Humanities education
An inventory
Ben Wilbrink
My intention in creating these 'education pages' is to assemble materials from several disciplines to investigate how they are handling common sense ideas, folk ideas, naive ideas, whatever they might get called, that are inconsistent with the scientific ideas in that particular discipline. The prime example is the folk physics of pupils that is frustrating their learning the classical mechanics of Newton, while most programs or teachers do not explicitly handle this problem, or even are aware of it. While this kind of problem evidently is frustrating the efficiency of education, it also touches on what is valid assessment of knowledge of physics. Designing physics tests should touch on this issue.
There is a flipside to this kind of issue: there are also intuitions etcetera that are consistent or might be regarded as consistent with scientific ideas. They could be of great significance in education, because they might make it possible to introduce complex ideas much earlier, much simpler. Among others Andrea DiSessa is running some projects along this line, in matheducation. For a more general approach to research on intuitions see for example the work of Gerd Gigerenzer (site).
The inventory will contain studies, web pages etc. that in one way or another might touch on the topic of designing humanities test items.
direct hits
Michael Fordham (2015). History teaching. A bibliographical handbook. pdf
Mark Day (2008). The Philosophy of History. London: Continuum. isbn 9780826488480 info
Manuel Montanero & Manuel Lucero (2011). Causal discourse and the teaching of history. How do teachers explain historical causality? Instructional Science, 39, 109-136. abstract
Carl Bereiter (2002). Education and Mind in the Knowledge Age. Erlbaum. questia
- about our theory of mind, a folk theory according to Bereiter
- p. x: "What is being challenged is the basic conception of the mind as a container of objects—beliefs, desires, conjectures, remembered events, and the like—that the mind works on in cognition. The challenges have been on various theoretical grounds. The plausibility, coherence, and explanatory adequacy of folk theory and its derivatives have been called into question. Critics typically concede that in practical applications folk theory does just fine. For most uses, that is true and for good reason. Our social institutions all embody the folk theory. We could hardly make it through a day—indeed, coul hardly make it across a busy street—without decisions based on beliefs and intentions that we attribute to others."
"Folk theories of all kinds characteristically work well for everyday purposes, however. Medieval physics lives on in the baseball park, where fly balls have "legs" that may or may not be sufficient to carry them over the outfield wall. Expert gardeners get along believing they are providing food to the plants. But if the task is launching a missile into orbit rather than over the left-field fence or doubling the yield of rice paddies, folk theories are not up to the task. Folk theory of mind lives on, I believe, because it has never been put to severe tests." - p. 12: " Knowledge is the pivotal idea in this book. The main faults I find in folk theory of mind are in its treatment of knowledge. (...) Folk theory of mind affords such a limited and incoherent conception of knowledge that people in the grip of folk theory cannot be expected to appreciate the importance of knowl- edge from an educational standpoint. It will be difficult for them to think of it as anything more than the rapidly obsolescent contents of a mental filing cabinet. "
- " What I am about, however, is not so much offering the latest ideas or a novel program as offering a way of thinking that is new to everyone, including this author. It takes work, but I hope readers will come away from the effort feeling that they have a better grounding for the ideas they care most about, that they have shed some moribund ideas that it had not occurred to them they could do without, and that they see new ways to move forward."
James F. Voss (Ed.) (1997). Explanation and understanding in learning history. International Journal of Educational Research, 27 (3), 185-266.
- p. 187; The topics of historical explanation and understanding became a focal issue via the widely cited volume by von Wright (1971) entitled Explanation and Understanding. Subsequently, in addition to the papers written critiquing von Wright's work, another volume was published by Hollis and Smith (1990). This second volume, although written more in an international relations than a history context, revisited much of the terrain described by von Wright. (...) ... the concepts of explanation and understanding were expected to cue authors to consider the need for instruction in history to produce more than correct recall of historical information. The cue hopefully would show the need for some deeper type of learning. (...) ... in virtually every chapter authors in some way use a “levels” concept. It may be levels of understanding, levels of explanation, or some other levels concept. ... understanding history may reflect a pluralistic concept, indicating that it may mean a number of things.
