Fons van de Vijver & Norbert K. Tanzer (2005). Bias and equivalence in cross-cultural assessment: an overview. European Journal of Applied Psychology, 54, 119-136. abstract
Torsten Husén (1969). International impact of evaluation. pp 335-350. In Ralph W. Tyler (Ed.) (1969). Educational evaluation: New roles, new means. The Sixty-eighth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. NSSE.
Ina V. S. Mullis, Michael O. Martin, Pierre Foy & Alka Arora (2012). TIMSS 2011 International Results in Mathematics. Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College. ophalen
Ina V.S. Mullis, Michael O. Martin, and Pierre Foy (2013). The Impact of Reading Ability on TIMSS Mathematics and Science Achievement at the Fourth Grade: An Analysis by Item Reading Demands. Prepared for IEA’s 4th International Research Conference in Singapore 2013. pdf
A lot of fuss, many countries involved. At the end of the day the results are as to be expected: grade 4 poor readers (as measured by PIRLS) are handicapped on the TIMSS-Math items because these items test the ‘construct’ solving math items in everyday contexts. Pseudoscience? I think so, but my thinking does not help all those kids around the world. Or the economies suffering from poor mathematical skills in the labor force (if that would be your criterium).
from the Introduction
from the Introduction
from the concluding section
J. Scheerens, J. van Ravens & M. Luyten (2012). Kwaliteitsindicatoren van het Nederlandse basis- en voortgezet onderwijs. Pedagogische Studiën, 89, 71-87. samenvatting .doc
In dit artikel wordt stilgestaan bij het typeren van onderwijskwaliteit, de operationalisering van relevante factoren als onderwijsindicatoren, en het illustreren van de toepassing ervan op het basis- en voortgezet onderwijs in Nederland. Het welbekende elementaire systeem model, dat onderwijs opvat als een productieproces dat gevoed wordt door bepaalde invoer en uiteindelijk tot bepaalde opbrengsten leidt, wordt als basisstramien gekozen om facetten van onderwijskwaliteit weer te geven. Deze facetten zijn: productiviteit, effectiviteit, efficiency, gelijkheid en responsiviteit. De elementen van het systeemmodel zijn verder bruikbaar om input, proces, context en opbrengstindicatoren te onderscheiden, waarbij het accent in dit artikel vooral op opbrengsindicatoren ligt. Bij de analyse van het Nederlandse basis- en voortgezet onderwijs worden gegevens op internationale en nationale prestatietoetsen en gegevens over bereikte onderwijsniveaus naast elkaar gezet. Dit leidt tot de conclusie dat Nederland internationaal duidelijk bovengemiddeld scoort op prestaties, maar eerder in de buurt van het gemiddelde blijft als het gaat om bereikt onderwijsniveau. Dit patroon van uitkomsten wordt gezien als teken van selectiviteit en nader verklaard door de sterke mate van stratificatie van het Nederlandse onderwijsbestel. Gesteld wordt dat er ruimere kans voor verbetering ligt op het vlak van de verkleining van de selectiviteit, in plaats van alle kaarten te zetten op prestatieverbetering.
IEA: The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. website
“The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) is an independent, international cooperative of national research institutions and governmental research agencies. It conducts large-scale comparative studies of educational achievement and other aspects of education, with the aim of gaining in-depth understanding of the effects of policies and practices within and across systems of education.”
Marjolein Drent , Martina R.M. Meelissen & Fabienne M. van der Kleij (2013). The contribution of TIMSS to the link between school and classroom factors and student achievement. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 45, 198-224. abstract
Dit lijkt me een heel nuttig overzichtsartikel. Klein probleempje: de eerste auteurs zijn direct verbonden aan het TIMSS-project; voelen zij zich vrij (staan zij zichzelf toe) om zich kritisch uit te laten over TIMSS of over dit type internationaal onderzoek? De derde auteur verkeert in een afhankelijke positie met haar proefschriftonderzoek. Ik vind het allemaal prima, en misschien is er geen conflict of interests, maar het zou goed en misschien wel beter zijn wanneer dit soort analyses door onafhankelijke onderzoekers zouden worden geschreven. Zie bijv. over (PISA en) de OECD: Takayama (2013) hier. Aan de andere kant van de balans: het TIMSS_project is zo waanzinnig complex, dat het eigenlijk alleen een beetje te overzien is door erbij betrokken onderzoekers. Laat ik er dus mijn voordeel mee doen.
