Marco Wiering & Martijn van Otterlo (Eds.) (). Reinforcement learning. Springer free preview
Continous State and Action Spaces.- Relational and First-Order Knowledge Representation.- Hierarchical Approaches.- Predictive Approaches.- Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.- Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs).- Decentralized POMDPs (DEC-POMDPs).- Features and Function Approximation.- RL as Supervised Learning (or batch learning).- Bounds and complexity.- RL for Games.- RL in Robotics.- Policy Gradient Techniques.- Least Squares Value Iteration.- Models and Model Induction.- Model-based RL.- Transfer Learning in RL.- Using of and extracting Knowledge in RL.- Biological or Psychological Background.- Evolutionary Approaches.- Closing chapter, prospects, future issues.
Sgaozeng Qin, Soohyun Cho, Tianwen Chen, Miriam Rosenberg-Lee, David C. Geary & Vinod Menon (2014). Hippocampal-neocortical functional reorganization underlies children’s cognitive development. Nature Neuroscience advance publication 17 August 2014 preview; abstract, figures, references
Really a pity this article is paywalled. At least the references are available, quite an interesting lot. Read the preview first page f the article, and follow up the references. If anybody out there can send me the pdf, would be very nice.
Seana Moran, David Cropley & James C. Kaufman (Eds.) (2014). The ethics of creativity
Peter M. Todd, Thomas T. Hills & Trevor W. Robbins (Eds.) (2014). Cognitive search. Evolution, algorithms, and the brain. The MIT Press.
Stephen M. Fleming & Christopher D. Frith (Eds.) (2014). The cognitive neuroscience of metacognition. Springer.
Kevin N. Ochsner & Stephen M. Kosslyn (Eds.) (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. [nog niet als eBook in KB 12 juni 2014] info
Peter M. Todd, Thomas T. Hills & Trevor W. Robbins (Eds.) (2012). Cognitive Search. Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain. The MIT Press. info
Ik weet het niet, hoor, maar ik heb niet echt een bijdrage gevonden die direct raakt de problemen van creatief en probleemoplossend zoekgedrag zoals Stellan Ohlsson die uitwerkt in zijn 2012. Maar goed, er is een behoorlijk aantal van de in totaal 20 bijdragen die de mogelijkheid beloven dat er goede idee¨n opborrelen over toetsvragen en wat toetsvragen met kandidaten doen. Want daar gaat wat mij betreft dit boek over: iedere examenvraag is een zoekopdracht; dus wat zeggen de onderzoekers hierover?
Peter M. Todd, Thomas T. Hills & Trevor W. Robbins: Building a Foundation for Cognitive Search 1-10 pdf
Thomas T. Hills & Reuven Dukas: The Evolution of Cognitive Search 11-24 pdf
David W. Stephens, Iain Couzin & Luc-Alain Giraldeau: Ecological and Behavioral Approaches to Search Behavior 25-46 pdf
Joshua W. Brown & Derek E. Nee: Executive Control of Cognitive Search 69-80 pdf
Catharine A. Winstanley a.o.: Search, Goals, and the Brain 125-156 pdf
Thorsten Pachur a.o.: Unpacking Cognitive Search: Mechanisms and Processes 237-255 [geen vrij beschikbare pdf gevonden]
from the contents
Shana K. Carpenter, Nicholas J. Cepeda, Doug Rohrer, Sean H. K. Kang & Harold Pashler (2012). Using Spacing to Enhance Diverse Forms of Learning: Review of Recent Research and Implications for Instruction. Educ Psychol Rev, 24, 369-378. pdf download here
Harold Pashler, Sean H. K. Kang & Michael C. Mozer (2013). Reviewing erroneous information facilitates memory updating. Cognition, 128, 424-430. pdf download here
Lieven Verschaffel, Erik de Corte, Ton de Jong & Jan Elen (2011). Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving. Routledge. [als eBook in KB] info
Lijkt me een interessante bundel, maar zijn dit niet weer herkauwsels van elders gepubliceerd werk?
site Routledge
Pieter J. van Strien (2003). Selz in Nederland,. Een vroeg programma voor het opheffen van intellectuele achterstanden. De Psycholoog, 422-430.
Kim J. H. Dirkx, Liesbeth Kester & Paul A. Kirschner (2013). The testing effect for learning principles and procedures from text. The Journal of Educational Research,
Daniel Simons (2014). How experts recall chess positions. blog
Victor A. Benassi, Catherine E. Overson & Christopher M. Hakala (Eds.) (2014). Applying Science of Learning in Education: Infusing Psychological Science into the Curriculum. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/asle2014/index.php download eBook open access
Mark J. Gierl & Thomas M. Haladyna (Eds) (2013). Automatic Item Generation. Theory and Practice. Routledge. [als eBook bij KB] info
Francis Green (2013). Skills and Skilled Work: An Economic and Social Analysis. OUP. info [uit de KB te leen als eBook]
An important book. Not on the psychology of skill acquisition (see the work of Anders K, Ericsson), but in the domain mentioned in the title of the book. An antidote to the OECD-propaganda en the lobby of 21st century skills.
The skills needed for the 21st century. OECD pdf
The OECD practices educational imperialism: promoting constructivist visions on education. In the case of skills, for example. It is an important subject, the OECD is present: http://skills.oecd.org/documents/
James Staszewski (Ed.) (2013). Expertise and skill acquisition. The impact of William G. Chase. Taylor and Francis. [KB eBook] info
Kathleen L. Mosier & Ute M. Fischer (Eds.) (2011). Informed by Knowledge: Expert Performance in Complex Situations. Taylor and Francis. [als eBook in KB] info
Kathleen Porter-Magee (12-12-2013). An update on the Common Core reading wars. pagina
Manfred Spitzer (2013). Digitale dementie. Hoe wij ons verstand kapot maken. Atlas Contact. aantekeningen (Kennisnet)
Anthony J. Sanford & Catherine Emmott (2012). Mind, Brain and Narrative. Cambridge University Press. [KB eBook] info
Alfred Binet & Victor Henri (1898). La fatigue intellectuelle. Paris: Librairie C. Reinwald. pdf livre
Fantastisch. Onder andere laboratoriumonderzoke: veranderingen in bloeddruk etc. bij het doen van intellectuele oefeningen, o.a. rekenopgaven.
Douglas L. Medin, Elizabeth B. Lynch & Karen O. Solomon (2000). Are there kinds of concepts? Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 121-147.
Morton Ann Gernsbacher andMichael P. Kaschak (2003). Neuroimaging studies on language production and comprehension. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, abstract
Endel Tulving (2002). Episodic memory: From mind to brain. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 1-25. abstract
R. Saxe, S. Carey, and N. Kanwisher (2004). Understanding other minds: Linking developmental psychology and functional neuroimaging. Annual Review of Psychology, 55, 87-124. abstract
Irving I. Gottesman & Daniel R. Hanson (2005). Human Development: Biological and Genetic Processes. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 263-286. abstract
Dit is precies de lijn van denken zoals Ohlsson (2011, hoofdstuk 1) die aangeeft: dynamisch, emergent, aanpassing, tegenover de oude benadering vanuit vaste gegevenheden zoals genetische opmaak van het individu.
F. Gregory Ashby & W. Todd Maddox (2005). HUMAN CATEGORY LEARNING. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 149-178. abstract
John Jonides, Richard L. Lewis, Derek Evan Nee, Cindy A. Lustig, Marc G. Berman & Katherine Sledge Moore (2008). The Mind and Brain of Short-Term Memory. Annual Review of Psychology, 59, 193-224. abstract
Ursula M. Staudinger & Judith Glück (2011). Psychological Wisdom Research: Commonalities and Differences in a Growing Field. Annual Review of Psychology, 62, 215-241. abstract
Beth A, Hennessey1& Teresa M. Amabile (2010). Creativity. Annual Review of Psychology, 61, 569-598. pdf
Timothy Salthouse (2012). Consequences of Age-Related Cognitive Declines. Annual Review of Psychology, 63, 201-226. pdf
Direct relevant voor de protagonisten die alleen vaardigheden voor de 21e-eeuw als van enig belang voor de 21e werknemer zien. zie hier.
Sébastien Hélie & Ron Sun (2010). Incubation, Insight, and Creative Problem Solving: A Unified Theory and a Connectionist Model. Psychological Review, 93, 994-1024. pdf
Frans J. Prins, Marcel V.J. Veenman & Jan J. Elshout (2006). The impact of intellectual ability and metacognition on learning: New support for the threshold of problematicity theory. Learning and Instruction 16, 374-387. abstract
Stella Vosniadou, Aristides Baltas & Xenia Vamvakoussi (Eds.) (2007). Reframing the Conceptual Change Approach in Learning and Instruction. Elsevier.
Susanne M. Jaeggi, Martin Buschkuehl, John Jonides & Walter J. Perrig (2008). Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 May 13; 105(19): 6829-6833. html
Robert J. Sternberg (2008). Increasing fluid intelligence is possible after all. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 May 13; 105(19): 6791-6792. html
Richard L. Bryck and Philip A. Fisher (2012). Training the Brain. Practical Applications of Neural Plasticity From the Intersection of Cognitive Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, and Prevention Science. American Psychologist, 67, 87-100. abstract
Bryan J. Matlen & David Klahr (2013). Sequential effects of high and low instructional guidance on children's acquisition of experimentation skills: Is it all in the timing? preview
Mark Sadoski & Allan Paivio (2013 2nd). Imagery and Text. A Dual Coding Theory of Reading and Writing. Routledge. [UB Leiden PEDAG 48.A.505]
Dunlosky, J., & Rawson, K. A. (2005).Why does rereading improve metacomprehension accuracy? Evaluating the levels-of-disruption hypothesis for the rereading effect. Discourse Processes, 40, 37-55. pdf
Uitvoerig theoretisch kader. Ik heb het even heel vluchtig doorgekeken. Het valt me op dat er een hoop drukte wordt gemaakt over het metacognitieve inzicht in wat er van een gelezen tekst opgestoken zou zijn, terwijl we daar toch een heel goede aanpak voor hebben in het onderwijs: reproduceren wat de hoofdpunten in hun onderlinge samenhang zijn. Ik zou toch denken dat dit de lakmoesproef is voor het begrepen hebben van de tekst. Ook dan kunnen er metacognitief nog veel dingen mislopen, zoals ten onrechte denken dat je een goede samenvatting hebt geschreven. I ieder geval is dit een belangrijk onderwerp, waar ik nog te weinig (helemaal geen?) aandacht aan heb besteed, ook al heb ik zelf meta-copgnitief onderzoek gedaan (de projecten bij tandheelkunde en rechten inzake art. 24bis over de schriftelijke raad: studenten gaven bij de aanvang van hun tentamen aan wel cijfer zij verwachtten te scoren).
Anique B.H. de Bruin, Tamara van Gog (2012). Improving self-monitoring and self-regulation: From cognitive psychology to the classroom. Learning and Instruction, 22, 245-252. pdf
Scott R. Hinze, David N. Rapp, Vickie M. Williamson, Mary Jane Shultz, Ghislain Deslongchamps & Kenneth C. Williamson (2013). Beyond ball-and-stick: Students' processing of novel STEM visualizations. Learning and Instruction, 26, 12-21. abstract
Dit gaat over visuele modellen voor moleculen. Het heeft mijn aandacht nodig omdat hier een dikke analogie ligt met bijvoorbeeld het gebruik van de bus-metafoor in het aanvankelijk rekenonderwijs.