Jannet van Drie, Carla van Boxtel & Jos van der Linden (2005). Historical reasoning in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. In A.M. O’Donnell, C.E. Hmelo, & G. Erkens: Collaborative learning, reasoning and technology (pp. 266-297). Erlbaum
- look the chapter up in (not all pages will be shown)
J. van Drie (2005). Learning about the past with new technologies. Fostering historical reasoning in computer-supported collaborative learning. Dissertation University of Utrecht. abstract pdf full text
- “Bespreking in Didaktief maart 2006 p. 32: Van Drie laat zien dat evaluatieve vragen een krachtiger aanzet geven tot historisch redeneren dan verklarende vragen. Evaluatie vraagt meer persoonlijke betrokkenheid en vergt meer en gevarieerder denkstappen dan het louter verklaren van historische veranderingen. Dat is een interessante uitkomst, want toetsmakers staan doorgaans huiverig tegenover evaluatieve vragen. Het is namelijk lastig een antwoordmodel te maken dat subjectiviteit van beoordeling voldoende reduceert. Maar het kán dus wel, bewijst Van Drie.”
Linda Symcox (2004). Thinking historically: Critical engagement with the past. Social Studies Review. html
- "For more than two decades now there has been intense debate about the teaching of history in the nation's elementary and secondary schools."
- "As a result of these debates the teaching and learning of history has changed dramatically in recent years. Today most social studies teachers in California take for granted the need to teach historical analysis and research skills, which are currently embedded in 25% of the state assessment items for History-Social Science in grades 8, 10, and II.3 In addition, the National Coalition of History's publication, "Benchmarks for Professional Development in Teaching History as a Discipline," (2002), includes a section devoted to the development of historical thinking skills."
Maaike Prangsma, Carla M. van Boxtel, Gellof Kanselaar & Paul A. Kirschner (2009). Concrete and abstract visualizations in history learning tasks. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 371-387. pdf
- “Combining text and different types of visualizations in learning tasks does not necessarily enhance history learning.”
Bruce Torff and Robert J. Sternberg (Eds) (2001). Understanding and Teaching the Intuitive Mind: Student and Teacher Learning Erlbaum. questia
David R. Olson and Jerome S. Bruner (1996). Folk psychology and folk pedagogy. In D.R. Olson and N. Torrance: The handbook of education and human development (pp. 9–27). Blackwell. isbn 1557864608
Richard J. Paxton (1999). A deafening silence: History tetbooks and the students who read them. Review of Educational Research, 69, 315-339.
Tom Holt (1994). Thinking Historically: Narrative, Imagination, and Understanding., NY: The College Board
Allan Bloom (1987). The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students. NY: Simon and Schuster.
Chauncey Monte-Sano (2008). Qualities of historical writing instruction: A comparative case study of two teachrs' practices. American Educational Research Journal, 45, 1045-
John D. Bransford, Ann L. Brown, and Rodney R. Cocking (Eds) (1999). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. National Research Council. html.
- The book is online available
- from the executive summary "Science now offers new conceptions of the learning process and the development of competent performance. Recent research provides a deep understanding of complex reasoning and performance on problem-solving tasks and how skill and understanding in key subjects are acquired. This book presents a contemporary account of principles of learning, and this summary provides an overview of the new science of learning."
- See especially Chapter 7, Effective Teaching: Examples in History, Mathematics, and Science html: Beyond facts, Different views of history by different teachers, Studies of outstanding history teachers, Debating the evidence.
- "The examples do not come from "gifted teachers" who know how to teach anything: they demonstrate, instead, that expert teachers have a deep understanding of the structure and epistemologies of their disciplines, combined with knowledge of the kinds of teaching activities that will help students come to understand the discipline for themselves. "
Carole L. Hahn (1994). Controversial Issues in History Instruction. In Mario Carretero and James F. Voss: Cognitive and Instructional Processes in History and the Social Sciences (p. 201-220). Erlbaum questia
Deanna Kuhn, Michael Weinstock, and Robin Flaton (1994). Historical Reasoning as Theory-Evidence Coordination. In Mario Carretero and James F. Voss: Cognitive and Instructional Processes in History and the Social Sciences (377-402). Erlbaum.questia
David Perkins (1993). Teaching for understanding. American Educator: The Professional Journal of the American Federation of Teachers, 17 #3, pp. 8,28-35.html
Histoforum. Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis didactiek [sic]. online website
The Web contains a lot of information. The H-Bot application uses the Web to answer factual questions. Assuming students to have cellphones that enable them to use H-Bot, they might be able to use it to answer factual items on any test they have to sit. On a little bit of reflective thinking it will be perfectly clear to them that an education that will enable with great costs to do the same things an application like H-Bot can do in just a split second, is a lousy proposition.
What is the main reason the Pilgrims and Puritans came to America?