Torsten Husén (1996). Lessons from the IEA studies. International Journal of Educational Research, 25, 207-218.
Abstract The launching in the early 1960s of cross-national surveys of student achievements was in many respects a pioneering venture. It required setting up an international coordinating ‘machinery’, raising funds, and assembling a body of researchers who could develop an adequate methodology and make the necessary scientific and administrative decisions. In 1961 the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) was established for coordinating purposes and as a forum for scientific exchange. It was incorporated in 1967. This chapter presents the lessons learned with regard to the general research paradigm, administration, funding, and methods employed. Finally, the competence building in some countries that IEA undertook is described. The author, who chaired IEA during its first two decades of existence, has concentrated on the experience gained up to 1980.
Bert P. M. Creemers & David Reynolds (1996). Issues and implications of international effectiveness research. International Journal of Educational Research, 25, 257- .
Abstract Existing national and international studies of educational effectiveness are reviewed and their strengths and weaknesses analyzed. The International School Effectiveness Research Programme is outlined in detail, including sampling and instrumentation, and particularly the methodology involving case studies of schools in different countries. Findings are outlined on student outcomes, classroom processes, country variation, and school variation. Implications for future international research are offered.
Pauline Vos & Klaas Bos (2001). Nederlandse leerlingen scoren opvallend goed op internationale toets. Nieuwe Wiskrant. Tijdschrift voor Nederlands Wiskundeonderwijs, 20(3), pp. 29-37.pdf
Klaas T. Bos (2002). Benefits and limitations of large-scale international comparative achievement studies. The case of IEA’s TIMSS study. Thesis Twente. pdf
Marielle Simon, Kadriye Ercikan & Michel Rousseau (Eds.) (2013). Improving Large-Scale Assessment in Education. Routledge. details [KB: aanwezig als eBook] abstract
Kadriye Ercikan (Ed. (1998). Methodological issues in international assessment. International Journal of Educational Research, 29 #6, 485-577. contents
from the abstract
Wim J. van der Linden (1998). A discussion of some methodological issues in international assessments. International Journal of Educational Research, 29, 569-577. abstract
W. J. Pelgrum Th. J. H. M. Eggen & Tj. Plomp (1983). Tweede Wiskunde Project: analyses van uitkomsten : leerstofaanbod en resultaten. TH Twente afd Toegepaste Onderwijskunde. 104 blz.
"In het Tweede Wiskunde Project van het IEA-onderzoek werd in 1981 op grond van enkele ankeritems vergeleken met 1963, een terugval in rekenvaardigheid bij MAVO-, LTO- en LHNO-leerlingen geconstateerd van ruim 25%.
Bij de ankeritems bevoind zich ook een opgave met breuken (2/5 + 3/8 = ). Hierop was het vastgestelde verval het grootst. Treffers (1986) stelt naar aanleiding van de resultaten op de rekentoetsen in genoemd project vast, dat voor een aanzienlijk deel van de kinderen de sleutelonderwerpen per traditie, zoals breuken e.d., te hoog gegrepen zijn. De door Schuring (1985) gepubliceerde cijfers bevestigen dit."
