, 48, 1-192. free online
Rebecca Y. C. Ong (2010). Mobile communication and the protection of children. Leiden. dissertatie ophalen
Manfred Spitzer (2013). Digitale dementie. Hoe wij ons verstand kapot maken. Atlas Contact. isbn 9789045024332 site
Ik maak een uitvoerige annotatie op dit boek zie hier. De annotatie verschijnt werkendeweg in een discussie in de Linkedin-groep Kennisnet (gestart: vrijdag 29 juni).
Michael Bowen (2013). Higher Education in the Digital Age. Princeton University Press site. [In KB als eBook]
Byte. Oude jaargangen beschikbaar op, bijvoorbeeld uit 1980 nummer 8
Qing Li & Xin Ma (2010). A Meta-analysis of the Effects of Computer Technology on School Students’ Mathematics Learning. Educational Psychology Review, 22, 215-243. abstract
Ik heb een vermoeden dat deze auteurs ten onrechte zo optimistisch zijn over de ‘effecten’ van ICT op wiskundeprestaties. Maar ja, daarvoor moet je zo’n meta-analyse dan weer van begin tot eind doornemen. En dan vergelijken met wat Hattie heeft te melden (die nog niet de beschikking over deze meta-studie heeft gehad, neem ik aan). Ha, zie de meta-analyse van Cheung & Slavin (2011) hier.
Hersh C. Waxman, Meng-Fen Lin & Georgette M. Michko (2003). A Meta-Analysis of the Effectivenesss of Teaching and Learning With Technology on Student Outcomes. Learning Point Associates; Meta-Analysis of Technology. pdf
Alan C. K. Cheung & Robert E. Slavin (2013). The effectiveness of educational technology applications for enhancing mathematics achievement in K-12 classrooms: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 9, 88-113. abstract en report July, 2011
Adrienne van den Bogaard, Harry Lintsen, Frank Veraart & Onno de Wit (Red.) (2008). De eeuw van de computer. De geschiedenis van de informatietechnologie in Nederland. Kluwer. abstract
Robert A. Rhoads, Jennifer Berdan, and Brit Toven-Lindsey (2013). The Open Courseware Movement in Higher Education: Unmasking Power and Raising Questions about the Movement's Democratic Potential . Educational Theory, 63, 87-109. abstract en free pdf
Margaret A. Honey and Margaret L. Hilton (Eds.) (2011). Learning Science Through Computer Games and Simulations. Committee on Science Learning: Computer Games, Simulations, and Educationonline
Pieter Wouters, Christof van Nimwegen, Herre van Oostendorp & Erik D. van der Spek (2013xxx) A Meta-Analysis of the Cognitive and Motivational Effects of Serious Games. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0031311pdf
Kristopher J. Kopp, M. Anne Britt Keith Millis & Arthur C. Graesser (2012). Improving the efficiency of dialogue in tutoring. Learning and Instruction, 22, 320-330.abstract of pdf [via site van Britt]
Intelligent tutoring systems. Dit is geen gelegenheidsonderzoekje, maar staat in een heel lange onderzoektraditie naar de ontwikkeling van systemen van intelligente instructie waar o.a. ook Stellan Ohlsson bij betrokken is.
Anna Wong, Wayne Leahy, Nadine Marcus & John Sweller (2012). Cognitive load theory, the transient information effect and e-learning. Learning and Instruction, 22, 449-457. pdf
Sebastian Kelle (2012_. Game Design Patterns for Learning. Aachen: Shaker Verlag. Proefschrift Open Universiteit. pdf
Dit terrein is nog niet echt rijp voor ontginning door onderwijsontwikkelaars.
Paul A. Kirschner (2002). Cognitive load theory: Implications of cognitive load theory on the design of learning. Learning and instruction, 12(1):1-10.pdf
Tabbers, H. K., Martens, R. L., and Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2004). Multimedia instructions and cognitive load theory: Effects of modality and cueing. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74 (1): 71-81.abstract
Helen Stout & Martin de Jong (2005). Over spreektelegraaf en beeldtelefoon. De rol van de overheid bij technologische transities in infrastructuurgebonden sectoren. Lemma.
Thanasis Daradoumis, Santi Caballé, Angel A. Juan & Fatos Xhafa (Eds.) (2011). Technology-Enhanced Systems and Tools for Collaborative Learning Scaffolding. Springer. site
PISA 2009 Results: Students On Line. Digital Technologies and Performance. Volume VI. OECD Online te lezen (niet binnen te halen)
Constance Steinkuhler, Kurt Squire & Sasha Barab (Eds.) (2012). Games, Learning, and Society. Learning and Meaning in the Digital Age. Cambridge University Press. site
Willem Houtkoop, Jim Allen, Marieke Buisman, Didier Fouarge & Rolf van der Velden (2012). Kernvaardigheden in Nederland. Resultaten van de Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALL). Expertisecentrum Beroepsonderwijs. Roa. pdf
Het bijzondere van dit rapport is dat in die Survey ook is gevraagd naar ICT-vaardigheden en activiteiten. Bij volwassenen. Het rapport laat dus onbedoeld iets zien van de irrelevantie van ICT-onderwijs in basis- en voortgezet onderwijs: bijna alle volwassenen gebruiken ICT in het dagelijks leven (beroep, thuis), terwijl vrijwel iedereen het zonder specifiek onderwijs in ICT-vaardigheden heeft moeten doen.
