cognitive skills

John R. Anderson (Ed.) (1981). Cognitive skills and their acquisition. Erlbaum.

John R. Anderson (1993). Problem solving and learning. American Psychologist, 48, 35-44. For annotations, see here

Michael Bonnett (1995). Teaching thinking, and the sanctity of content. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 29, 295-309.

Perkins, D. N., & Gavriel Salomon (1989). Are cognitive skills context-bound? Educational Researcher, february 16-25. fc: am. pdf

Rather short-sighted:

Daniel T. Willingham (2019). How to teach critical thinking. A paper commissioned by the NSW Department of Education. pdf

Ellen Winner (1988).The point of words. Children's understanding of metaphor and irony. Harvard UP. 0674681258 ‘Conceptual domains and the acquisition of metaphor’ by Frank C.Keil 1986 treated in Ellen Winner ‘The point of words’ Ch 4 ‘Constraints on metaphor comprehension’ info

Research showing understanding of metaphor to be a domain-specific skill, not a general one. ‘Conceptual domains and the acquisition of metaphor’ by Frank C.Keil 1986 treated in Ellen Winner ‘The point of words’ Ch 4 ‘Constraints on metaphor comprehension’

Odd Nordhaug (1993). Human capital in organizations. Competence, training, and learning. Scandinavian University Press. isbn 8200218074

Might be interesting: generic skills in managers, do they exist?

Giovanni SalaFernand Gobet (2020). Cognitive and academic benefits of music training with children: A multilevel meta-analysis. preprint

David A. Rosenbaum, Richard A. Carlson, and , and Rick O. Gilmore (2001). Acquisition of Intellectual and Perceptual-Motor Skills Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 52 free

Daas, R., Dijkstra, A. B., Roelofs, E., & Sluijter, C. (2020). Het meten van skills: Verkenning van mogelijkheden voor een skills module gekoppeld aan het Nationaal Cohortonderzoek Onderwijs. Universiteit van Amsterdam & Cito. pdf

Zahner, D., Van Damme, D., Benjamin, R., & Lehrfeld, J. (2021). Measuring the generic skills of higher education students and graduates: Implementation of CLA+ international. In S. A. Nolan, C. M. Hakala, & R. E. Landrum (Eds.), Assessing undergraduate learning in psychology: Strategies for measuring and improving student performance (p. 219–241). American Psychological Association. (Dirk stuurt mij zo spoedig mogelijk een pdf) abstract

Ethan Mollick (sept 2020). Previous studies suggested that teaching kids chess improved a whole lot of outcomes .... Twitter thread

Daniel T. Willingham (2020). 'How to Teach Students to Think Critically' Twitter thread

“... for educators, one fact ought to be salient. We’re not even sure the general skills exist, but we’re quite sure there’s no proven way to teach them directly. In contrast, we have a pretty good idea of how to teach students the more specific critical thinking skills.” Critical thinking is conditional on the knowledge one has (a necessary, not a sufficient condition ;-) --> knowledge comes first. There is no guarantee that one’s critical thinking is correct, critical thinking may be faulty as hell. (‘Critical thinkers’ on pandemic issues ... ) Thinking critically about ‘critical’ thinking, it occurs to me that what is meant in most cases is ‘methodologically sound’ thinking, conditional on a specific knowledge domain. An example: John Hayes 1989 ‘The complete problem solver’

Ida Oosterheert & Paulien C. Meijer (2017). Wat creativiteitsontwikkeling in het onderwijs behoeftdownload

Allen Newell & Paul S. Rosenbloom (1981). Mechanisms of skill acquisition and the law of practice. In Anderson, J. R. (Ed.): Cognitive skills and their acquisition. Erlbaum. 1-55. pdf

Merim Bilalic, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet (2009). Specialization effect and its influence on memory and problem solving in expert chess players. Cognitive Science, 33 1117-1143.

James M. Royer, Cheryl A. Cisero & Maria S. Carlo (1993). Techniques and procedures for assessing cognitive skills. Review of Educational Research, 63, 201-243.

De resultaten van 'realistisch'; rekenonderwijs laten zich natuurlijk prima meten, liefst in vergelijking tot alternatieven. Anderson ACT-R theorie, en Glaser's benadering.

  • Norman Frederiksen (1984). Implications of cognitive theory for instruction in problem solving. RER, 54, 363-407. 10.2307/1170453 preview

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