Lynne M. Reder, Heekyeong Park & Paul D. Kieffaber (2009). Memory Systems Do Not Divide on Consciousness: Reinterpreting Memory in Terms of Activation and Binding. Psychological Bulletin, 135, 23-49. online [dead link]
Nash Unworth & Randall W. Engle (2007). The nature of individual differences in working memory capacity: Active maintenance in primary memory and controlled search from secondary memory. Psychological Review, 114, 104-132. semanticscholar.org
Nash Unsworth & Randall W. Engle (2007). On the Division of Short-Term and Working Memory: An Examination of Simple and Complex Span and Their Relation to Higher Order Abilities. Psychological Bulletin, 133, 1038-1066. abstract
John R. Hayes (1989 2nd). The Complete Problem Solver. Erlbaum. annotatie in handboek_wiskundedidactiek.htm
John R. Hayes (2012). Modeling and remodeling writing. Written Communication, 29, 369-388. abstract
Gregory L. Murphy (2002). The Big Book of Concepts MIT Press. site
Anderson, J. R., Betts, S. A., Ferris, J. L., & Fincham, J. M. (2010). Neural imaging to track mental states while using an intelligent tutoring system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 107(15), 7018-7023. abstract
Danker, J. F. & Anderson, J. R. (2010). The ghosts of brain states past: Remembering reactivates the brain regions engaged during encoding. Psychological Bulletin, 136, 87-102. pdf
Anderson, J. R., Betts, S. A., Ferris, J. L., & Fincham, J. M. (in press) (2011?). Tracking children's mental states while solving algebra equations. Human Brain Mapping . pdf
Zie ook de annotatie van Anderson (2007) anderson_2007
Miguel Nicolelis (2011). Beyond Boundaries. The New Neuroscience of Connecting Brains with Machines and how it Will Change our Lives. Times Books. isbn 9780805090529
Farrell Simon (2012). Temporal clustering and sequencing in short-term memory and episodic memory. Psychological Review, 119, 223-271. abstract
Models of verbal working memory capacity: What does it take to make them work? By Cowan, Nelson; Rouder, Jeffrey N.; Blume, Christopher L.; Saults, J. Scott Psychological Review, Vol 119(3), Jul 2012, 480-499. [Let op de latere toevoeging] abstract
Exploring the conceptual universe. By Kemp, Charles Psychological Review, Vol 119(4), Oct 2012, 685-722. abstract
John R. Kirby & Michael J. Lawson (2012). Enhancing the Quality of Learning. Dispositions, Instruction, and Learning Processes. Cambridge University Press. site
Mario Bunge (2010). The mind-body problem. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 287, 143-157. abstract of preview
John R. Anderson & Christian Lebiere (2003). The Newell test for a theory of cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26 pdf
Richard E. Passingham (2008). What is Special about the Human Brain? Oxford University Press.
Richard E. Passingham & Steven P. Wise (2012). The Neurobiology of the Prefrontal Cortext. Anatomy, Evolution, and the Origin of Insight. Oxford University Press. website OUP
Buitengewoon interessant, maar ook heel gedetailleerd en omvangrijk boek. Ik heb het vrijwel ongelezen terug moeten brengen. Ik moet het nog eens lenen wanneer ik de ACT-R van John Anderson en de zijnen wat beter begrijp, en specifieke vragen heb die neurobiologisch van aard zijn.
p. 349 (de laatste bladzijde van de tekst
Alice F. Healy & Lyle E. Bourne (Eds) (2012). Training Cognition. Optimizing Efficiency, Durability, and Generalizability. Psychology Press. [in KB als eBook] site
Draaisma, D. Draaisma (1990). Het verborgen raderwerk. Over tijd, machines en bewustzijn. Ambo. isbn 9026310234
Swartz, M. L. Swartz & M. Yazdani (Eds.) (1992). Intelligent tutoring systems for foreign language learning. The bridge to international communication. Springer. isbn 0387550135 3540550135
John Downing (Ed.) (1973). Comparative Reading. Cross-National Studies of Behavior and Processes in Reading and Writing. Macmillan.
Willem A. Wagenaar (1986). My Memory: A Study of Autobiographical Memory over Six Years. Cognitive Psychology, 18, 225-252
Alan Bundy (2012). What Pólya and Lakatos Have To Say. In David McFarland, Keith Stenning & Maggie McGonigle-Chalmers (Eds.) (2012). The Complex Mind. An Interdisciplinary Approach (167-185). Palgrave Macmillan. pdf
David McFarland, Keith Stenning & Maggie McGonigle-Chalmers (Eds.) (2012). The Complex Mind. An Interdisciplinary Approach. Palgrave Macmillan.
Daniel L. Schwartz, Kristen P. Blair, Gautam Biswas, Krittaya Leelawong & Joan Davis (2012?). Animations of thought: Interactivity in the teachable agent paradigm. To appear in R. Lowe & W. Schnotz (Eds). Learning with Animation: Research and Implications for Design. Cambridge University Press.
Daniel N. Osherson (1974). Logical Abilities in Children. Volume I: Organization of Length and Class Concepts: Empirical Consequences of a Piagetian Formalism. Volume II: Logical Inference: Underlying Operations. Erlbaum. isbn 0470657235 0470657243
Johannes Bauer (2008). Learning from Errors at Work. Studies on Nurses’ Engagement in Error-Related Learning Activities. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät II (Psychologie, Pädagogik und Sportwissenschaft) der Universität Regensburg pdf
Johannes Bauer & Christian Harteis (Eds.) (2012). Human Fallibility. The ambiguity of Errors for Work and Learning. Springer. table of content
Martin Gartmeier, Johannes Bauer, Hans Gruber & Helmut Heid (2008). Negative Knowledge: Understanding Professional Learning and Expertise. Vocations and Learning, 1, 87-103. pdf
Stephen R. Schmidt (Ed.) (2012). Extraordinary Memories for Exceptional Events. Psychology Press. review
Joseph M. Scandura (Ed.) (1976). Structural Learning. II. Issues and Approaches. Gordon and Breach. isbn 0677151101
D. W. Vaags (1975). Over het oplossen van technische problemen. Proefschrift T.H. Eindhoven. pdf
Monica Ferguson-Hessler (1989). Over kennis en kunde in de fysica. Een studie van de cognitieve aspecten van het leren en doceren van natuurkunde. proefschrift TU Eeindhoven. isbn 9090030824 pdf
Valerie F. Reyna, Sandra B. Chapman, Michael R. Dougherty & Jere Confrey (Eds.) (2012). The adolescent brain. Learning, reasoning, and decision making.. American Psychological Association.
Dit onderzoek levert dus resultaten die op gespannen voet staan met de theorie van Stellan Ohlsson. Wat is er aan de hand? Het werk van Ohlsson is bij deze auteurs kennelijk niet bekend, de lijn van onderzoek waarin Ohlsson werkt waarschijnlijk evenmin. Probleem met dit hoofdstuk is dat het een verhalend overzicht geeft, dus geen onderzoekrapport.
Stellan Ohlsson (2008). Computational models of skill acquisition. In Ron Sun: The Cambridge handbook of computational psychology (359-395). Cambridge University Press. site
B. J. M. Wolters (1980). Studies over creativiteit. In het bijzonder over het creatieve denkproces. SVO reeks 37.
Andreas Gegenfurtner & Erno Lehtinen & Roger Säljö (2011). Expertise Differences in the Comprehension of Visualizations: a Meta-Analysis of Eye-Tracking Research in Professional Domains.Educational Psychology Review, 23, 523-552. abstract
Keith Stanovich (2010). Rationality and the Reflective Mind. site
Slava Kalyuga, Remy Rikers & Fred Paas (online first). Educational Implications of Expertise Reversal Effects in Learning and Performance of Complex Cognitive and Sensorimotor Skills. Educ Psychol Rev (2012) 24:313-337
Patricia D. Mautone and Richard E. Mayer (2001). Signaling as a Cognitive Guide in Multimedia Learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 377-389. pdf
Leerstof gepresenteerd als tekst, als verbale uitleg, of als tekst-met-afbeeldingen. Het gaat over expliciete hints die het construeren van een mental model moeten vergemakkelen. Impliciet is het natuurlijk ook een onderzoek naar de doeltreffendheid van deze drie vormen van presentatie van nieuwe leerstof. Voor het onderzoek werd gebruik gemaakt van transfer: toetsopgaven over de stof. Er komen in dit artikel op een interessante manier een aantal problematische concepten bij elkaar: klassikale uitleg (mondelingen presentatie), presentatie met behulp van afbeeldingen, droge tekst, of tekst verrijkt met aanwijzingen. Hoewel de auteurs dat niet zeggen, staat dit gedoe met aanwijzingen in de tekst niet ver af van schematiseren. “Our work is based on the idea that constructivist learning of a scientific explanation depends on the learner's appropriate cognitive activity, not on the learner's behavioral activity per se.”
Stefean Engeser (Ed.) (2012). Advances in Flow Research.. Springer. [UB Leiden PSYCHO P4.2.3-50] Read online
Jan L. Plass, Roxana Moreno & Roland Brünken (Eds.) (2010). Cognitive Load Theory. Cambridge University Press site Is als paperback beschikbaar. [UB Leiden PEDAG 48.a.458]
David Jonassen & Susan Land (Eds.) (2012). Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments. Routledge. [UB Leiden PEDAG 48.a.483] Routledge Het is allemaal niet zo urgent, boek weer teruggebracht.
Renate N. Caine & Geoffrey Caine (2011). Natural Learning for a Connected World. Education, technology, and the human brain. Teachers College, Columbia University. [UB Leiden PEDAG 48.a.473] Dit is vooral een pamflet, toch wel. Hoef ik niet nog eens te lenen.
Maarten Vansteenkiste, Joke Simons, Willy Lens, Bart Soenens, Lennia Matos, and Marlies Lacante (2004). Less Is Sometimes More: Goal Content Matters. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96, 755-764. abstract
Marcel Veenman: Intellectual ability and Metacognitive skill: determinants of discovery learning in computerized learning environments. proefschrift UvA [nog niet gezien]
Bethany Rittle-Johnson & Jon R. Star (2009). Compared With What? The Effects of Different Comparisons on Conceptual Knowledge and Procedural Flexibility for Equation Solving Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 529-544. abstract
Expertise in Complex Decision Making: The Role of Search in Chess 70 Years After de Groot (pages 1567-1579)
Michael H. Connors, Bruce D. Burns and Guillermo Campitelli (2011). Cognitive Science, 35, Abstract One of the most influential studies in all expertise research is de Groot’s (1946) study of chess players, which suggested that pattern recognition, rather than search, was the key determinant of expertise. Many changes have occurred in the chess world since de Groot’s study, leading some authors to argue that the cognitive mechanisms underlying expertise have also changed. We decided to replicate de Groot’s study to empirically test these claims and to examine whether the trends in the data have changed over time. Six Grandmasters, five International Masters, six Experts, and five Class A players completed the think-aloud procedure for two chess positions. Findings indicate that Grandmasters and International Masters search more quickly than Experts and Class A players, and that both groups today search substantially faster than players in previous studies. The findings, however, support de Groot’s overall conclusions and are consistent with predictions made by pattern recognition models.
Criteria for the Design and Evaluation of Cognitive Architectures (pages 1329-1351) Sashank Varma (2011). Cognitive Science, 35,
How smart do you think you are? A meta-analysis on the validity of self-estimates of cognitive ability. Freund, Philipp Alexander; Kasten, Nadine; Psychological Bulletin, Vol 138(2), Mar, 2012. pp. 296-321.
Byron, K., & Khazanchi, S. (2012, March 12). Rewards and Creative Performance: A Meta-Analytic Test of Theoretically Derived Hypotheses. Psychological Bulletin. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0027652
Patrick Griffin, Barry McGaw & Esther Care (Eds.) (2012). Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills. Springer. read online
Practice effects in the developing brain: A pilot study Original Research Article Pages S180-S191 Dietsje D. Jolles, Mark A. van Buchem, Serge A.R.B. Rombouts, Eveline A. Crone Volume 2, Supplement 1, Pages S1-S204 (15 February 2012) Neuroscience & Education
Clarice Wirkala & Deanna Kuhn (2011). Problem-based learning in K-12 education: Is it effective and how does it achieve its effects? American Educational Research Journal, 48, 1157-1186.