Catherine Chase, Doris B. Chin, Marily Oppezzo, & Daniel L. Schwartz (in druk). Teachable Agents and the Protégé Effect: Increasing the Effort Towards Learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology. pdf concept
Doris B. Chin, Ilsa M. Dohmen, Britte H. Cheng, Marily A. Oppezzo, Catherine C. Chase & Daniel L. Schwartz (2012?). Preparing Students for Future Learning with Teachable Agents. pdf
Daniel L. Schwartz, Catherine Chase, Doris Chin, Marily Oppezzo, Henry Kwong, Sandra Okita, Rod Roscoe, Hoyeong Jeong, John Wagster, & Gautam Biswas (2012?). Interactive Metacognition: Monitoring and Regulating a Teachable Agent. In D. J. Hacker, J. Dunlosky, and A. C. Graesser (Eds.), Handbook of Metacognition in Education. pdf
Kristen Blair, Daniel L. Schwartz, Gautam Biswas & Krittaya Leelawong (To appear). Pedagogical Agents for Learning by Teaching: Teachable Agents. Educational Technology. pdf
Computers, productive agency, and the effort after shared meaning. Journal of Computing in Higher Education.
Technology support for complex problem solving: From SAD environments to AI. In Smart machines in education: The coming revolution in educational technology
Teachable agents: Combining insights from learning theory and computer science. In Artificial Intelligence in Education
Qualitative reasoning techniques to support learning by teaching: The Teachable Agents project. The Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning
Thomas Bernold & James Finkelstein (Eds.) (1988). Computer Assisted Approaches to Learning. Foundations of Industry's Future. North Holland. isbn 0444703837
Ingrid A. E. Spanjers, Tamara van Gog & Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer (2010). A Theoretical Analysis of How Segmentation of Dynamic Visualizations Optimizes Students' Learning. Educational Psychology Review, 22, 411-423. open access pdf
Anne Schüler, Katharina Scheiter & Erlijn van Genuchten (2011). The Role of Working Memory in Multimedia Instruction: Is Working Memory Working During Learning from Text and Pictures? Educational Psychology Review, 23, 389-411. abstract
Björn B. de Koning & Huib K. Tabbers (2011). Facilitating understanding of movements in dynamic visualizations: An embodied perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 23, 501-521. open access pdf
Patricia D. Mautone and Richard E. Mayer (2001). Signaling as a Cognitive Guide in Multimedia Learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 377-389. pdf
Richard E. Mayer & Paul Chandler (2001). When Learning Is Just a Click Away: Does Simple User Interaction FosterDeeper Understanding of Multimedia Messages? Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 390-397. pdf
Will Richardson (2009 2nd). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Corwin Press.
Edgar L. Morphet & David L. Jesser (Eds.) (1969). Planning for Effective Utilization of Technology in Education. Designing Education for the Future no. 6. New York: Citation Press. lccc 67-22887
Jos Tolboom (2012). The potential of a classroom network to support teacher feedback. A study in statistics education. Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
L. Brent Igo, Roger Bruning & Matthew T. McCrudden (2005). Exploring Differences in Students’ Copy-and-Paste Decision Making and Processing: A Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97, 103-116. abstract
L. Brent Igo and Kenneth A. Kiewra (2007). How Do High-Achieving Students Approach Web-Based, Copy and Paste note Taking? Selective Pasting and Related Learning Outcomes. Journal of Advanced Academics, Volum 18, 512-529. abstract
Het punt is: ICT voegt hier dus niets noemenswaards toe aan de leerprocessen. De betere studenten hebben er geen nadeel van, anderen maken er geen goed gebruik van.
Sarah Prestridge (2010). ICT professional development for teachers in online forums: Analysing the role of discussion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 252-258.
Ian Gorton (2006). Essential Software Architecture. Springer.
S. de Koster, E. Kuiper & M. Volman (2012). Concept-guided development of ICT use in ‘traditional’ and ‘innovative’ primary schools: what types of ICT use do schools develop? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Early View). abstract
Uitgeverij Routledge komt met een serie boeken ‘Interdisciplinary Approaches to Educational Technology’ onder redactie van J. Michael Spector. Hij is de auteur van het openingsdeel, dat een voorproefje geeft van wat de serie gaat brengen:
J. Michael Spector (2012). Foundations of Educational Technology. Integrative approaches and interdisciplinary perspectives. Routledge.
Mijn eerste indruk is dat dit een serieuze onderneming is: geen PR voor ‘21st century skills’, maar een stand van zaken met uitdrukkelijke verwijzing naar de psychologische basis (John Anderson’s ACT-R theorie, Ericsson’s onderzoek over expertise, instructional design). Spector is van de club die de inzet van technologie laat volgen uit het onderwijskundig ontwerp.,%20Michael
Ter illustratie neem ik in het kort zijn lijst ‘Technology integration principles’ over:
Neil Selwyn (2011). Schools and Schooling in the Digital Age. A Critical Analysis. Routledge. reviewed
Voor mij een belangrijk boek: kritisch over ICT in het onderwijs. Inspirerend. Ik zoek nog naar andere publicaties op dezelfde thematiek, maar dan online bereikbaar. Selwyn schrijft in rap tempo boeken, bijvoorbeeld: Global Perspectives on Technology and Education (2013), Education and Technology. Key Issues and Debates (2011), Making sense of young people, education and digital technology: the role of sociological theory. Oxford Review of Education, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2012 Special Issue: Digital technologies in the lives of young people abstract. Op zijn website ook een lijstje met Links to some online writing and papers (in English).