To practice their religion freely
- To make more money and live a better life
- To build a democratic government
- To expand the lands controlled by the king of England
H-Bot cannot understand the principles of religious freedom, personal striving, political systems, or imperialism. But it need not comprehend these concepts to respond correctly. Instead, to answer the seemingly abstract question about the Puritans and Pilgrims and why they came to America, H-Bot found that Web pages on which words like "Puritan" and "Pilgrim" appear contain the words "religion" and (religious) "practice" more often than words like "money," "democratic," or "expand" and "lands." (To be more precise, in this case H-Bot’s algorithms actually compare the normal frequency of these words on the Web with the frequency of these words on relevant pages, therefore discounting the appearance of "money" on many pages with "Puritan" and "Pilgrim" because "money" appears on over 280 million Web pages, or nearly one out of every 28 Web pages.) H-Bot thus correctly surmises that the answer is (a). Again, using the mathematics of normalized information distance the software need not find pages that specifically discuss the seventeenth-century exodus from England or that contain an obvious sentence such as "The Puritans came to America to practice their religion more freely." Using its algorithms on various sets of words it can divine that certain combinations of rare words are more likely than others. It senses that both religion and freedom had a lot to do with the history of the Pilgrims and Puritans.
This is a NAEP question. Source: Daniel J. Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig (2005) (see below)
Baron, C. (2012, February 27). Understanding Historical Thinking at Historic Sites. Journal of
Educational Psychology. pdf
[natrekken: Shemilt, 2000 VanSledright, 2010, p. 116]
Nokes, J.D., Dole, J.A., Hacker, D.J. (2007). Teaching High School students to use heuristics while reading historical texts Journal of Education Psychology, 99, 492-504. abstract
Jeffrey D. Nokes (2011). Historical literacy. docx
- With the inclusion of “historical literacy” in the Common Core State Standards initiative, it is essential that there is a generally accepted understanding of the term. This paper briefly reviews landmark studies and current research on the concept of “historical literacy” in order to provide a comprehensive definition.
Daniel J. Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig (2006). No Computer Left Behind. Chronicle of Higher Education, February 24. html
H-BOT (beta version) site. H-BOT has been programmed by Daniel J. Cohen and Simon Kornblith. See also: Daniel J. Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig (2005). Web of lies? Historical knowledge on the internet. First Monday, volume 10, number 12 html (How H-Bot works)
John R. Searle (1992). The rediscovery of the mind. MIT Press.
- Appendix p. 58-63: Is there a problem about folk psychology?
- Philosophers have their own ways to speak of 'folk psychology' and to analyze it .... . Anyhow, it is a subject of philosophising.
Olivier Nyirubugara (2012). Surfing the Past. Digital learners in the history class. Dissertation Amsterdam University. Sidestone Press read ebook
Jeffery D. Nokes, Janice A. Dole & Douglas J. Hacker (2007). Teaching High School Students to Use Heuristics While Reading Historical Texts
Journal of Educational Psychology, 99, 492-504. abstract
- “Findings highlight the importance of reading multiple texts to deepen
content knowledge and facilitate the use of heuristics that historians typically use.”
Tsafrir Goldberg, Baruch B. Schwarz & Dan Porat (2008). Living and dormant collective memories as contexts of history learning.Learning and Instruction, 18, 223-237. abstract
Margaret G. McKeown & Isabel L. Beck (1990). The Assessment and Characterization of Young Learners' Knowledge of a Topic in History American Educational Research Journal, 27, 688- abstract
Geschiedenis examineren op niveau. Rapport van het pilotproject CHMV-examen geschiedenis havo en vwo 2010
- Een onoverzichtelijk uitgebreid rapport, inclusief de pilot-eindexamens.
- Ik moet dit nog uitgebreid bekijken, ben wel benieuwd of er een gearticuleerd theoretisch kader aan ten grondslag ligt, een kader over wat het is om geschiedenis te doen op vwo-niveau, en daar op het eindexamen het wezenlijke van te laten zien. Het zou me verbazen wanneer deze onderneming geslaagd blijkt te zijn, maar ik geef onmiddellijk toe dat het dan ook een enorme uitdaging is.
- Mijn punt van aandacht zal zijn: is het gelukt om de factor 'intelligentie' buitenspel te zetten, of is het nog steeds zo dat slimmere leerlingen ipso facto beter kunnen scoren op dit eindexamen.
In the Low Countries a successful attempt has been made to establish a canon of historical events in the Netherlands. Here the Dutch use of the term canon means pretty much the same as 'standards' in English, in the narrow sense however of a list of the crucial facts or events in the history of .... [The Netherlands, physics, or whatever].
The problem here might simply be that establishing a canon of 50 (why not 51? Or 49, for that matter?) historical events important enough for every citizen to know something about them, is only an attempt to specify some content. Mathematics curricula used to be defined that way also. Establishing this or that 'canon' in and of itself does not contribute anything essential to education, not even democratic education. Or is it? There has been very much discussion in the press about this canon, specific entries in it, alternatives for the canon as a whole, attempts to also establish canons in other disciplines, especially the sciences. For the Commisions reaction see the Report C pdf 8 Mb This canon thing touches immediately on the question what education is about, and therefore what questions in education are about, and how to design them. Should those questions be about declarative knowledge of these 50 canonical events? I do not think so. Then what else?