David R. Krathwohl (2002). A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy: An overview. Theory into Practice, 41, 212-264. pdf
Janet E. Davidson & Robert J. Sternberg (Eds.) (2003). The Psychology of Problem Solving. Cambridge University Press. pdf
Dirk Ifenthaler, Pedro Isaías, J. Michael Spector, Kinshuk Demetrios G. Sampson (Eds) (201). Multiple Perspectives on Problem Solving and Learning in the Digital Age. Springer. PSYCHO C6.3.-28 geleend, maar bevat ws. niets interssants; mogelijk si de tekst door Springer op zijn website leesbaar aangeboden.
Henk van Berkel, Albert Scherpbier, Harry Hillen & Cees van der Vleuten (Eds.) (2010). Lessons from problem-based learning. Oxford University Press.
Riemersma, F. S. J. Riemersma (1991). Leren oplossen van wiskundige problemen in het voortgezet onderwijs. Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Stichting Kohnstamm Fonds voor Onderwijsresearch. isbn 9068133063
Stellan Ohlsson (2011). Deep Learning. How the Mind Overrides Experience. Cambridge University Press.front matter
Stellan Ohlsson (1996). Learning from error and the design of task environments. International Journal of Educational Research, 25, 419-448.
J. A. de Jong (1996). Research into on-the-job-training: A state of the art. International Journal of Educational Research, 25, 449-464.
Thad A. Polk & Colleen M. Seifert (2002). Cognitive Modeling. MIT. isbn 0262661160 Possibly illegal?, the complete pdf of this 1270 pp book pdf
Ton de Jong (editor), Tamara van Gog, Kathleen Jenks, Sarah Manlove, Janet G. van Hell, Jelle Jolles, Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer, Theo van Leeuwen, Annemarie Boschloo (2009?). Explorations in Learning and the Brain: On the Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience for Educational Science. prepublication
Bela Julesz (1971/2006 facsimile). Foundations of Cyclopean Vision. MIT Press. isbn 0262101130
J. Haenen & B. van Oers (Red.) (1983). Begrippen in het onderwijs. De theorie van Davydov. Pegasus. [KB 7512 H 38 1983]
Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Jon R. Star & Kelley Durkin (2009). The importance of knowledge when comparing examples: influences on conceptual and procedural knowledge of equation solving. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 836-852.
Slava Kalyuga, Paul Ayres, Paul Chandler & John Sweller (2003). The expertise reversal effect. Educational Psychologist, 38, 23-31. pdf
Scotty D. Craig, Michelene T. H. Chi & Kurt VanLehn (2009). Improving classroom learning by collaboratively observing human tutoring videos while problem solving. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 779-789. pdf
Angela Brunstein, Shawn Betts & John R. Anderson (2009). Practice enables successful learning under minimal guidance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 790-802.
Roxana Moreno, Gamze Ozogul & Martin Reisslein (2011). Teaching students with concrete and abstrtact visual representations: Effects on students' problem solving, problem representations, and learning perception. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 32-47.
EUWE, DR. M. EUWE De fundamenten van het schaakspel, en hun beteekenis voor de praktijk Gebonden; 1931; N.V. Boekhandel v/h/ W.P. Van Stockum & Zoon, Den Haag. (Euwe: strategie staat hier op de voorgrond. Ik heb dit boek niet, de KB wel, De 2e dr. verscheen o.d.t.: De beginselen van alle schaakspel.)
Euwe, Max (1931, 1935, 1958/1962, 1964, 1966). Handboek voor de gevorderde schaker. I De bouwstenen van de schaakkunst (1931) II De fundamenten van het schaakspel; 1939: De beginselen van alle schaakspel); III Strategie en tactiek in het schaakspel; Den Haag: Van Stockum. Voor de derde druk in 1947 is de inhoud van deel I geheel herzien. Het boek is bedoeld voor spelers die het elementaire reeds achter de rug hebben. Deel III geeft voorbeelden van de eerder behandelde regels, wetten etc, in praktijkpartijen.
Robert J. Sternberg & Rena F. Subotnik (Eds.) (2006). Optimizing student success in school with the other three Rs Reasoning, Resilience, and responsibility. IAP Information Age Publishing [Geleend, weer teruggebracht. Ik geloof niet echt dat er iets bijzonders in staat.]
Elbers, Ed Elbers (1988). Social context and the child’s construction of knowledge. Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. - 175 blz. slap kaft. (promotoren: Vroon, IJzendoorn)
Leren schema’s maken Een onderzoek naar de effecten van een lessenserie ‘Schema’s maken’ voor de hoogste groep van het basisonderwijs N.A. Broer, C.A.J. Aarnoutse, F.K. Kieviet en J.F.J. van Leeuwe (2001). http://www.vorsite.nl/content/bestanden/broer_aarnoutse_etc_2001_01.pdf
Sabine Severiens & Henk G. Schmidt (2009). Academic and social integration and study progress in problem based learning Higher Education, 58, 59-69. (PBL) pdf opgehaald, free access. http://www.springerlink.com.proxy.library.uu.nl/content/w0826327vg2182r4/fulltext.pdf
Walter W. McMahon: Higher learning, greater good: the private and social benefits of higher education Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2009, pp. 1-415 Shouping Hu
HIGHER EDUCATION Volume 60, Number 3, 287-300, DOI: 10.1007/s10734-009-9300-3 Learning more by being taught less: a “time-for-self-study” theory explaining curricular effects on graduation rate and study duration Henk G. Schmidt, Janke Cohen-Schotanus, Henk T. van der Molen, Ted A. W. Splinter, Jan Bulte, Rob Holdrinet and Herman J. M. van Rossum pdf
Franzis Preckel, Thomas Götz & Anne Frenzel (2010). Ability grouping of gifted students: Effects on academic self-concept and boredom. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, 451-472. (big fish little pond, vgl proefschrift Hans Kuyper; ability grouping; boredom)
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John R. Anderson (2007). How can the human mind occur in the physical universe? Oxford University Press. isbn 9780195324259
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Introduction. Allison Gopnik and Laura Schulz
Part I. Causation and Intervention
1. Interventionist Theories of Causation in Psychological Perspective , Jim Woodward
2. Infants' Causal Learning: Intervention, Observation, Imitation , Andrew N. Meltzoff
3. Detecting Causal Structure: The Role of Intervention in Infants' Understanding of Psychological and Physical Causal Relations , Jessica A. Sommerville
4. An Interventionist Approach to Causation in Psychology , John Campbell
5. Learning From Doing: Intervention and Causal Inference , Laura Schulz, Tamar Kushnir, and Alison Gopnik
6. Casual Reasoning Through Intervention , York Hagmayer, Steven Sloman, David Lagnado, and Michael R. Waldmann
7. On the Importance of Causal Taxonomy , Christopher Hitchcock
Part II: Causation and Probability.
Introduction to Part II. Alison Gopnik and Laura Schulz
8. Teaching the Normative Theory of Casual Reasoning , Richard Scheines, Matt Easterday, and David Danks
9. Interactions Between Causal and Statistical Learning , David M. Sobel and Natasha Z. Kirkham
10. Beyond Covariation: Cues to Causal Structure , David A. Lagnado, Michael R. Waldmann, York Hagmayer, and Steven A. Sloman
11. Theory Unification and Graphical Models in Human Categorization , David Danks
12. Essential as a Generative Theory of Classification , Bob Rehder
13. Data-mining Probabilists or Experimental Determinists?: A Dialogue on the Principles Underlying Causal Learning in Children , Thomas Richardson, Laura Schultz, and Alison Gopnik
14. Learning the Structure of Deterministic Systems , Clark Glymour
Part III: Causation, Theories and Mechanisms.
Introduction to Part III. Alison Gopnik and Laura Schulz
15. Why Represent Causal Relations? , Michael Strevens
16. Causal Reasoning as Informed by the Early Development of Explanations , Henry M. Wellman and David Liu
17. Dynamic Interpretations of Covariation Data , Woo-kyoung Ahn, Jessecae K. Marsh, and Christian C. Luhmann
18. Statistical Jokes and Social Effects: Intervention and Invariance in Causal Relations , Clark Glymour
19. Intuitive Theories as Grammars for Causal Inference , Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Thomas L. Griffiths, and Sourabh Niyogi
20. Two Proposals for Causal Grammars , Thomas L. Griffiths and Joshua B. Tenenbaum
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II. Phenomenology and the Evolution of Intuition. Andrea A. diSessa
III. Surrogates and Mappings: Two Kinds of Conceptual Models for Interactive Devices. Richard M. Young
IV. Qualitative Reasoning about Space and Motion. Kenneth D. Forbus
V. The Role of Problem Representation in Physics. Jill H. Larkin
VI. Flowing Waters or Teeming Crowds: Mental Models of Electricity. Dedre Gentner and Donald R. Gentner
VII. Human Reasoning About a Simple Physical System. Michael D. Williams, James, D. Hollan, and Albert L. Stevens
VIII. Assumptions and Ambiguities in Mechanistic Mental Models. Johan de Kleer and John Seely Brown
IX. Understanding Micronesian Navigation. Edwin Hutchins
X. Conceptual Entities. James G. Greeno
XI. Using the Method of Fibres in Mecho to Calculate Radii of Gyration. Alan Bundy and Lawrence Byrd
XII. When Heat and Temperature Were One. Marianne Wiser and Susan Carey
XIII. Naive Theories of Motion. Michael McCloskey
XIV. A Conceptual Model Discussed by Galileo and Used Intuitively by Physics Students. John Clement (Appendix 1: Example of a Transcript from the Rocket Problem)
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Nick Chater and Mike Oaksford (Eds) (2008). The probabilistic mind. Prospects for Bayesian cognitive science. Oxford University Press. PSYCHO C6.-142 Een veel te eng specialistisch gedoe, over Baysian nets en andere technische flauwekul. Ook wel veel over wat rationeel is. Maar ik heb na uitvoerig doornemen geen behoefte er aantekeningen uit te maken. Uitzondering: Brighton en Gigerenzer. Pt. 1 Foundations
1 The probabilistic mind: prospects tor a Bayesian cognitive science by Nick Chater and Mike Oaksford
2 A primer on probabilistic inference by Thomas L. Griffiths and Alan Yuille 33
3 Rational analyses, instrumentalism, and implementations by David Danks 59
Pt. 2 Inference and Argument
4 Framing effects and rationality by Shlomi Slier and Craig R. M. McKenzie 79
5 Probability logic and the Modus Ponens - Modus Tollens asymmetry in conditional inference by Mike Oaksford and Nick Chater 97
6 Inference from absence in language and thought by Ulrike Halm and Mike Oaksford 121
7 Towards a rational theory of human information acquisition by Jonathan D. Nelson 143
8 Pseudocontingencies - A key paradigm for understanding adaptive cognition by Klaus Fiedler 165
Pt. 3 Judgement and Decision-Making
9 Bayesian brains and cognitive mechanisms: harmony or dissonance? by Henry Brighton and Gerd Gigerenzer 189
10 The game of life: how small samples render choice simpler by Ralph Hertwig and Timothy J. Pleskac 209
11 The naive intuitive statistician: organism- - environment relations from yet another angle by Patrik Hansson and Peter Justin and Anders Winman 237
12 A decision-by-sampling account of decision under risk by Neil Stewart and Keith Simpson 261
13 The neurodynamics of choice, value-based decisions, and preference reversal by Marius Usher and Anat Elhalal and James L. McClelland 277
Pt. 4 Categorization and Memory
14 Categorization as nonparametric Bayesian density estimation by Thomas L. Griffiths and Adam N. Sanborn and Kevin R. Canini and Daniel J. Navarro 303
15 Rational analysis as a link between human memory and information retrieval by Mark Steyvers and Thomas L. Griffiths 329
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Nogal wat interessante unieke hoofdstukken (die in de Oxford 2012 uitgave niet terugkeren).