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Vivien Hodgson & David McConnell (Eds.) (2012). Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning. Springer. Fantastische zwamkousen, maar deze zwamkousen hebben wel het toneel, helaas. Het lezen van kletspraat is buitengewoon moeizaam omdat alles wat er wordt geschreven als zilverzand tussen je vingers wegloopt. Afijn, ik heb enkele hoofdstukken diagonaal doorgenomen. Let op de verwijzing naar het proefschrift van De Laat (Politie Academie, promotor Robert-Jan Simons).
Part II Developing Understandings of Networked Learning
With the popularisation of web 2.0 practices and technologies, we have also witnessed a re-vitalisation or renaissance of terms such as collaboration, sharing, dialogue, participation, student-centred learning, and the need to position students as producers, rather than consumers of knowledge. These are, however, pedagogical ideals, which have been prominent within research areas such as Networked Learning, CSCL and CMC-research well before the emergence of web 2.0. They even pre-date the Internet and World Wide Web (Jones and Dirckinck-Holmfeld 2009 ). This dialogical, collaborative perspective, which Weller ( 2007 ) characterises as the “discussion view,” has existed and thrived. However, it seems fair to say that the mainstream and institutional uptake of learning technologies has been primarily oriented towards the “broadcast view,” defi ned by Weller ( 2007 ) as delivering content or resources globally, fl exibly and on demand to the individual users. [vet: mijn nadruk]
Ryberg, Buus & Georgsen, 2012, p. 43
Weller, M. (2007). Virtual learning environments: Effective development and use. Routledge [dit lijkt me een toevallige greep uit de boekenkast. bw]
Jones, C., & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L. (2009). Analysing networked learning practices. In L. Dirckinck-Holmfeld, C. Jones, & B. Lindström (Eds.), Analysing networked learning practices in higher education and continuing professional development. Technology-Enhanced Learning (pp. 10 - 27). Sense Publishers. pdf
the . . . . notion of connectivism has been presented as “a learning theory for the twenty-first century,” and has been closely linked with the recent technological changes — in particular, the pervasiveness of various “ networked technologies” such as email, the web and more recently, social networking, blogs, RSS and various mechanisms for aggregating and filtering information . . .
Ryberg, Buus & Georgsen, 2012, p. 43-44
The notion of connectivism has been most vividly explored by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, and the authors make some references to the broader heading of networked learning. In an online paper titled “A Brief History of Networked Learning,” Siemens ( 2008 ) makes references to research projects at Lancaster University and the thesis by de Laat ( 2006 ) .
Ryberg, Buus & Georgsen, 2012, p. 44
Siemens, G. (2008). Collective intelligence? Nah. Connective intelligence - elearnspace. elearnspace - Learning, networks, knowledge, technology, community . Retrieved November 17, 2009, from html
de Laat, M. (2006). Networked learning. proefschrift Universiteit Utrecht. Politie Acedemie, Apeldoorn. pdf [Promotor is de protagonist van het Nieuwe Leren Robert-Jan Simons, copromotor Etienne Wenger [De crux is hier misschien hoofdstuk 3, waarin de de constructivistische onzin bij elkaar komt in de vorm van design research. Toch is dit in een redelijk goed tijdschrift gepubliceerd: De Laat, M.F., & Lally, V. (2003). Complexity, theory and praxis: Researching collaborative learning and tutoring processes in a networked learning community. Instructional Science, 31, 7-39. In hetzelfde tijdschrift is ook hoofdstuk 6 als artuikel gepubliceerd, met Simons als co-auteur]
Part VI Identity, Cultural Capital and Networked Learning
Part VII Conclusions
Michel Walrave, Wannes Heirman, Sara Mels, Christiane Timmerman & Heidi Vandebosch (Eds.) (2012). eYouth Balancing between Opportunities and Risks. Peter Lang.
J. D. Fletcher, Sigmund Tobias and Robert A. Wisher (2007). Learning Anytime, Anywhere: Advanced Distributed Learning and the Changing Face of Education. Educational Researcher March 2007 36: 96-102 first page: volledig artikel:
Gavriel Salomon, David Perkins & Tamar Globerson (1991). Partners in Cognition: Extending Human Intelligence with Intelligent Technologies. Educational Researcher, 20 #3: 2-9. first page
Rosemary Luckin (2010). Re-designing Learning Contexts. Technology-rich, learner-centred ecologies. Routledge.
Neil Selwyn (2011). Schools and Schooling in the Digital Age. Routledge.
Nico Rutten, Wouter R. van Joolingen, Jan T. van der Veen (2012). The learning effects of computer simulations in science education. . Computers & Education, 58, 136-153
Amy M. Johnson, Roger Azevedo & Sidney K. D’Mello (2011): The Temporal and
Dynamic Nature of Self-Regulatory Processes During Independent and Externally Assisted Hypermedia Learning, Cognition and Instruction, 29:4, 471-504.