Treffers (1986). Rekenen in het IEA-onderzoek. PanamaPost 4(2), 9-12. [nog niet gezien]
H. N. Schuring (1985). Enige resultaten van het Tweede Wiskunde Project, Euclides, 61(2), 57-61. [nog niet gezien]
Ina V.S. Mullis & Michael O. Martin (2006 draft). TIMSS in Perspective: Lessons Learned from IEA’s Four Decades of International Mathematics Assessments. pdf [deze draft mist de figuren]
Zalman Usiskin (1999). Is there a world-wide mathematics curriculum? From Z. Usiskin (ed.), Developments in School Mathematics Education Around the World, Volume 4. Proceedings of the Fourth UCSMP International Conference on Mathematics Education, August 5-7, 1998. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999. pdf
Sue Thomson, Jan Lokan, Stephen Lamb, John Ainley (1994?). Lessons from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. A study commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training. pdf
Margaret Brown (1996). FIMS and SIMS: The first two IEA International Mathematics Surveys. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 3, 193-212. [nog geen pdf] abstract
Morgan S. Polikoff (2010). Instructional Sensitivity as a Psychometric Property of Assessments. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice Winter 2010, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 3-14 abstract
Margaret Wu (2010). Measurement, Sampling, and Equating Errors in Large-Scale Assessments. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice Winter 2010, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 15-27 abstract
Barbara Jaworski & David Phillips (Eds.) (1999). Comparing Standards Internationally. Research and Practice in Mathematics and Beyond. Symposium Books.
T. Neville Postlethwaite (Ed.) (1986). International Educational Research. Papers in honor of Torsten Husén. Pergamon Press. isbn 0080318126
Lindsey E. Richland, James W. Stigler & Keith J. Holyoak (2012). Teaching the Conceptual Structure of Mathematics. Educational Psychologist, 47, 189-203. abstract and pdf
The Stigler et al and the Givvin et al. reports: -
We then consider what may be missing from typical U.S. K-12 mathematics instruction, a gap that leads to such impoverished knowledge representations.”
W. J. Pelgrum, T. J. H. M. Eggen & Tj. Plomp (1985). Evaluation of mathematics education on the national level. In P. M. Creemers: Evaluation research in education. Reflections and studies. Contributions on the occasion of SVO's 20th anniversary (89-104). SVO Selecta Reeks.
G. C. ten Bruggencate, W. J. Pelgrum & Tj. Plomp (1982). Eerste resultaten van de Second IEA Science Study in Nederland. In E. J. W. M. van Hees & A. Dirkzwager (Red.) (1982). Onderwijs en de nieuwe media. Bijdragen aan de Onderwijsresearchdagen 1982 Swets & Zeitlinger. 67-78
Nick Sofroniou and Thomas Kellaghan (2--4). The Utility of Third International Mathematics and Science Study Scales in Predicting Students' State Examination Performance. Journal of Educational Measurement Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter, 2004), pp. 311-329. preview
Brian Powell & Lala Carr Steelman (1996). Bewitched, bothered, and bewildering: The use and misuse of state SAT and ACT scores. Harvard Educational Review, 66, 27-59. The New York Times
Harold W Stevenson, James W Stigler, Shin-ying Lee, G William Lucker, Seiro Kitamura, Chen-chin Hsu (1985). Cognitive performance and academic achievement of Japanese, Chinese, and American children. Child Development, 56, 718-734. preview & read free online
Harold W. Stevenson, James W. Stigler & Shin-ying Lee (1986). Achievement in mathematics. In Harold Stevenson, Hiroshi Azuma & Kenji Hakuta: Child development and education in Japan (201-216). New York: Freeman. isbn 0716717417.
Harold W. Stevenson, Shin-ying Lee & James W. Stigler (1986). Mathematics achievement of Chinese, Japanese, and American children. Science, 231, 693-699. pdf
James W Stigler & Michelle Perry (1988). Mathematics learning in Japanese, Chinese, and American classrooms. In G. B. Saxe & M. Gearhart: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 41, 27-54. Paywalled: abstract, reprinted in James W. Stigler, Richard A. Shweder, and Gilbert Herdt (Eds) (1990). Cultural Psychology. Essays on comparative human development (328-353) Cambridge University Press.