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Hausmann, R.G. & Chi, M.T.H. (2002) Can a computer interface support self-explaining?, Cognitive Technology. pdf
Michelene T. H. Chi, Stephanie A. Siler, Heisawn Jeong, Takashi Yamauchi, T., & Robbert G. Hausmann (2001). Learning from tutoring. Cognitive Science, 25, 471e533. abstract & free download
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Timothy Koschmann (2000). The Physiological and the Social in the Psychologies of Dewey and Thorndike: The Matter of Habit. In B. Fishman and S. O'Connor-Divelbiss: Fourth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 314-319). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. pdf
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P. N. Johnson-Laird (2004). The history of mental models. In Ken Manktelow and Man Cheung Chung: Psychology of Reasoning. Theoretical and Historical Perspectives. Erlbaum questia
Jonathan St. B. T. Evans (2004). History of the dual process theory of reasoning. In Ken Manktelow and Man Cheung Chung: Psychology of Reasoning. Theoretical and Historical Perspectives. Erlbaum questia
Raanan Lipshitz, Daphna Leshem Levy and Keren Orchen (2006). Is this problem likely to be solved? A cognitive schema of effective problem solving. Thinking & Reasoning, 12, 413-430. draft pdf<
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Carl Bereiter (2002). Education and mind in the knowledge age. Erlbaum. online availability
Marlene Scardamalia (2002). Collective Cognitive Responsibility for the Advancement of Knowledge. In Barry Smith: Liberal Education in a Knowledge Society. Open Court. [" This volume looks at the thinking of educational theorist Carl Bereiter, who has tackled the problem of the liberal education canon in a new way."]pdf
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Monique Boekaerts, Paul Pintrich, Moshe Zeidner (Eds) (2000). Handbook of Self-Regulation. Academic Press.
Carey, S. (1992). The origin and evolution of everyday concepts. In R. Giere (ed.), Cognitive Models of Science (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. XV). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 89-128. http://www.wjh.harvard.edu/~lds/pdfs/carey1992a.pdf
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1997). Finding flow. The psychology of engagement with everyday life. Basic Books.
Piaget, Jean. - Quelques expériences sur la conservation des quantités continues chez l'enfant / Jean Piaget et Alina Szeminska. In: Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique. - 1939, année 36, no 1-2, p. 36-64. Publié aussi in: La genèse du nombre chez l'enfant / Jean Piaget, Alina Szeminska. - Neuchâtel ; Paris : Delachaux et Niestlé, 1941. - P. 6-32.
Piaget, Jean, & Bärbel Inhelder (1948). La représentation de l'espace chez l'enfant. Presses univ. de France. [Die Entwicklung des räumlichen Denkens beim Kinde] [The child's conception of space. transl. from the French by F. J. Langdon and J. L. Lunzer. - [Reprint]. - New York : W. W. Norton, 1967.
Piaget, Jean (1923/1948) Le langage et la pensée chez l'enfant. Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé. 3e éd.
Jean Piaget (1926/1932 2nd ed/1952 reprinted). The language and Thought of the Child. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Jean Piaget (1941). La genèse du nombre chez l'enfant. Delachaux et Niestlé. 1950 La 2e éd. au contenu identique fut publ. chez le même éditeur en 1950, [The child's conception of number, transl. by C. Gattegno and F. M. Hodgson]]
Piaget, Jean (1924/1947). Le jugement et le raisonnement chez l'enfant. Delachaux et Niestlé. [Judgment and reasoning in the child; transl. by Marjorie Warden.]
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Piaget, Jean (1945). La formation du symbole chez l'enfant. Imitation, jeu et rêve. Image et représentation. Delachaux et Niestlé. .[Play, dreams and imitation in childhood; transl. by C. Gattegno and F. M. Hodgson. ]
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Ik heb helaas geen exemplaar. Er is geen online versie.
Jose P. Mestre (Ed.) (2005). Transfer of learning: from a modern multidisciplinary perspective. San Francisco: Sage. commentaar en samenvatting
Susan M. Barnett and Stephen J. Ceci (2002). When and where do we apply what we learn? A taxonomy for far transfer. Psychological Bulletin, 128, 612-637.
Sharon J. Derry, Lois W. Hawkes, Chia-jer Tsai (1987). A Theory for Remediating Problem-Solving Skills of Older Children and Adults. Educational Psychologist, 22, 55-87. (niet gezien, geen kopie, niet online, een keer opzoeken aan de Wass Weg)
D. L. Medin (1989). Concepts and conceptual structure. AP 44, 1469-1481.
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Krittaya Leelawong, Joan Davis, Nancy Vye, Gautam Biswas (2002). pdf
John Anderson ACT-R theory website met massa's publicaties http://act-r.psy.cmu.edu/publications/index.php
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Een paar hoofdstukken gelezen: Robert J. Sternberg: Biological intelligence. Dean Keith Simonton: Expertise, competence, and creative ability: The perplexing complexities. Het is een heerlijk boek, maar de hoofdstukken zijn wel erg samenvattend op de literatuur geschreven, en niet zelf originele bijdragen, lijkt me. Nog eens lenen, misschien. Ondertussen zijn er al weer een aantal niewe Sternberg-boeken in de bibliotheek gearriveerd.
Janice Glasgow, N. Hari Narayanan & B. Chandrasekaran (Eds.) (1995). Diagrammatic reasoning. Cognitive and computational perspectives. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. isbn 0262571129 info
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John R. Hayes & Linda S. Flower (1986). Writing research and the writer. American Psychologist, 41, 1106-1113.
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W. K. Estes (Ed.) (1978). Handbook of learning and cognitive processes, volume 5, Human information processing. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. isbn 0470263105, (ao Herbert A. Simon: Information-processing theory of human problem solving - James G. Greeno: Natures of problem-solving abilities) (Simon geeft een overzicht van 25 jaar theorievorming in een paar bladzijden, is dus vreselijk oppervlakkig. Greeno lijkt maar moeilijk los te komen van probleemoplossen in laboratorium-situaties.) Shepard, Roger N.; Cooper, Lynn A. (1982). Mental images and their transformations. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-19222-4.
Eleanor J. Gibson and Harry Levin (1975). The psychology of reading. MIT Press. isbn 0262070634. (keywords cognitive development linguistics learning understanding skills writing)
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BAKER, G. P., & P. M. S. HACKER, Wittgenstein: Understanding and meaning; an analytical commentary on the Philosophical Investigations, (Volume 1), Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1980. Het (late) werk van Wittgenstein is direct relevant voor een aantal van de onderwerpen die in hoofdstuk 3 zijn aangesneden. Dat geldt vooral de vraag hoe termen gedefinieerd kunnen en mogen worden, maar ook de vraag waaruit blijkt of de betekenis van een bepaalde term ‘begrepen’ is (door de student bijvoorbeeld). Niet dat Wittgenstein hierop antwoorden geeft die je ‘onderwijskundig’ zou kunnen noemen: veeleer is het zo dat hij de grenzen afbakent waarbinnen de onderwijs-
Baker, G. P., & P. M. S. Hacker, Wittgenstein: understanding and meaning; an analytical commentary on the Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1980.
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Belleza (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51, 247-275. geheugen
Nuel D. Belnap, Jr., and Thomas B. Steel, Jr. (1976). The logic of questions and answers. London: Yale University Press.
Bereiter,Carl; Scardamalia,Marlene. The psychology of written composition. Hillsdale/NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum; 1987. 389 blz.; XIX 6-32; ISBN: 0-8058-0038-7.
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BREUKER, J., In kaart brengen van leerstof, Aula 801, Utrecht, Het Spectrum, 1980. Behandelt het schematiseren als methode om globale samenhangen in de leerstof in kaart te brengen. Geeft naast een ‘minicursus schematiseren’ ook enkele theoretische achtergronden bij de schematiseermethode.
Brown, A.L., & J.D. Day, Macrorules for summarizing texts: the development of expertise. JVerbLearnVerbBeh 1983, 22, 1-14. vragen tekst
Clancey, W.J., Acquiring, representing, and evaluating a competence model of diagnostic strategy. In Chi, Glaser & Farr, 1989, 343-418. diagnostiek
John R. Anderson (1996). ACT: A simple theory of complex cognition. questia American Psychologist, 51, 355-365. (Award address).
Anderson, J. R. et aliis (1993). Rules of the mind. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [UB Leiden PSYCHO C6.1.-67 ] Hoofdstuk 2: Knowledge representation. (chunks dus) Hoofdstuk 7 (Anderson, Conrad & Corbett) The LISP Tutor and skill acquisition. Over declaratieve en procedurele kennis, chunks, e.d. fc (van Pieter Been)
John R. Anderson and Christian Lebiere (2002). The Newell Test for a Theory of Mind. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (in press) pdf preprint
integration of the symbolic with the subsymbolic. Its weaknesses largely derive from its failure as yet to adequately engage in intensive analyses of issues related to certain criteria on Newell’s list.
A. Baddeley (1994). The magical number seven: Still magic after all these years? Psychological Review, 101, 353-356. pdf [miller.1956.html in map cogn] ... However, its major influence stems not from this but from the demonstration that immediate memory span is relatively insensitive to amount of information per item. In emphasizing the importance of the recoding of information and developing the concept of chunking, Miller set the agenda for the next phase of cognitive spychology in which information processing concepts went beyond the confines of information theory. This article continues to be cited because these underlying ideas continue to be fruitful.
Alan Baddeley (2012). Working Memory: Theories, Models, and Controversies. Annual Review of Psychology. open access Busato, V. V., Prins, F. J., Hamaker, C., & Visser, K. H. (1995). Leerstijlenonderzoek gerepliceerd; de samenhang tussen leerstijlen en intelligentie. TOR, 20, 332-341. This replication study shows condsiderable evidence for the four learning styles as proposed by Jan Vermunt (1992). De onderzoekers nemen in de replicatie ook intelligentie mee, op aanwijzing van Fré Riemersma, omdat Vermunt dat in zijn dissertatie niet deed. Een leuk patroon komt daar dan uit: de begrijpende stijl hangt positief, de ongestructureerde stijl negatief samen met intelligentie. Maar ja, het zijn allemeel heel zwakke verbanden, en als je dan kijkt naar de groep proefpersonen, het zullen wel weer eerstejaars psychologiestudenten zijn geweest, dan heb ik mijn twijfels daarbij.
Corte, E. de (Ed.) (1999). On the road to transfer: New perspectives on an enduring issue in educational research and practice. International journal of Educational research, 29, 553-654. Themanummer.
H. F. M. Crombag, H. F. M., & H. L. G. J. Merckelbach (1996). Hervonden herinneringen en andere misverstanden. Amsterdam: Contact. isbn 9025406793
H. F. M. Crombag, P. J. van Koppen en W. A. Wagenaar (1992). Dubieuze zaken. De psychologie van het strafrechtelijk bewijs. Olympus. isbn 9046701034
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K. Anders Ericsson & Jacqui Smith (Eds.) (1991). Toward a general theory of expertise. Prospects and limits. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521406129 [UB Leiden 2940 G 14 ]
Special of Intelligence (2014, volume 45) about expertise, especially criticisms of Anders Ericsson's theoretical position. Rebuttal by Anders. Rejoinders bij the authors.
Robert Plomin cs (2014) Nature, nurture, and expertise. Intelligence, vol 45 (special: expertise), 46-59 free access free access goo.gl/ft6T7d. [Anders Ericsson replied to this critique, and Plomin c.s. answered to that in other articles in this special issue of Intelligence (not free access, regrettably) Faas, E. (198). Creativiteit in wetenschap. Een historisch-psychologische analyse. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. '98
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A. D. de Groot (1946). Het denken van den schaker. Een experimenteel psychologische studie. Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij. dbnl
Hoeksteen van de uidige cognitieve psychologie.