Christine Greenhow, Beth Robelia, & Joan E. Hughes (2009). Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship in a Digital Age: Web 2.0 and Classroom Research: What Path Should We Take Now? Educational Researcher, 38 246-259, doi:10.3102/0013189X09336671
Chris Dede (2009). Comments on Greenhow, Robelia, and Hughes: Technologies That Facilitate Generating Knowledge and Possibly Wisdom Educational Researcher, 38 260-263, doi:10.3102/0013189X09336672
Donald J. Leu, W. Ian O’Byrne, Lisa Zawilinski, J. Greg McVerry, & Heidi Everett-Cacopardo (2009). Comments on Greenhow, Robelia, and Hughes: Expanding the New Literacies Conversation Educational Researcher, 38 264-269, doi:10.3102/0013189X09336676
Ronald D. Owston (2009). Comments on Greenhow, Robelia, and Hughes: Digital Immersion, Teacher Learning, and Games Educational Researcher, 38 270-273, doi:10.3102/0013189X09336673
Jianwei Zhang (2009). Comments on Greenhow, Robelia, and Hughes: Toward a Creative Social Web for Learners and Teachers Educational Researcher, 38 274-279, doi:10.3102/0013189X09336674
Christine Greenhow, Beth Robelia & Joan E. Hughes (2009). Response to Comments: Research on Learning and Teaching With Web 2.0: Bridging Conversations Educational Researcher, 38 280-283, doi:10.3102/0013189X09336675
Justin Reich, Richard Murnane and John Willett (2012). The State of Wiki Usage in U.S. K-12 Schools : Leveraging Web 2.0 Data Warehouses to Assess Quality and Equity in Online Learning Environments. Educational Researcher, 41, jan/feb
Traci Sitzmann (2011). A meta-analytic examination of the instructional effectiveness of computer-based simulation games. Personnel Psychology, 64, 489-528. abstract
Cary J. Roseth, Andy J. Saltarelli & Chris J. Glass (2011). Effects of face-to-face and computer-mediated constructive controversy on social interdependence, motivation, and achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 804-820. abstract
Priya K. Nihalani, Michael Mayrath & Daniel H. Robinson (2011). When feedback harms and collaboration helps in computer simulation environments: An expertise reversal effect. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 776-785. abstract
Olusola O. Adesope & John C. Nesbit (2012). Verbal Redundancy in Multimedia Learning Environments: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology 104, No. 1, 250-263
Deanne M. Adams, Richard E. Mayer, Andrew MacNamara, Alan Koenig and Richard Wainess (2012). Narrative Games for Learning: Testing the Discovery and Narrative Hypotheses. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, 235-249
Cornelia A. T. Kegel & Adriana G. Bus (2012). Online tutoring as a pivotal quality of web-based early literacy programs. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, 182-192. abstract
John Coleman (2012). Introduction: Digital technologies in the lives of young people. Oxford Review of Education, 38, 1-8. eerste pagina
Sonia Livingstone (2012): Critical reflections on the benefits of ICT in education, Oxford Review of Education, 38:1, 9-24abstract
Ola Erstad (2012): The learning lives of digital youth—beyond the formal and informal, Oxford Review of Education, 38:1, 25-43 abstract
John Furlong & Chris Davies (2012): Young people, new technologies and learning at home: taking context seriously, Oxford Review of Education, 38:1, 45-62. abstract
Charles Crook (2012): The ‘digital native’ in context: tensions associated with importing Web 2.0 practices into the school setting, Oxford Review of Education, 38:1, 63-80. abstract
Neil Selwyn (2012): Making sense of young people, education and digital technology: the role of sociological theory, Oxford Review of Education, 38:1, 81-96. abstract
Keri Facer (2012): Taking the 21st century seriously: young people, education and socio-technical futures, Oxford Review of Education, 38:1, 97-113. abstract
Geoff Dromey (1989). Program Derivation. The Development of Programs From Specifications. Addison Wesley.
Judith R. Brown & Steve Cunningham (1989). Programming the user interface. Principles and examples. Wiley.
Badrul H. Khan (Ed.) (2007). Flexible Learning in an Information Society. Information Science Publishing. sample pdf's
Carl F. Kaestle (1985). The history of literacy and the history of readers. In Edmund W. Gordon (Ed.): Review of Research in Education, volume 12, 11-54. Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association. first page
J. Michael Spector, Celestia Ohrazda, Andrew van Schaack & David A. Wiley (Eds.) (2005). Innovations in Instructional Technology. Essays in Honor of M. David Merrill. Erlbaum
Richard E. Mayer (Ed.) (1988). Teaching and Learning Computer Programming. Multiple Research Perspectives. Erlbaum. [eBook in KB]
Harold Abelson & Andrea A. diSessa (1980).Turtle Geometry. The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics. MIT Press.
Maike van Damme, Jos de Haan, Karolus Kraan, Tobias Kwakkelstein, Jan de Leede, Bram Steijn & Kea Tijdens (2005). Verzonken technologie. ICT en de arbeidsmarkt. Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. pdf ophalen
Arjan Dasselaar (2004). Handboek internetresearch. Van Duuren Media.