Stevenson, Harold W.; Lee, Shin-ying; Chen, Chuansheng; Stigler, James W.; Hsu, Chen-Chin; Kitamura, Seiro; Hatano, Giyoo (1990). Contexts of achievement: A study of American, Chinese, and Japanese children. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Vol 55(1-2), 1990, 123. preview, read free online
Harold W. Stevenson, Shin-ying Lee, Chuansheng Chen, Max Lummis, James Stigler, Liu Fan & Fang Ge (1990). Mathematics Achievement of Children in China and the United States. Child Development, 61, 1053-1066. Paywalled abstract
A. Netten; M. Droop; L. Verhoeven; M.R.M. Meelissen; M. Drent; R.A. Punter (2012). PIRLS-TIMSS 2011 - Trends in leerprestaties in Lezen, Rekenen en Natuuronderwijs. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen / Universiteit Twente. isbn 9789036534758 abstract
W. J. Brandenburg (1968). Modernisering van het wiskunde-onderwijs. Wolters-Noordhoff.
S. Wiegersma & M. Groen (1968). Resultaten van wiskundeonderwijs. Een verslag van een onderzoek door het Nederlands Instituut voor Praeventieve Geneeskunde TNO uitgevoerd in het kader van het International Educational Achievement Project. Wolters-Noordhoff.
Joan Ferrini-Mundy & William H. Schmidt (2005). International comparative studies in mathematics education: Opportunities for collaboration and challenges for researchers. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 36, 164-175. preview
from the abstract
Meelissen, M.R.M. and Punter, R.A. (2016) Twintig jaar TIMSS : ontwikkelingen in leerlingprestaties in de exacte vakken in het basisonderwijs 1995-2015. [Report] Open access. ophalen
Resultaten TIMSS 2015 Vlaanderen pagina
Yong Zhao (29 November 2016). It must be the chopsticks: The Less Reported Findings of 2015 TIMSS and Explaining the East Asian Outstanding Performance blog
Bea Ros (29 november 2016). We zakken, en nu echt. Didactief. blog
TIMSS 2016 The TIMSS Advanced 2015 results, also published today, were less favorable. TIMSS Advanced monitors students in their final year o TIMSS 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS VISIT THE REPORT TIMSS 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESULTS IN SCIENCE VISIT THE REPORT TIMSS ADVANCED 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESULTS IN ADVANCED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS VISIT THE REPORT OTHER PUBLICATIONS ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORKS TIMSS 2015 TIMSS ADVANCED 2015 ENCYCLOPEDIA VISIT PUBLICATION 20 YEARS OF TIMSS VISIT PUBLICATION METHODS AND PROCEDURES TIMSS 2015 TIMSS ADVANCED 2015 TIMSS 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS Twintig jaar TIMSS Ontwikkelingen in leerlingprestaties in de exacte vakken in het basisonderwijs 1995-2015 Martina Meelissen Annemiek Punter Eerst maar even de interessante tabellen/grafieken: Tabel 3.1 Verdeling van de scores voor rekenen per land, TIMSS-2015 Resultaten TIMSS 2015 Vlaanderen Herman vd Werfhorst @HermanWerfhorst 49m 49 minutes ago I guess this is worrying. #timss2015 Gerard Koolstra @ggerardk 26m 26 minutes ago 11 van de 18 onderwerpen van TIMSS rekenen zitten niet in het NL curriculum t/m groep 6
(15 March 2017). Australian report card: Time to address disadvantage is now article
Alan Siegel (). Telling Lessons from the TIMSS Videotape: Remarkable Teaching Practices as Recorded from Eighth-Grade Mathematics Classes in Japan, Germany, and the U.S. pdf
Harold Stevenson, Hiroshi Azuma & Kenji Hakuta (Eds.) (1986). Child development and education in Japan. New York: Freeman. isbn 0716717417
Alan Siegel (2006). Understanding and misunderstanding the Third International Mathematics and Science Study: what is at stake and why K-12 education studies matter. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, Spain, 2006 pdf
Mathématiques : clefs de lecture des résultats TIMSS. Synthèèses statistiques - Revue Éducation et formations - n° 94, septembre 2017 page
Mathématiques : clefs de lecture des résultats TIMSS 2015. Revue Éducation et formations - n° 94, septembre 2017 pdf
Tom Loveless (January, 2013). International Tests Are Not All the Same. Brookings. blog
Tom Loveless (August 7, 2014). Six Myths in the New York Times Math Article by Elizabeth Green. abstract
Torsten Husén (Ed.) (1967). International study of achievement in mathematics. A comparison of twelve countries. Volume I, II. Almqvist & Wiksell / John Wiley. See also: See also: Phase I: International Study of Achievement in Mathematics: A Comparison of Twelve Countries. Data Bank Manual. by Richard M. Wolf 1966,R_DataBankManual.pdf.