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Wim Kayzer (1995). Vertrouwd en o zo vreemd. Over geheugen en bewustzijn. Amsterdam: Contact. isbn 9025405940, 606 blz. paperback, alleen onderkant lichte plankschade, vrijwel als nieuw,WEGGEVEN
Koedinger, K., & Anderson, J. (1992). Abstract planning and perceptual chunks. Cognitive Science, 14, 511-550. Reprinted in Chandrasekaran, B., Glasgow, J., Narayanan, N. H. (Eds) (1995). Diagrammatic reasoning. Cognitive and computational perspectives (p. 577-626). London: AAAI Press / The MIT Press. '97
Hans Kuyper (1980). About the saliency of social comparison dimensions. Dissertation Groningen University. See also this article, based on the dissertation. En Pieternel Dijkstra, Hans Kuyper, Greetje van der Werf, Abraham P. Buunk en Yvonne G. van der Zee (2008). Social Comparison in the Classroom: A Review. Review of Educational Research, Vol. 78, No. 4, 828-879. abstract
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Fodor, J. A. Fodor (1998). Concepts. Where cognitive science went wrong. Clarendon Press. isbn 0198236360
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Mayer (1995). The search for insight: Grappling with Gestalt psychology's unanswered questions. In Sternberg, R. J., & Davidson, J. E. (Eds.) (1995). The nature of insight (p. 3-32). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. p. 3: The goal of this chapter is to explore several paths that have been taken in the search for insight, including viweing insight as (1) completing a schema, (2) reorganizing visual information, (3) reformulating a problem, (4) overcoming a mental block, and (5) finding a problem analog. p. 5: In summary, in the search for insight, researchers have limited their focus to representation rather than solution processes, to nonroutine rather than routine problems, and to productive rather than reproductive thinking.
Medin, D. L., & Schaffer, M. M. (1978). Context theory of classification learning. Ps.Rev., 85, 207-238.
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Mettes, C. T. C. W., Pilot, A., Roossink, H. J., & Kramers-Pals, H. (1981). Teaching and learning problem solving in science: Part II: Learning problem solving in a thermodynamics course. Journal of Chemical Education, 58(1), 51. doi:10.1021/ed058p51 pdf
George A. Miller (1956/1994). The magical number seven. plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 63, 81-97. html Partially reprinted in PR 101, 343-352. Psychological Abstracts: A variety of researches are examined from the standpoint of information theory. it is shown that the unaided observer is severely limited in terms of the amount of information he can receive, process, and remember. However, it is shown that by the use of various techniques, e.g. use of several stimulus dimensions, recoding, and various mnemonic devices, this informational bottleneck can be broken.
Nelson, Th. O. (1996). Consiousness and metacognition. AP, 51, 102-116.
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Greg A. Perfetto, John D. Bransford and Jeffery J. Franks (1983). Constraints on access in a problem-solving context. Memory & Cognition, 11, 24-31. Gaat over transfer. Zie op dat onderwerp ook John D. Bransford and Daniel L. Schwartz (1999). Rethinking transfer: Simple proposal with multiple implications. In Review of Educational Research, volume 24, chapter 3, 60-100. fc in map tvr Gebruikt in SPA_module 5 Learning
Stephen P. Schwartz (1979). Natural kind terms. Cognition, 7, 301-315.
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Rapoport, A., & Budescu, D. V. (1997). Randomization in individual choice behavior. Psychological Review, 104, 603-617. fc Gaat over het vermogen om signalen te onderscheiden tegen een achtergrond van herrie. Daar zijn mensen dus zwak in, ze kunnen geen random reeksen produceren. Het artikel poneert een theorie voor dit onvermogen, waarbij het korte termijn geheugen als de limiterende factor oprtreedt.
Sayre, K. M., & Crosson, F. J. (Eds.) (1963). The modeling of mind. Computers and intelligence. Notre Dame: Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. '98 o.a. Newell, The chess machine. Wittgenstein, Remarks on mechanical mathematics.
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Babbage, D. Swade (2000). The cogwheel brain. Charles babbage and the quest to build the first computer. Viking. isbn 0670910201
cogn -- Eisenberger, R., & Cameron, J. (1996). Detrimental effects of reward: reality or myth? American Psychologist, 51, 1153-1166. The myth that offering a reward reduces creativity and the intrinsic interest of a task has grown far beyond what the data can support. Rewards can increase creativity, and negative effects of rewards occur under highly restricted and easily avoided conditions.
Cotton, J. W., J. P. Gallagher, & S. P. Marshall, The identification and decomposition of hierarchical tasks. AERJ 1977, 14, 189-212. geen kopie? hiërarchisch model
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Filosofische inslag, en wel met opzet. F "The exact nature of the relations between the formal properties of organized bodies of knowledge and the rules for manipulating them on the one hand, and psychological states or cognitive skills on the other, raises some noteworthy theoretical problems." Leuke opmerkingen over inductief leren en over het leren van begrippen, in relatie tot de oude leer (!) van Aristoteles (intuitie als basis voor inductie) of de nog iets oudere van Plato (aangeboren ideeën). Voor Toetsvragen schrijven een cruciaal artikel, lijkt me toch wel. Maar ook voor ICT waarmee iedereen in 1997 zo druk in de weer is. Zijn het niet juist die problemen die je zou kunnen vermijden door onderwijsontwikkeling en -onderzoek niet te belasten met vooronderstellingen over psychische toestanden?
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Ik heb dit boek nog niet doorgebladerd. Interessante hoofdstukken in ieder geval: Sweller; Siegler; Rittle.
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Manita van der Stel (2011). Development of metacognitive skills in young adolescents : a bumpy ride to the high road Proefschrift Leiden open access
Clive Gamble, John Gowlett & Robin Dunbar (2014). Thinking big. How the evolution of social life shaped the human mind. Thames & Hudson. isbn 9780500051801
Robert J. Sternberg & Jean E. Pretz (Eds) (2005). Cognition & intelligence. Identifying the mechanisms of the mind. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521534798 info
Wolfgang Schneider (2015). Memory development from early childhood through emerging adulthood. Springer info
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Barry H. Schneider, Joyce Benenson, Márta Fülöp, Mihaly Berkics & Mónika Sándor (2010). Cooperation and competition. In Peter K. Smith & Craig H. Hart: The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development.
Wolfgang Schneider (2015). Memory development from early childhood through emerging adulthood. Springer chapter previews
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Ludmilla D. Nunes & Jeffrey D. Karpicke (2015 in press). Retrieval-Based Learning: Research at the Interface Between Cognitive Science and Education. concept
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Matthew Fisher, Mariel K. Goddu, and Frank C. Keil (2015). Searching for Explanations: How the Internet Inflates Estimates of Internal Knowledge Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/xge0000070 pdf
Sybren Polet (1993). De creatieve factor. Kleine kritiek der creative (on)rede. Wereldbibliotheek. isbn 902841637
Louis Alfieri, Patricia J. Brooks, Naomi J. Aldrich & Harriet R. Tenenbaum (2011). Does Discovery-Based Instruction Enhance Learning? Journa of Educational Psychology, 103, 1-18. pdf
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Singapore education. Interesting chapter: Knowledge Building and Knowledge Creation: One Concept, Two Hills to Climb: Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia
Richard E. Mayer (2001). What good is educational psychology? The case of cognition and instruction. Educational Psychologist, 36, 83-88. researchgate.net preview of complete article ;-)
Richard E. Mayer (2001). Changing conceptions of learning: A century of progress in the scientific study of education. In NSSE Yearbook 2001 Education across a century: The centennial volume. (34-75) PEDAG 40.a.99
F. Gobet (1998). Chess players' thinking revisited. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 57, 18-32. abstract
Nilli Lavie & Polly Dalton (2014). Load theory of attention and cognitive control. In Anna C. Nobre & Sabine Kastner: The Oxford Handbook of Attention (56-75) [in 2015 nog niet als eBook in KB] other publications by Lavie
John T. Serences & Sabine Kastner (2014). A multi-level account of selective attention. In Anna C. Nobre & Sabine Kastner: The Oxford Handbook of Attention (76-104). [in 2015 nog niet als eBook in KB] abstract & proof
Miranda Scolari, Edward F. Ester & John T. Serences (2015). Feature- and object-based attentional modulation in the human visual system. In Anna C. Nobre & Sabine Kastner: The Oxford Handbook of Attention (Ch. 20). [in 2015 nog niet als eBook in KB] abstract
Tim O'Shea & John Self (1983). Learning and teaching with computers. Artificial intelligence in education. Harvester Press. isbn 0710806655
A.o.: A history of computers in education [such as the Plato project]
Krutch, John Krutch (1981/1985). Kunstmatige intelligentie op uw computer. Kluwer. isbn 9020117718
BASIC programma’s; charmant boekje, eenvoudige programma's (programmas in het boek zijn geschreven in BASIC voor microcomputers (Level II BASIC van Microsoft voor de Tandy (Radio Shack) TRS-80))
David C. Geary (2005). The origin of mind. Evolution of brain, cognition, and general intelligence. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. info
André Tricot & John Sweller (2014). Domain-specific knowledge and why teaching generic skills does not work. Educational Psychology Review preview
On biologically primary and biologically secondary 'skills'. Maybe the learning of the very young infant is insightful here? Then see Needham (2016).
Amy Work Needham (2016). Learning about objects in infancy. Routledge. [UB Leiden PSYCHO M2.1.0.-218] [eBook in KB] info
Anne D. Pick & Eleanor J. Gibson (2000). Ecological Approach to Perceptual Learning and Development. Oxford University Press. [eBook in KB] info
Etienne Wenger (1987). Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems. Computational and cognitive approaches to the communication of knowledge. Los Altos, California: Morgan Kaufmann. isbn 0934613265 [eBook in KB] (review - AI historical outline - Freedman [pdf]:"Wenger’s (1987) textbook contains a good map of the field for newcomers and descriptions of many classic systems")
Allan M. Collins & Elizabeth F. Loftus (1975). A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing. Psychological Review, 82, 407-428. pdf
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H. Jaap van den Herik (1983). Computerschaak, schaakwereld en kunstmatige intelligentie. 's-Gravenhage: Academic Service. isbn 9062330932 open access
Joseph Rossman (1964). Industrial creativity. The psychology of the inventor. University Books. lccc 64-16161
Fun to read this together with Stellan Ohlsson (2011) Deep learning. Interesting stories on moments of insight. Lots of inventors etcetera were questioned by Rossman.
Haller Susan M. Haller, Susan W. McRoy & Alfred Kobsa (Eds) (1999). Computational Models for Mixed-Initiative Interaction. Kluwer. isbn 0792355725
William J. Clancey (1987 2nd). Knowledge based tutoring. The GUIDON Program. The MIT Press. isbn 026203123X
Anderson, James A. Anderson & Edward Rosenfeld (Eds) (1998). Talking nets. An oral history of neural networks. MT Press. isbn 0262011670
< info
Martha C. Polson and J. Jeffrey Richardson (Eds) (1988). Foundations of intelligent tutoring systems. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum. isbn 0805800549
This discipline forces the researcher to strictly operationalize what it is to use knowledge (chapter by John Anderson) etcetera. Useful, even though dated.
Greg P. Kearsley (Ed.) (1987). Artificial intelligence and instruction; applications and methods. Amsterdam: Addison-Wesley. isbn 0201116545 borrow online from archive.org
Robert S. Siegler (1996). Emerging minds. The process of change in children's thinking. Oxford University Press. isbn 0195077873 info
Edward E. Smith and Douglas L. Medin (1981). Categories and concepts. Harvard University Press. isbn 0674102754 info
Howard Gardner (1991). The unschooled mind. How children think and how schools should teach. Basic Books. isbn 0465088953
Carl H. Frederiksen and Joseph F. Dominic (Eds) (1981). Writing: The nature, development, and teaching of written communication. Volume 2: Process, development and communication. Erlbaum. isbn 0898591589.