Bebo White, Irwin King & Philip Tsang (Eds.) (2011). Social Media Toos and Platforms in Learning Environments. Springer. inhoud:
Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud (Eds.) (2011). Digital Cognitive Technologies. Epistemology and the Knowledge Economy. Wiley.
Digital Cognitive Technologies is an interdisciplinary book which assesses the socio-technical stakes of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which are at the core of the “Knowledge Society”. This book addresses eight major issues, analyzed by authors writing from a Human and Social Science and a Science and Technology perspective. The contributions seek to explore whether and how ICTs are changing our perception of time, space, social structures and networks, document writing and dissemination, sense-making and interpretation, cooperation, politics and the dynamics of collective activity (socio-informatics).
1. Elements for a Digital Historiography, Andrea Iacovella.
2. “In Search of Real Time” or Man Facing the Desire and Duty of Speed, Luc Bonneville and Sylvie Grosjean.
3. Narrativity Against Temporality: a Computational Model for Story Processing, Eddie Soulier.
4. Are Virtual Maps used for Orientation?, Alain Milon.
5. Geography of the Information Society, Henry Bakis and Philippe Vidal.
6. Mapping Public Web Space with the Issuecrawler, Richard Rogers.
7. Metrology of Internet Networks, Nicolas Larrieu and Philippe Owezarski.
8. Online Social Networks: A Research Object for Computer Science and Social Sciences, Dominique Cardon and Christophe Prieur.
9. Analysis of Heterogenous Networks: the ReseauLu Project, Alberto Cambrosio, Pascal Cottereau, Stefan Popowycz, Andrei Mogoutov and Tania Vichnevskaia.
10. Hypertext, an Intellectual Technology in the Era of Complexity, Jean Clément.
11. A Brief History of Software Resources for Qualitative Analysis, Christophe Lejeune.
12. Sea Peoples, Island Folk: Hypertext and Societies without Writing, Pierre Maranda.
13. Semantic Web and Ontologies, Philippe Laublet.
14. Interrelations between Types of Analysis and Types of Interpretation, Karl M. Van Meter.
15. Pluralism and Plurality of Interpretations, François Daoust and Jules Duchastel.
16. A Communicational and Documentary Theory of ICT, Manuel Zacklad.
17. Knowledge Distributed by ICT: How do Communication Networks Modify Epistemic Networks?, Bernard Conein.
18. Towards New Links between HSS and Computer Science: the CoolDev Project, Grégory Bourguin and Arnaud Lewandowski.
19. Electronic Voting and Computer Security, Stéphan Brunessaux.
20. Politicization of Socio-technical Spaces of Collective Cognition: the Practice of Public Wikis, Serge Proulx and Anne Goldenberg.
21. Liaising using a Multi-agent System, Maxime Morge.
22. The Interdisciplinary Dialog of Social Informatics, William Turner.
23. Limitations of Computerization of Sciences of Man and Society, Thierry Foucart.
24. The Internet in the Process of Data Collection and Dissemination, Gaël Gueguen and Saïd Yami.
About the Authors
Bernard Reber is a moral and political philosopher, and a research fellow at the CNRS-University Paris Descartes, France. His work centers on pluralist moral assessment of controversial technologies.
Claire Brossaud is a sociologist based in Paris. Her research concerns ICTs and their relations with urban and environmental
Shaffer, Phi Delta Kappan
Tony Scott, Michael Cole, Martin Engel (1992). Computers and education: A cultural constructivist perspective. Review of Research in Educartion, 18, 191-251.
Academic Medicine: May 2001 - Volume 76 - Issue 5 - p 469-472 Educating Physicians: Research Reports "Practicing" Medicine without Risk: Students' and Educators' Responses to High-fidelity Patient Simulation
Gordon, James A. MD, MPA; Wilkerson, William M. MD; Shaffer, David Williamson PhD; Armstrong, Elizabeth G. PhD
EDUCATIONAL STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS Volume 37, Number 2, 97-119, DOI: 10.1023/A:1003590914788 Mathematics and Virtual Culture: an Evolutionary Perspective on Technology and Mathematics Education David Williamson Shaffer and James J. Kaput
Epistemic Games by David Williamson Shaffer BARBARA MEANS, JEREMY ROSCHELLE, WILLIAM PENUEL, NORA SABELLI, AND GENEVA HAERTEL (2003). Technology’s Contribution to Teaching and Policy: Efficiency, Standardization, or Transformation? Review of Research in Education, 27, ch. 5.
Review of Educational Research June 2009, Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 576-600
DOI: 10.3102/0034654308326083 2009 AERA.
Learning With Computer-Based Learning Environments: A Literature Review of Computer Self-Efficacy
Daniel C. Moos, Gustavus Adolphus College, Roger Azevedo, University of Memphis
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Clifford Stoll (1999). Hightech heretic. Why computers don't belong in the classroom and other reflections by a computer contrarian. Doubleday. isbn <1--0385489757 — 221 pp, halfcloth, dj, mint 15 (Zie ook Brockman, met een interview met Stoll) -->
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Het gesprek met J. M. de Jong en J. A. Mulder van KPN is informatief. Dat komt omdat PTT actief is in scholing en experimenten, zoals ECOLE (een DELTA-experiment).