Hans Freudenthal (1975). Een internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek over wiskundige studieprestaties. Pedagogische Studiën, 52, 43-55. jaargang
Mapping the Dimensions of General Intelligence: An Integrated Differential-Developmental Theory. Andreas Demetriou, Nikolaos Makris, George Spanoudis, Smaragda Kazi, Michael Shayer and Elena Kazali (in press). Human Development, in press. researchgate
Stephan Daus and Johan Braeken (2018). The sensitivity of TIMSS country rankings in science achievement to differences in opportunity to learn at classroom level Large-scale Assessments in EducationAn IEA-ETS Research Institute Journal open
The sensitivity of TIMSS country rankings in science achievement to differences in opportunity to learn at classroom level. Stephan DausEmail authorView ORCID ID profile and Johan Braeken. Large-scale Assessments in EducationAn IEA-ETS Research Institute Journal 20186:1 open
Arne Hole, Liv Sissel Grønmo and Torgeir Onstad (2018). The dependence on mathematical theory in TIMSS, PISA and TIMSS Advanced test items and its relation to student achievement. Large-scale Assessments in Education, An IEA-ETS Research Institute Journal20186:3 open
Pauline Vos (2002). Like an ocean liner changing course. The grade &mathematics curriculum in the Netherlands, 1995-2000. Dissertation Universiteit Twente. isbn 9036517400 18 Mb pdf
Sies Wiegersma (1969). National analysis: The Netherlands. International Review of Education, 15, 183-194. [ik heb geen access] preview
Issue 2 of this journal is dedicated to the IEA studies: contents
Constantinos Papanastasiou, Tjeerd Plomp & Elena C. Papanastasiou (Eds.) (2011). IEA 1958-2008: 50 Years of Experiences and Memories. The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) pdf
Lessons from the iea studies. Torsten Husén. International Journal of Educational Research Volume 25, Issue 3, 1996, Pages 207-218
Ina V.S. Mullis, Michael O. Martin, Albert E. Beaton, Eugenio J. Gonzalez, Dana L. Kelly, Teresa A. Smith (1998). Mathematics and Science Achievement in the Final Year of Secondary School: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). [download via] IEA TIMSS 1889938084
Michael O. Martin Ina V.S. Mullis Albert E. Beaton Eugenio J. Gonzalez Teresa A. Smith Dana L. Kelly (1996). Mathematics Achievement in the Middle School Years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) [download via] IEA TIMSS 1889938025
Albert E. Beaton et al. (). Science achievement in the middle school years. IEA's Third International Mathematical and Science Study IEA TIMSS 1889938033
Bethany Fishbein, Michael O. Martin, Ina V. S. Mullis and Pierre Foy (2018). The TIMSS 2019 Item Equivalence Study: examining mode effects for computer-based assessment and implications for measuring trends Large-scale Assessments in Education An IEA-ETS Research Institute Journal 2018 6:11 open
TIMSS 1999 International Mathematics Report Findings from IEA's Repeat of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the Eighth Grade download
Michaelides, M., Brown, G.T.L., Eklöf, H., Papanastasiou, E. (2019). Motivational Profiles in TIMSS Mathematics Exploring Student Clusters Across Countries and Time. Springer. open access
Kenneth J. Travers and Ian Westbury (1989). The IEA study of mathematics I: analysis of mathematics curricula. International Studies in Educational Achievement. Pergamon. isbn 0080364683 A suplement volume: full text free access