Hamel, R., Elshout-Mohr, M., & Milikowski, M. (1999). Meesterschap. Zestien stukken over intelligentie, leren, denken en probleemoplossen voor Jan Elshout. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUUP.
Ernest R. Hilgard (Ed.) (1964). Theories of Learning and Instruction. NSSE.
Ernest R. Hilgard and Gordon H. Bower (1975 4th). Theories of learning. Prentice Hall. isbn 0139144579
Susan Carey (1985). Conceptual change in childhood. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Isbn 0262530732. 1987
K. Anders Ericsson (Ed.) (1996). The road to excellence. The acquisition of expert performance in the arts and sciences, sports and games. Erlbaum. isbn 0805822313 table of contents -->
K. Anders Ericsson & Neil Charness (1994). Expert performance: its structure and acquisition. American Psychologist, 49, 725-747. pdf
The effects of extended supervised practice from an early age are more far-reaching than is commonly believed. Basic limits of working memory and sequential processing can be exceeded, and anatomical changes can also result.
Paul Bloom (2000). How children learn the meanings of words. MIT Press. isbn 0262024691 (Toetsvragen ontwerpen: hoofdstuk 4)
Peter Baumgartner & Sabine Payr (1995). Speaking minds. Interviews with twenty eminent cognitive scientists. Princeton University Press. isbn 0691036780
Edwin G. Boring (1929/1957). A history of experimental psychology. Appleton-Century Crofts. isbn 0390109886 archive.org
Jerome Bruner (1996). The Culture of Education. Harvard University Press. isbn 0674017952
This is work from the nineties. Mature insights in the fabric of education.
Jerome Bruner (1986). Actual Minds, Possible Worlds. Harvard University Press. isbn 0674003667
David P. Ausubel (1963). The psychology of meaningful verbal learning. An introduction to school learning. New York: Grune & Stratton.
John R. Anderson, Christian Lebiere, and others (1998). The atomic components of thought. Erlbaum. isbn 0805828168 [UB Leiden PSYCHO C6.1.-171] [KB eBook]
Richard C. Anderson, Rand J. Spiro, and William E. Montague (Eds) (1977). Schooling and the acquisition of knowledge. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum. isbn 047099293X [UB Leidne 3394 C 13 ]
Paul S. Rosenbloom, John E. Laird & Allen Newell (Eds.) (1993). The Soar Papers. Research on integrated intelligence. MIT Press. isbn 0262181525 [out of print 2015] [UB Leiden 6292 A 14-15]
Michelene T. H. Chi, Robert Glaser, and Marshall J. Farr (Eds) (1989). The nature of expertise. Hillsdale: Erlbaum. isbn 0805804048,
W. K. Estes (1994). Classification and cognition. Clarendon Press. isbn 0195109740
Stanislas Dehaene (1997). The Number Sense. How the Mind Creates Mathematics. Oxford University Press. isbn 0195110048 info newr revised edition
Annette M. La Greca (Ed.) (1990). Through the eyes of the child. Obtaining self-reports from children and adolescents. London: Allyn and Bacon. isbn 0205123406
Roger C. Schank and Robert P. Abelson (1977). Scripts, plans, goals and understanding : an inquiry into human knowledge structures. Erlbaum. isbn 0470990333
David Klahr, Pat Langley, and Robert Neches (Eds) (1987). Production system models of learning and development. The MIT Press. isbn 0262111144 info / out of print
Pat Langley, Herbert A. Simon, Gary L. Bradshaw, & Jan M. Zytkow (1987). Scientific discovery. Computational explorations of the creative process. MIT Press. isbn 0262121166
Miller, George A. Miller, Eugene Galanter & Karl H. Pribram, (1960). Plans and the structure of behavior. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. isbn 0030100755 archive.org
John E. Laird (2012). The SOAR Cognitive Architecture. The MIT Press. isbn 9780262122962 info
Ronald R. Schmeck (ed.) (1988). Learning Strategies and Learning Styles. Plenum.
John H., Keith J. Holyoak, Richard E. Nisbett, & Paul R. Thagard (1986). Induction, Processes of inference, learning and discovery. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
J. A. Scott Kelso (1995). Dynamic patterns. The self-organization of brain and behavior. The MIT Press. info
Kelso, J. A. Scott Kelso & David A. Engstrøm (2006). The complementary nature. The MIT Press. isbn 0262112914
Stanley Finger (2000). Minds behind the brain. A history of the pioneers and their discoveries. Oxford University Press. isbn 019508571X
Daniel G. Bobrow (Ed.) (1994). Artificial Intelligence in Perspective. MIT/Elsevier. isbn 0262521865 info
Ronald Hamel (1990). Over het denken van de architect. Een cognitief psychologische beschrijving van het ontwerpproces bij architecten. Amsterdam: AHA Books. isbn 9052460183
Richard E. Snow, Pat-Anthony. Federico and William E. Montague (Eds.) (1980). Aptitude, learning and instruction. Volume 1: Cognitive process analyses of aptitudes (scan van boek manuscript via Scholar binnengehaald); Volume 2: cognitive process analyses of learning and problem solving. Erlbaum. 0898590434 & 0898590469
Herbert A. Simon (1991). Models of my life. Basic Books. isbn 0465046401
Rosamond Mitchell and Florence Myles (2004). Second language learning theories. Hodder Arnold. Second edition (original one: 1998). isbn 0340807660
Charles M. Reigeluth (Ed.) (1987). Instructional theories in action. Lessons illustrating selected theories and models. Erlbaum. isbn 0898598257 [niet in UB Leiden anders dan via B.O.O., niet als eBook in KB]
David E. Rumelhart, James L. McClelland, and the PDP Research Group (1986). Parallel distributed processing. Explorations into the microstructure of cognition. Volume 1: Foundations. The MIT Press. info
Rumelhart, D.E., J.L. McClelland, and the PDP Research Group (1986). Parallel distributed processing. Explorations in the microstructure of cognition. Vol. 2 Psychological and biological models. MIT.info
McClelland, James L., and David A. Rumelhart (1988). Explorations in parallel distributed processing. A handbook of models, programs, and exercises. MIT. + program diskettes info
Geraldine J. Clifford (1968/1984 pb). Edward L. Thorndike: The sane positivist. Wesleyan University Press. isbn 0819560928 [out of print] Amazon
Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer & Paul A. Kirschner (2012). Ten Steps to Complex Learning : A Systematic Approach to Four-Component Instructional Design. Routledge. [als eBook in KB] arXiv:1509.03390v1 [cs.AI]http://www.tensteps.info/
Stellan Ohlsson, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán & Aaron Urasky (2015). Measuring an Artificial Intelligence System's Performance on a Verbal IQ Test For Young Children. arXiv:1509.03390v1 [cs.AI] get pdf
Niels Taatgen, David Huss, Daniel Dickison & John R. Anderson (2008). The Acquisition of Robust and Flexible Cognitive Skills. Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, 137, 548-565. abstract; pdf concept
John R. Anderson (1982). Acquisition of cognitive skill. Psychological Review, 89, 369-406 get pdf
Klein, G. Klein (1998). Sources of power. How people make decisions. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Sources of power. How people make decisions. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. isbn 0262112272
Het gaat om complexe beslissingen. Zoals het casus 'Vincennes', 'Apollo 13' de 'naturalistic decision making approach which views people as inherently skilled and experienced and documents human strengths and capabilities that so far have been downplayed or ignored.' Kan ik voor mijn ATM mooi gebruiken. Hoewel ik daar wat dubbel in ben, beschouw ik leerlingen als 'skilled' in de geciteerde zin, maar tegelijk als minder 'power' hebbend dan het geval zou kunnen zijn omdat de instrumenten ontbreken. Of anders gezegd: de beoordelingssituaties zijn zo complex dat het moeilijk is om te leren van je beslssingsfouten, als je dat zo mag noemen. Misschien zijn situaties ook wel zo gestructureerd dat bepaalde leerlingen wel tegen een muur op moeten lopen, dus falen, zonder dat je kunt spreken van beslissingsfouten bij die leerlingen. Zie ook Hammond (2000). Het boek nog eens bekijken, vanuit de misvatting van 21st-century skills, zou interessant kunnen zijn.
Gerd Gigerenzer (2007). Gut feelings. The intelligence of the unconscious. Penguin. isbn 9780713997514
G. Polya (1945/1957/1971). How to solve it. A new aspect of mathematical method. Princeton University Press. isbn 0691023565
Elger Abrahamse, Jean-Philippe van Dijck, Steve Majerus & Wim Fias (10 november 2015). Turning the Mind’s Eye Inward: The Interplay between Selective Attention and Working Memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience website (Research topic, series of articles, free access).
Andreas Obersteiner, Jo Van Hoof, Lieven Verschaffel and Wim Van Dooren (2015). Who can escape the natural number bias in rational number tasks? A study involving students and experts. British Journal of Psychology abstract
Marcel Veenman (april 2015). Metacognitie: Ken uzelve. De Psycholoog, april, 11-21. pdf
John M. Nicholas (Ed.) (1977). Images, perception and knowledge. Reidel. isbn 9027707820
Zach Shipstead, Thomas S. Redick & Randall W. Engle (2012). Is Working Memory Training Effective?. Psychological Bulletin. doi: 10.1037/a0027473 pdf
Poses some fundamental questions, where earlier research has been mainly empirically oriented (what works, instead of what works and why should/could that be the case?).
Antonija MITROVIC, Moffat MATHEWS, Stellan OHLSSON, Jay HOLLAND, Audrey MCKINLAY, Scott OGDEN, Anthony BRACEGIRDLE & Sam DOPPING-HEPENSTAL (2014). From Tutoring to Cognitive Rehabilitation: Exploiting CBM to Support Memory Training. In Liu, C.-C. et al. (Eds.) (2014). Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education pdf
Ned Block (Ed.) 1980). Readings in philosophy of psychology. Harvard University Press. isbn 0674748751 0674748778
Perry R. Hinton (2016). The perception of people. Integrating cognition and culture. Routledge. [KB eBook] info
My interest in the topic: ‘the perception of students’, by their teachers, for example.
R. Duncan Luce, Robert R. Bush & Eugene Galanter (Eds.) (1965). Handbook of mathematical psychology. Wiley. archive.org volume II only
Gerd Gigerenzer & Daniel G. Goldstein (1996). Mind as computer: Birth of a metaphor. Creativity Research Journal, 9, 131-144. pdf
Slava Kalyuga , Anne-Marie Singh (2015). Rethinking the Boundaries of Cognitive Load Theory in Complex Learning Educational Psychology Review, 28, 831-852. abstract
Learning theories listing, and short descriptions
John Sweller (2015). Working memory, long-term memory, and instructional design. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition abstract
Ouhao Chen, Slava Kalyuga, John Sweller (2016). The Expertise Reversal Effect is a Variant of the More General Element Interactivity Effect. Educational Psychology Review first online abstract [I do not have access]
Tamara van Gog & John Sweller (2015). Not New, but Nearly Forgotten: the Testing Effect Decreases or even Disappears as the Complexity of Learning Materials Increases. Educational Psychology Review first online abstract [I do not have access]
Jeffrey D. Karpicke & William R. Aue (2015). The Testing Effect Is Alive and Well with Complex Materials. Educational Psychology Review, 27, 317-326. pdf
David C. Geary (1995). Reflections of evolution and culture in children's cognition. Implications for mathematical development and instruction. American Psychologist, 50, 24-36. pdf [Biologically primary and biologically secondary abilities]
André Tricot & John Sweller (2014). Domain-specific knowledge and why teaching generic skills does not work. Educational Psychology Review preview & concept
Geary, D (2007). Educating the evolved mind: Conceptual foundations for an evolutionary educational psychology, Ch 1 in Educating the evolved mind: Conceptual foundations for an evolutionary educational psychology, JS Carlson & JR Levin (Eds). Information Age Publishing. [info] Chapter 1 pdf
p. 3
John Sweller (). Story of a research program. Education Review webpage
Arthur I. Gates (1917). Recitation as a factor in memorizing. Dissertation. archive.org
Tania Lombrozo (2016). Explaining to yourself can be a powerful mechanism for learning. How, why and when does explaining lead to new learning? APA Psychological Science Agenda | March 2016 page
Todd S. Braver (Ed.) (2016). Motivation and cognitive control.. Psychology Press. [PSYCHO C4.-81] [eBook in KB] See also Botvinick & Braverinfo
Matthew Botvinick & Todd Braver (). Motivation and Cognitive Control: From Behavior to Neural Mechanism. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2015. 66:83–113 open access paywalled
Bernard Weiner (2013). Cognitive views of human motivation. Elsevier Science. [eBook in KB]
Jonathan M. Fawcett, Evan F. Risko & Alan Kingstone (Eds.) (2015). The handbook of attention. MIT. [PSYCHO C11.-48] info
No contents specified on MIT website, but see here.