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All countries need literacy, and in industrial countries there is a growing awareness of the need for technical literacy - being able not just to read and write but to use computers and contribute to the worldwide flow ofinformation. Because of the rate of change, it is no longer sufficient to be made literate once. What we learned as children is no longer sufficient to enable us to participate as adults.
There are powerful arguments for lifelong education. But if we are not careful, we promote the wrong sort of education. There is the education that provides skills to cope with the complex world in which we live. Enthusiasts argue that since education will be provided on computers, we will have to know about computers even to learn. So we will be learning even more, while sales of gadgets to help us learn keep the consumer economy growing.
But there is another sort of education that. imparts skills and attitudes that enable people to make informed choices. Someone who has done mathematics GCSE will have a healthier approach to credit arrangements and taking out loans than someone who has not. Someone who has studied drama can express themselves and make their opinion felt.
These people can change the world in which they live. They are not mindlessly skilled to consume. 'they will understand the issues around digital television, they will understand mortgages, and they will understand. energy conservation and pollution. Critical consumers may not comply with some of the schemes that make the rich richer.
To stay alive in our society we have to earn our living. To do that we have to conform and give ourselves the skills to be employable so that we can consume to five. When we confuse being a good consumer with being a good citizen, we begin to feel it is our responsibility to understand how to consume better.
We apparently need lifelong learning because technology is changing our lives. People who do not know how to use these new technologies are locked out of many jobs, and they are locked out of opportunities to consume gadgets whose very use requires those skills. Adults are supposed to be embarrassed because some children know far more than they do about the gadgets. There are more than 50 million people in the United Kingdom, and almost everyone is going to need a computer at home and another at work or at school. If each is worth £500 there is a market of roughly £50 billion. The information itself will cost extra, and when the technology becomes obsolete there will be another £500 to get from everyone.
Whether individuals actually gain by this may be open to question. What is certain is that companies can make massive profits out of such a large change in society, by selling boxes, laying cables and providing content, including educational materials. But none of the investment will be worthwhile unless everyone is better educated to use the things.
Surely learning how to send email and use the web should not be a lifelong learning issue? Gadgets should be easier to use, so that they do riot take a lifetime to learn. Gadgets are just one symptom of our over-complex society. Another example is the UK tax sys,tem. The recent introduction of self-assessment is one of the many changes in our fastpaced society. lifelong education will help us to fill in tax returns - and whatever else we will have to do in the future. From the conventional point of view, lifelong learning helps us be better members of our society, less likely to fill in our tax returns incorrectly. It is our responsibility to learn to cope.
Another view is that the Inland Revenue could not cope, and they have now had the law changed so that everyone must do the job that they, the experts, could not cope with. Perhaps someone should have said that the tax system was too complex.
The question we should be asking is, are we making ourselves better than other people, or are we making ourselves a better world? If we learn new skills to own and master new technologies, we are merely making ourselves better than other people who do not have such privileges. In fact, we are making the world a worse place for the less well-off. On the other hand, if we see that the technologies we are supposed to understand are things made by other people, then they can be mastered at a much deeper level. Our complex world is our own creation, and we can change it - at least as soon as we decide to. By being more dis criminating in what we consume. we can force manufacturers to produce better goods. We know this from the consumer movement. We got safer products when we demanded them, so we should be able to have simpler and easier to understand products if we want them. Sadly we have been trained that it is our own fault, and therefore our responsibility to get ourselves educated, rather than to get the manufacturers educated. It is hard to see clearly because our whole culture and many of its institutions are caughtup with the same perspective. A simple example: in schools we teach our children how to use calculators. Using calculators is a useful skill. Maybe. On the other hand, it is quite easy to show that most of what we teach about calculators is how to overcome silly problems with the design of the calculators themselves. Try a simple VAT calculation on £100. The Casio MC100 says that 100+17.5% is 121.21212, while the similar-looking Casio SL300LC says 100+17.5% is 117.50. Should not these numbers be the same? Once we are initiated into how calculators work, it is quite hard to see the problems as unnecessary and avoidable - indeed many people learn to avoid using the % key. It seems, at first sight ,that calculators are a fixture of the modem world, and we had just better learn to use them. When I point out that calculators make mistakes I am met with derision. When I point out that calculators from the same manufacturer give different answers to the same problem, I am told that that is all the more reason to know how to use them properly. Only when I point out that almost identical-looking calculators do things very differently do people begin to see that something is slightly wrong.
We should not be learning how to use such things. We should be learning how to recognise and promote excellence, and learning how to recognise and deal with rubbish when we see it. And some people should be learning how to make decent products that work properly - and that may well be their lifelong learning challenge. ”
Smith, A. (1999). Teachers take a cue from Taco. The Times Higher Education Supplement april 2 1999.
The reader will certainly be helped towards his or her own response to such issues. but the book does not really make much headway with them. In fact, its authors infuriatingly shy away from any consideration of the role of the university as an institution through which society forms itself. They look at a variety of experimental and introductory usages of internet and intranet around UK universities and colleges and report on how they work.