John Sweller, Paul Ayres & Slava Kalyuga (2011). Cognitive Load Theory. Springer. preview [I have no access, not in library Leiden, not in Royal Library]
Maya Bar-Hillel & Ruma Falk (1982). Some teasers concerning conditional probabilities. Cognition 11 109-122. pdf
Michelle M. Arnold & D. Stephen Lindsay (2007). 'I remember/know/guess that I knew it all along!': Subjective experience versus objective measures of the knew-it-all-along effect. Memory & Cognition, 35, 1854-1868. pdf
David F. Feldon (2006). The implications of research on expertise for curriculum and pedagogy. Educ Psychol Rev. pdf
Gordon D. Logan (1997). The automaticity of academic life: Unconscious applications of everyday life. In Robert S. Wyer, Jr. (Ed.) The automaticity of daily life. Advances in Social Cognition, Volume X.
Kihlstrom, J.F. (2008). The automaticity juggernaut. In J. Baer, J.C. Kaufman, & R.F. Baumeister (Eds.), Are We Free? Psychology and Free Will (pp. 155-180). New York: Oxford University Press. webpage
Robert R. Hoffman (Ed.) (2014). The psychology of expertise. Cognitive research and empirical AI. Psychology Press. [eBook in KB]
Robert R. Hoffman (1996). How Can Expertise be Defined? Implications of Research From Cognitive Psychology. In R. Williams, W. Faulkner & J. Fleck (Eds.), (1996). Exploring Expertise (pp. 81–100). Edinburgh, Scotland: University of Edinburgh Press. pdf
Might be dated, nice article however.
Dylan Wiliam (28 April 2016). Learning styles: what does the research say? blog
Henri Poincaré (). Mathematical discovery. Ch. 3 in Science and Method (46-63). (transl. Francis Maitland, preface Bertrand Russell) archive.org
Facilitating Representation Change in Insight Problems Through Training. John Patrick and Afia Ahmed (2014). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 532-543. pdf
'The problem of how to improve insight'
A cognitive procedure for representation change in verbal insight problems. Patrick, John; Ahmed, Afia; Smy, Victoria; Seeby, Helen; Sambrooks, Katie Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol 41(3), May 2015, 746-759. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/xlm0000045 [nog ophalen: researchgate.net]
John Sweller (2016). Cognitive Load Theory, Evolutionary Educational Psychology, and Instructional Design. In David C. Geary & Dniel S. Barch (Eds.). Evolutionary Perspectives on Child Development and Education (291-306). preview
from the abstract
Yingying Wang, Meaghan V. Mauer, Talia Raney, Barbara Peysakhovich, Bryce L. C. Becker, Danielle D. Sliva and Nadine Gaab (2016). Development of Tract-Specific White Matter Pathways During Early Reading Development in At-Risk Children and Typical Controls. Cerebral Cortex, 2016, 1–17 doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw095 researchgate.net
Julia X. Li and Karin H. James (2016). Handwriting Generates Variable Visual Output to Facilitate Symbol Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145, No. 3, 298–313. pdf
K. Kotovsky & H.A. Simon (1990). What makes some problems really hard: explorations in the problem space of difficulty. Cognitive Psychology, 22, 143-183.concept versionChinese Ring Puzzle; transfer
Bill Thompson, Simon Kirby, and Kenny Smith (2016). Culture shapes the evolution of cognition. PNAS vol. 113 no. 16 Bill Thompson, 4530–4535, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1523631113 pdf
Bill Thompson, Simon Kirby and Kenny Smith (2016). Culture shapes the evolution of cognition. PNAS open access
Ben Williamson (May 17, 2016). Cognitive computing & #AI are the future of #edtech & #education itself, claim Pearson & IBM codeactsineducation.wordpress.com/2016/05/17/ai-cognitive-systems-education/ blog
Cubie King & David Von Drehle (2016). Encounters with the Arch-Genius, David Gelernter. The artificial intelligence pioneer has some radical ideas about the supremacy of the human mind. page
K A Paller (2009). Memory Consolidation: Systems
A. P. Melis (2015). The evolutionary roots of human collaboration: coordination and sharing of resources. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2013 Sep;1299:68-76. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12263 abstract
Jeffrey A. Greene, William A. Sandoval & Ivar Bråten (Eds.) (2016). Handbook of epistemic cognition. Routledge. info
Uit de constructivistische hoek, revisionisme.
p. 153
James E. Mazur and Reid Hastie (1978). Learning as Accumulation: A Reexamination of the Learning Curve. Psychological Bulletin, 85, 1256-1274. abstract
Abraham Sagiv (1979). General growth model for evaluation of an individual's progress in learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 866-881. abstract
P(T) = Pf (1 - e -RT), (1)
in which R is the rate performance constant depending on individual ability (Hicklin, 1976), T is time, P(T) is the performance level at time T, and Pf is the performance limit.
Ouhao Chena, Slava Kalyuga, John Sweller (2016). Relations between the worked example and generation effects on immediate and delayed tests. Learning and Instruction, 45, 20-30.abstract [no access, paywalled] [See also Greg Ashman on element interactivity and expertise in this context blog
Siegfried Engelmann (Author), Douglas Carnine: Theory of Instruction: Principles and Applications Kindle Edition ($9.99). For Dutch residents: as eBook available in KB.
Cyriel M. A. Pennartz (2915). The brain's representational power. On consciousness and the integration of modalities. MIT. info
Imagination: The capacity to mentally transcend time, place, and/or circumstance [p. 3]. Isn’t that also a good description of creativity? In a certain sense, at least? See Ch. 24. Imagination and Personal Creativity, by Mark A. Runco and Jeremy Pina abstract
The creative ideas and behaviors of children are often original and appropriate, but only relative to personal standards, hence the label personal creativity. What is creative for a child might not be original and appropriate by social standards, yet according to the story of personal creativity, it is still creativity. [p. 380]
John R. Anderson, Aryn A. Pyke & Jon M. Fincham (Juy 20, 2016). Hidden Stages of Cognition Revealed in Patterns of Brain Activation. Psychological Science abstract & concept
Fiction: Simulation of Social Worlds. Keith Oatley (2016). Trends in Cogntive Sciences, 20, 618-628. free
Thomas S. Redick & Zach Shipstead & Elizabeth A. Wiemers & Monica Melby-Lervag & Charles Hulme (2016). What’s Working in Working Memory Training? An Educational Perspective. Educ Psychol Rev (2015) 27:617–633 DOI 10.1007/s10648-015-9314-6 abstract
Robert H. Logie & Nelson Cowan (2015). Perspectives on working memory: introduction to the special issue. Mem Cogn (2015) 43:315–324 DOI 10.3758/s13421-015-0510-x page
Michael Chow · Andrew R. A. Conway (2015). The scope and control of attention: Sources of variance in working memory capacity. Mem Cogn (2015) 43:325–339 DOI 10.3758/s13421-014-0496-9 abstract
Ola Ozernov-Palchik, Xi Yu, Yingying Wang and Nadine Gaab (2016). Lessons to be learned: How a comprehensive neurobiological framework of atypical reading development can inform educational practice. ScienceDirect researchgate
David Geary (). Primal Brain in the Modern Classroom DOI: 10.1038/scientificamericanmind0911-44 44-49 scientific american mind september/October 2011 Niet gewoon online, wel via researchgate.net
Prins, P.J.M., Ponsioen, A.J.G.B., & Ten Brink, E.L. (2011). Gebruik je hersens! Het verbeteren van executieve functies bij kinderen door oefening en training. De Psycholoog, 46(11), 38-48. pdf ophalen
Paul Ibbotson, Michael Tomasello (September 7, 2016). Evidence Rebuts Chomsky's Theory of Language Learning. Much of Noam Chomsky’s revolution in linguistics—including its account of the way we learn languages—is being overturned. Scientific American web
Ann M. Colley: Cognitive motor skills pp 229-248 in: Dennis H. Holding (Ed.) (1989 2nd). Human skills.
KNAW Symposium Machinale Intelligentie webpage
Paul A. Howard-Jones, Daniel Ansari, Bert De Smedt, Diana Laurillard, Sashank Varma, Brian Butterworth, Usha Goswami, Michael S. C. Thomas Birkbeck (2016). The principles and practices of educational neuroscience: Comment on Bowers (2016). Psychological Review, 123, 620-627. researchgate.net
Mary Henle (d.) (1971). The selected papers of Wolfgang Köhler Liveright. isbn 0871405059
Richard J. Herrnstein & Edwin G. Boring (Eds.) (1965). A source book in the history of psychology. Harvard University Press. lccc 65-11595 info
• Part VII: Cerebral Localization • 44. René Descartes on the Interaction of Mind and Brain, 1650 • 45. Franz Joseph Gall on Phrenology, the Localization of the Functions of the Brain, 1825 • 46. Pierre Jean Marie Flourens on the Functions of the Brain, 1824 • 47. Paul Broca on the Speech Center, 1861 • 48. Gustav Fritsch and Eduard Hitzig on Cerebral Motor Centers, 1870 • 49. John Hughlings Jackson on Dissolution of the Nervous System, 1884 • 50. Shepherd Ivory Franz on the Variability of the Motor Centers, 1915 • 51. Karl Spencer Lash!ey on Cerebral Equipotentiality and Mass Action, 1929 • 52. Henry Head on Vigilance, 1926 • Part XI: Evolution and Individual Differences • 77. Charles Robert Darwin on the Theory of Evolution, 1859 • 78. Francis Galton on the Inheritance of Intelligence, 1869 • 79. Francis Galton on Mental Capacity, 1883 • 80. James McKeen Cattell on Mental Tests, 1890 • 81. Alfred Binet and Victor Henri on the Psychology of Individual Differences, 1895 • 82. Hermann Ebbinghaus on the Completion Test, 1897 • 83. Stella Emily Sharp on a Test of Mental Testing, 1899 • 84. Clark Wissler on the Inadequacy of Mental Tests, 1901 • 85. Charles Edward Spearman on General Intelligence, 1904 • 86. William Stern on the Mental Quotient, 1912 • Part XIV: Learning • 95. Hermann Ebbinghaus on the Learning of Nonsense Syllables, 1995 • 96. Mary Whiton Calkins on the Learning of Paired Associates, 1896 • 97. Edward Lee Thorndike on Animal Learning, 1898 • 98. Robert Mearns Yerkes on the Intelligence of the Turtle, 1901 • 99. Willard Stanton Small on the Maze, 1901 • 100. Edward Lee Thorndike and Robert Sessions Woodworth on Transfer of Training, 1901 • 101. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov on Conditioned Reflexes, 1904 • 102. Wolfgang Kohler on the Insight of Apes, 1917
L. S. Hearnshaw (1964). A short history of British psychology 1840 - 1940. Methuen.
Robert Cummins 7 John Pollock (Eds.) (1991). Philosophy and AI. Essays at the interface. MIT Press. isbn 0262031809
James H. Capshew (1999). Psychologists on the march. Science, practice, and professional identity in America, 1929-1969. Cambridge UP. isbn 0521565855 info
Addie Johnson & Robert W. Proctor (2016). Skill acquisition & training. Achieving expertise in simple and complex tasks. Routledge. info
Just take a look at its content listing. Remark there is no mention of 21st century skills, soft skills, or generic skills. Indeed, skills are domain specific everywhere. However, there is a section on problem-solving skill. Guess what? It is domain-specific, heavily contingent on long term memory knowledge. Many topics regularly in discussion on Twitter and in blogs on social media are treated here in a professional manner, yet accessible.