The Dearing report argued the importance of adopting suitable strategies for employing communications and information technology, at national and local levels. Moreover. as the number of students grows and as distance learning becomes the necessary means of reaching them all, it becomes increasingly urgent for institutions to work collaboratively and, to use this book's favoured term, "asynchronously", to get the best results for the largest number of students. About a dozen of Dearing's recommendations refer to this. He foresaw considerable cost benefits from information technology, but complained that its full potential in the managing of academic institutions as well as in teaching and research was far from being realised.
This book is a multi-authored collaborative primer on methods and techniques for using IT as a substitute for face-to-face learning. It could well have hem titled De-inventing the Academy. For, using the Dearing report as its starting point, it shows us, in prime jargon-reinforced prose, how to replace many aspects of the university as we know it. The authors accept that the physical and simultaneous presence of students and instructors within campuses is likely to continue and to remain the best means for learning most things. The growing demand for distance-learning however. means that much has to be done to develop new substitutive tools and methods. This applies just as much to research and to university administrations that still rely, wastefully and confusingly, on paper. Marginal increases in efficiency per employee or per student could lead to massive savings.
"We aim to show throughout this book that there is a significant role for asynchronous collaboration within higher education institutions." By this, the authors mean e-mail, the World Wide Web and a variety of other new "groupware" tools and products that are enabling people to work together though not at the same time. Note that video-conferencing, for example, is a synchronous technique and a collaborative one. It does not fit into the category of collaborative asynchronicity, which the book is all about.
The writers, however, implicitly accept that a substantial element of teacher-pupil contact will transfer to electronic means. So profuse are those means, and so proliferating the experiments, that no clear pattern can be found among the many approaches discussed.
Some of thee implications are ominous, and one can detect a certain half-veiled authoritarianism in some of the conclusions, Take the example of the experience of three universities (Keele, Durham and UMIST) in developing groupware usable by all three. They report: "Lecturers must be willing to accept a different, more equal relationship with students .... Social protocols for group behaviour ... will need to be developed. Students need to be motivated to use the technology, for example, by making its use part of the assessed coursework... Existing person-to-person collaboration skills do not necessarily transfer.---It all suggests a new wave of discriminatory pressures on instructors.
Every new way of working requires its own discipline and constraints, collaborative asynchronous teaching more than most. The mechanisation of teaching will prove to be very demanding in this respect, if some of these experiments are anything to go by. Teaching and Coursework on Line (Taco), for example, provides through the web a system for authoring and delivering coursework, until now the most human of pedagogical activities. Lecturers choose from a range of question types and marking schemes and decide on weightings and confidence assessments. They can still add their own comments to their marking and integrate their other (online) teaching materials with the course system. One cn see how, gradually, the adoption of these systems will push live teaching into the background, how institutions will be able to share teachers and teaching materials. Though face-to-face encounters will somehow survive, the whole management of teaching, especially for more mature students, could pass through (perhaps ultimately into) a mechanised mode. I expect people will come to say how much better it is, while real teaching, where it continues to go on, will be castigated as unacceptably old fashioned and, paradoxically, become even more privileged and expensive. We are seeing the beginning of the "elitisation" of hand-made education - and that in an era when people affect to despise élites, demand that they justify themselves upon impossible criteria and deeply envy them.
The idea that the education of young adults should be founded on encounters with cadres of highly trained and strongly motivated intellectuals will die hard. But its erosion has started as surely as the computer swallowed up the printers, the most ancient of craftworkers, in a matter of a single generation, as surely as it downgraded bank-workers and shopkeepers. One might say that higher education is confronting its version of the spinning jenny.
Anthonyy Smith is ppresident, Magdalen College, Oxford.”
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William W. Brickman & Stanley Lehrer (Eds.) (1966). Automation, education, and human values. New York: School & Society Books. lccc 65-15294 419 pp cloth ex-lib Man, automation, and dignity / Stanley Lehrer -- When men and machines work together / William G. Mather -- Changing technology and changing culture / Arnold B. Barach -- The mixed blessings of automation / George E. Arnstein -- The challenge of automation to education for human Values / Margaret Mead -- Automation : the paradoxes of abundance / Charles R. Bowen -- The humanities in the sixties / Warner G. Rice -- Education for humane living in an age of automation / G. Bruce Dearing -- Education, automation, and humanistic competence / Peter E. Siegle -- The education of the executive as new humanist / C.M.D. Peters -- Some questions concerning humanistic education and automation / Emery F. Bacon -- Technological change, humanistic imperatives, and the tragic sense / Luther H. Harshabarger -- The impact of technology and the sciences on human values / Ralph Wendell Burhoe -- The scholar-educator and automation / William W. Brickman -- Humanistic invention in the post-industrial age / August Heckscher -- Education, technological change, and the new society / Roy C. Buck -- The impact of technology and the need for a dialogue / Lawrence K. William -- Automation and education : reflections on the involvement of government / James A. Donovan, Jr. -- A labor view of the social and educational implications of technological change / Walter L. Davis -- Automation and some neglected aspects of society and education / Luther H. Evans -- Education : the central need of 20th-century America / Hubert H. Humphrey -- The technological revolution and education / Anthony J. Celebrezze -- Automation : boon or bane for education? / Francis Keppel -- Stay-at-home classrooms for space-age adults / Norman D. Kurland -- Education for the world of work / Virgil M. Rogers -- The role of work in the socialization of the adolescent / Dale B. Harris -- Training 1974 : the revolution in learning / John W. Ball, Donald J. Lloyd, & Albert J. Croft -- Free time : the new imperative in our society / Donald N. Michael -- Work, leisure, and education / William W. Brickman -- Technological change and health / John Mac Iver -- Automation, education, and creativity / Stanley Foster Reed -- Technological culture, the university, and the function of religious faith / Myron B. Bloy Jr. -- Conclusion : And see it whole / Maxwell H. Goldberg -- Appendix : Points of view.
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Students are Better Off without a Laptop in the Classroom. What do you think they’ll actually use it for? By Cindi May on July 11, 2017/ Scientific American blog
Digital Childhood. Addressing Childhood Development Milestones in the Digital Environment. Baroness Beeban Kidron, Founder 5Rights & Dr. Angharad Rudkin, University of Southampton. With contributions from: Prof. Miranda Wolpert, Anna Freud Centre/UCL, Prof. Joanna Adler, Middlesex University London, Dr. Andrew K. Przybylski, University of Oxford, Dr. Elvira Perez Vallejos, University of Nottingham, Dr. Henrietta Bowden-Jones, Imperial College London, Dr. Joshua J. Chauvin, Mindstrong Health, Dr. Kathryn L. Mills, University of Oregon, Prof. Marina Jirotka, University of Oxford, Dr. Julian Childs, Anna Freud Centre/UCL pdf
Internet Literacy Handbook . Council of Europe free download
Greg P. Kearsley (ed) (1987). Artificial intelligence and instruction; applications and methods. Amsterdam: Addison-Wesley. isbn 0201116545.
Ben Williamson, Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Catarina Player-Koro & Neil Selwyn (2018). Education recoded: policy mobilities in the international 'learning to code' agenda. Journal of Education Policy open
Jos de Haan Frank Huysmans Jan Steyaert (2002). Van huis uit digitaal. Verwerving van digitale vaardigheden tussen thuismilieu en schoolophalen
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Daniel T. Willingham (2019). The digital expansion of the mind gone wrong in education. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition abstract
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Ben Williamson,Rebecca Eynon &John Potter (2020). Pandemic politics, pedagogies and practices: digital technologies and distance education during the coronavirus emergency. Learning, Media and Technology, 45 free
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Kenneth J. Saltman (21 July 2020).Artificial intelligence and the technological turn of public education privatization: In defence of democratic education. London Review of Education open
Ben Williamson & Rebecca Eynon (2020). Historical threads, missing links, and future directions in AI in education. Editorial. Learing, Media and Technology open & Twitter thread
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Ben Williamson (2021). Re-engineering the infrastructure of performance-based accountability. For-profit philanthropy, learning sciences, and automated education at the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative. [Author manuscript of chapter published in Grek, S., Maroy, C. and Verger, A. (eds). 2021. World Yearbook of Education: Accountability and Datafication in the Governance of Education, pp. 59-75. Abingdon: Routledge, sotiria-grek-christian-maroy-antoni-verger/e/10.4324/9781003014164]
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BYTE Magazine zie
Ad Verbrugge & Jelle van Baardewijk (Red.) (2017). Onderwijs in tijden van digitalisering. Boom 9789024404889 o.a.: Johannes Visser: Waarom de docent van de toekomst geen robot is. Gerard Verhoef: Veertig jaar computers in het onderwijs 53. Aleid Truijens: Kennis zit niet meer in de hersenen. 91. o.a. Harold Bekkering Neurocognitieve perspectieven voor ICT in de klas. Ad Verbrugge: Wie weet hier de weg? Jelle van Baardewijk: Gegoogel met studenten. Waarom digitalisering het universitaire onderwijs bedreigt.
Martin Ford (2016). De opmars van robots. Hoe technologie veel banen zal doen verdwijnen. Q/nl 9789021402956 328 blz.
Frank Pasquale (2021). New laws of robotics. Defending expertise in the age of AI. The Belknap Press/Harvard UP. 9780674975224
Mark H. Lee (2021). How to grow a robot. Developing human-friendly social AI. MIT Press. 978026204371 365 pp cloth dj
Abby Smith Rumsey (2016). When we are no more. How digital memory is shaping our future. Bloomsbury Press. 9781620408025
Jaron Lanier (2013). Who Owns the Future? Allan Lane. isbn 9781846145223 - - 360 pp hardcover, dust jacket review
Edited ByBen Williamson, Janja Komljenovic, Kalervo Gulson (2023). World Yearbook of Education 2024. Digitalisation of Education in the Era of Algorithms, Automation and Artificial Intelligence. Routledge. info
How Computers Entered the Classroom,1960–2000. Historical Perspectives Edited by Carmen Flury and Michael Geiss. De Gruyter, Oldenbourg. download
T. Philip Nichols and Ezekiel Dixon-Román (2024). Platform Governance and Education Policy: Power and Politics in Emerging Edtech Ecologies. Educational Evalluation and Policy Analysis. .open access
Ben Williamson, Felicitas Macgilchrist, John Potter (2024)(Editorial) Against contextlessness in Learning, Media and Technology. Learning, Media and Technology Volume 49, 2024 - Issue 3 free access
Most of the articles in this issue are free access also.