Donald A. Norman (Ed.) (1981). Perspectives on cognitive science. ABLEX. isbn 0893910716
Andrew J. Martin (2016). Using Load Reduction Instruction (LRI) to boost motivation and engagement researchgate.net
Daniel T. Willingham (2009). Why don't students like school? Wiley. [KB eBook]
Daniel T. Willingham (2015). Raising kids who read. Wiley. [KB eBook]
Edward L. Thorndike (). Educational Psychology. Volume 3. Mental work and fatigue and individual differences and their causes. archive.org
A quote on Latin,
To avoid this confusion of causes which train with those which select is extremely hard. Any class of individuals studied because they have been subjected to a certain training is almost sure to be a class not only trained by but also selected by that training.
p. 282
Edward L. Thorndike (1013). Educational Psychology. Volume 1. The original nature of man. Teachers College, Columbia University. archive.org
Robbie Case, Yukari Okamoto, Sharon Griffin, Anne McKeough, Charles Bleiker, Barbara Henderson, Kimberly Marra Stephenson, Robert S. Siegler and Daniel P. Keating (1996). The Role of Central Conceptual Structures in the Development of Children's Thought. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Vol. 61, No. 1/2, The Role of Central Conceptual Structures in the Development of Children's Thought (1996), pp. i+iii-vi+1-295 read online free
Mary Hegarty & David A. Waller (2005) Individual differences in spatial abilities. In Priti Shah & Akira Miyake (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Visuospatial Thinking (122-169). info
Michael S. Humphreys & Kerry A. Chalmers (2016). Thinking about human memory. Cambridge University Press. [PSYCHO C3.0.-293] info
Beyond feedback: Developing student capability in complex appraisal. D. Royce Sadler (2009). Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education pdf concept
Thomas Suddendorf, Melissa Brinums & Kana Imuta (2016). Shaping one's future self. The development of deliberate practice. [pdf concept text via researchgate.net] 343-366 in Kourken Michaelian, Stanley B. Klein & Karl K. Szpunar: Seeing the future. Theoretical perspectives on future-oriented mental time travel. Oxford University Press. [PSYCHO C6.1.-332] info
Maciej Chudek, MichaelMuthukrishna & Joseph Henrich (2016). Cultural evolution. In David M. Buss (Ed.) The handbook of evolutionary psychology (749-769). pdf
Peter M. Todd, Ralph Hertwig & Ullrich Hoffrage: Evolutionary cognitive psychology. In David M. Buss (Ed.) The handbook of evolutionary psychology. final draft of 2005 chapter
Declan Smithies & Daniel Stoljar (Eds.) (201). Introsepction and consciousness. Oxford UP. [PSYCHO D8.2.0-102]
Might this be useful? I doubt it. Most topics: perception.
Working Memory Training Does Not Improve Performance on Measures of Intelligence or Other Measures of “Far Transfer” Evidence From a Meta-Analytic Review Monica Melby-Lervåg, Thomas S. Redick, Charles Hulme download
Daniel Willingham (Aug 12, 2016). Whn knowledge is unforgettable. The Atlantic blog
Carver, Sharon ; Klahr, David (2001). Cognition and instruction : twenty-five years of progress. LEA. [UBL PEDAG. 48.a.339 niet gezien] contents
Jerry Carlson & Joel R. Levin (Eds.) (2007). Educating the Evolved Mind. Conceptual Foundations for an Evolutionary Educational Psychology. Information Age Publishing. [eBook in KB] [UBL online only] info
Meike Jipp, Phillip L. Ackerman (2016). The Impact of Higher Levels of Automation on Performance and Situation Awareness. A Function of Information-Processing Ability and Working-Memory Capacity. ournal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making abstract & references
Susan Chipman (Ed.) (2017). The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Science info
Susan Chipman (2010). Applications in Education and Training: A Force Behind the Development of Cognitive Science. Topics in Cognitive Science. open access
Nelson Cowan (2000). The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 87-185. pdf
Nelson Cowan (2015). George Miller's magical number of immediate memory in retrospect: Observations on the faltering progression of science. Psychol Rev. 2015 Jul;122(3):536-41. doi: 10.1037/a0039035 open access
Walter Kintsch, Vimla L. Patel & K. Anders Ericsson (1999). The role of long-term working memory in text comprehension. Psychologia, 42, 186-198 pdf
Editors: David Geary, Daniel Berch, Robert Ochsendorf, Kathleen Mann Koepke (Dec. 2016). Acquisition of Complex Arithmetic Skills and Higher-Order Mathematics Concepts, Volume 3. Academic Press. info
Just a collection of chapters by a bunch of different authors? Or is it more? I have no access (yet?) to this book. There seem not to be any reviews yet. No abstracts of chapters either.
Daniel T. Willingham (2009). Why Don't Students Like School : A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions about How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroom. John Wiley & Sons [eBook KB] info
Michael N. Jones (Ed.) (2017). Big data in cognitive science. Psychology Press. [UBL PSYCHO C6.-174] info
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1975). Beyond boredom and anxiety. The experience of play in work and games. Jossey-Bass. 0875892612
Richard E. Nisbett, David H. Krantz, Christopher Jepson & Ziva Kunda (1983). The Use of Statistical Heuristics in Everyday Inductive Reasoning Psychological Revew, 90, 339-363. pdf
Wayne A. Wickelgren (1974). How to solve problems. Elements of a theory of problems and problem solving. Freeman. isbn 0716708450 [public: students]
Crossing borders: A citation analysis of connections between Cognitive Science and Educational Research … and the fields in between. Jan Youtie Gregg E. A. Solomon Stephen Carley Seokbeom Kwon Alan L. Porter (2017). Research Evaluation, Volume 26, Issue 3, 1 July 2017, Pages 242–255, https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvx020 researchgate
Daniel S. Levine & Samuel J. Leven (Eds.) (1992). Motivation, emotion, and goal direction in neural networks. LEA. 0805804471 info
Cognitive load theory: research that teachers really need to understand. 2017. Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation download
Merideth Gattis (Ed.) (2001). Spatial schemas and abstract thought. MIT 0262072130 9780262072137 info
Ruimteliijk inzicht.
Amalric, Marie, Denghien, Isabelle, Dehaene,Stanislas, On the role of visual experience in mathematical development:Evidence from blind mathematicians.Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience open access
Symbolic Number Skills Predict Growth in Nonsymbolic Number Skills in Kindergarteners. Ian M. Lyons and others (2017). preprint [ao: Daniel Ansari]
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Christopher P. Dwyer (2017). Critical thinking. Conceptual perspectives and practical guidelines. Cambridge UP. PSYCHO C6.2.-84 info
Optimizing Learning in College. Tips From Cognitive Psychology. Adam L. Putnam, Victor W. Sungkhasettee, Henry L. Roediger (2016). Perspectives on Psychological Science. open access
Cortical circuits for mathematical knowledge: evidence for a major subdivision within the brain's semantic networks. Marie Amalric, Stanislas Dehaene (2018). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences open access
A random-matrix theory of the number sense T. Hannagan, A. Nieder, P. Viswanathan, S. Dehaene (2018). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences open access
Report of the Task Group on Conceptual Knowledge and Skills Francis “Skip” Fennell, Chair Larry R. Faulkner Liping Ma Wilfried Schmid Sandra Stotsky Hung-Hsi Wu pdf
Karl Duncker (1935/1963 Neudruck). Zur Psychologie des produktiven Denkens. Berlin: Springer. lccc 35-35396 info
'Landmark in the history of cognitive psychology' (Newell, 1985)
Cerveau et apprentissage. website
Stanis Dehaene: La Fondation "La main à la pâte" propose énormément d'informations sur les sciences cognitives de l'apprentissage, ainsi que des questions-réponses à destination des enseignants: https://www.fondation-lamap.org/node/22173
Susan E. F. Chipman (Ed.) (2017). The Oxford handbook of cognitive science. Oxford University Press. PSYCHOC6.-176 info
2014 Integrating Cognitive Science with Innovative Teaching in STEM Disciplines. Edited by Mark A. McDaniel, Regina F. Frey, Susan M. Fitzpatrick, & Henry L. Roediger, III open
Herbert A. Simon (1990). Invariants of human behavior. Ann. Rev. Psychol. 41, 1-19. open
Greg P. Kearsley (ed) (1987). Artificial intelligence and instruction; applications and methods. Amsterdam: Addison-Wesley. isbn 0201116545.
Ellen Winner (1988).The point of words. Children's understanding of metaphor and irony. Harvard UP. 0674681258 info
Research showing understanding of metaphor to be a domain-specific skill, not a general one. ‘Conceptual domains and the acquisition of metaphor’ by Frank C.Keil 1986 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e4d3/a1b3b0c778c730b877b2a08a30af5e382a23.pdf treated in Ellen Winner ‘The point of words’ Ch 4 ‘Constraints on metaphor comprehension’
Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon (1972). Human problem solving. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Automaticity and multiple memory systems F. Gregory Ashby∗ and Matthew J. Crossley WIREs Cogn Sci 2012, 3:363–376. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1172
Paul Kirschner (23 fabruari 2018). Iedereen Haat Directe Instructie (Terwijl het Werkt!) blog
Brophy, J. (1979). Advances in teacher research. Journal of Classroom Instruction, 15, 1–7.
Furtak, E. M., Seidel, T., Iverson, H., & Briggs, D. C. (2012). Experimental and quasi-experimental studies of inquiry-based science teaching: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 82, 300-329.
Rosenshine, B. V. (1976) Classroom instruction. In N. Gage (Ed.), The Psychology of Teaching Methods, 75th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Rosenshine, B. V. (1979). Content, time, and direct instruction. In P. L. Peterson & H. J. Walberg (Eds.), Research on teaching: Concepts. findings and implications(pp. 28-56). Berkley, CA: Mccutchan Publishing.
Stockard, J., Wood, T. W., Coughlin, C., & Khoury, C. R. (2018, online first). The effectiveness of direct instruction curricula: A meta-analysis of a half century of research. Review of Educational Research.
literatuur bij de blog
Willis D. Ellis (Ed.) (1938/1967). A source book of gestalt psychology. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Intrinsic motivation, curiosity, and learning: Theory and applications in educational technologies P.-Y.Oudeyer, J.Gottlieb, M.Lopes Progress in Brain Research Volume 229 , 2016, Pages 257-284 abstract
Semb, G. B., Ellis, J. A., & Araujo (1993). Long-term memory for knowledge learned in school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 305-316 abstract
Roger C. Schank (1982). Dynamic memory. A theory of reminding and learning in computers and people. Cambridge University Press. isbn 0521248582
Richard M. Sorrentino & E. Tory Higgins (ed.) (1986). Handbook of motivation and cognition. Foundations of social behavior. Wiley. isbn 0471910074
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Ik geloof er niets van, maar ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik het stuk niet heb gelezen ;-) De claim lijkt immers te zijn dat er zoiets bestaat als een generieke vaardigheid 'redeneren'. Dat is natuurlijk iets anders dan 'fluid intelligence', anders had er fluid intelligence' gestaan. Toch? Kijk vooral ook even naar de promotores en de beoordelingscommissie!
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