Frits van Oostrum (4 juli 2007). Dit is de canon die iedereen moet kennen. De Volkskrant p. 11. pdf
- Zie ook de website met downloads van documenten, reacties, etecetera.
Instituut voor Geschiedenisdidactiek IVGD (maart 2007). Beter geschiedenis met een canon? Een reactie van het IVGD. pdf
- "Om tot een goede selectie van inhouden te komen die leerlingen ook echt basiskennis en historisch inzicht brengen, is meer nodig dan een opsomming van wat gekend moet worden. "
- "Zonder een beter zicht op hoe leerlingen over het verleden leren en tot duurzame en voor hen betekenisvolle kennis en inzichten komen, blijft het de vraag of leerlingen werkelijk betekenis kunnen geven aan ‘vijftig hoogtepunten’, of aan welke andere invalshoek dan ook die voor geschiedenisonderwijs gekozen wordt. Hierbij moet ook worden gewaarschuwd voor het al te zeer opvatten van geschiedenis als ¨¨n gesloten verhaal."
- "De verworvenheden van het 'historisch denken' (omgaan met bronnen vanuit verschillende invalshoeken, analyses maken van verschillende interpretaties) die de afgelopen ca 25 jaar in het onderwijs langzamerhand zijn ingevoerd, mogen niet in de waagschaal worden gesteld. Daarvoor zijn ze te belangrijk voor de open democratische samenleving die Nederland wil zijn. Al te eenduidige waarheden passen daar niet goed bij. "
Joop G. Toebes (1987). History: A distinct(ive) subject? The problem of the combination of history with other human and social sciences in particular with social studies in secondary education in the Federal Republic of Germany, England and the Netherlands. Leiden: Brill. isbn 9004080864.
Nicolaas Groot (1994). Wetenschap en theologie bij Friedrich Schleiermacher. Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
- Het pièce de résistance is Schleiermacher's (1811) Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums opgevat (en bedoeld) als klassieke encyclopedie van de theologie
- Het gaat in deze studie dus om theologie als wetenschappelijke discipline, wat het is om theologie te bedrijven, wat het onderscheidt van andere disciplines.
H. W. F. Stellwag (1949). De waarde der klassieke vorming. Een cultuur-historische paedagogisch-psychologische en didaktische inleiding. Groningen: Wolters.
- Begint met essays ‘Cultuurhistorisch overzicht der opvoeding’ en ‘Historische ontwikkeling der Latijnse scholen in Nederland.’ Stellwag behandeld vier thema’s: De waarde der grammaticale methode. De formeel-vormende waarde der klassieken. Over denken en denk-scholing. De overdraagbaarheid der vorming (met experiment I). De culturele vorming (met experiment II).
- De experimenten zijn opdrachten tekstbegrip voor gymnasiasten zesdeklassers, zeer gedetailleerd verslagen. Alleraardigst materiaal.
- Het boek is overigens een goed gedocumenteerde studie over (het idee van) 'vorming' of 'vormende waarde' van de klassieke studie, de veronderstelde overdracht (transfer) van in de klassieke studie verkregen inzichten naar hun brede toepassing in de samenleving. Of is dit onzin? Lees het boek.
Roger Shattuck (1999). Candor and perversion. Literature, education, and the arts. Norton. isbn 0393048071
William M. Sullivan & Matthew S. Rosin (Eds.) (2008). A new agenda for higher education. Shaping a life of the mind for practice. Jossey-Bass. isbn 9780470257579 info
Thics in the profession, and how to deal with that in higher education. Ideology? Romanticism? Or is this a necessary book? Foreword by Lee S. Shulman & Gary D. Fenstermache vii-xiv. The financial crisis of 2008 must have come as a shock to the people in this 2008 book: especially academicians played a dark role in the developments leading up and into the financial crisis.
Sam Wineburg, Susan Mosborg, Dan Porat and Ariel Duncan (2007). Common Belief and the Cultural Curriculum: An Intergenerational Study of Historical Consciousness. American Educational Research Journal, 44, 40-76. abstract
The authors conclude by discussing the forces that act to historicize today’s youth and suggest how educators might marshal these forces—rather than spurning or simply ignoring them—to advance young people’s historical understanding.
Susan Mosborg (2002). Speaking of history: How adolescents use their knowledge in reading the daily news. Cognition and Instruction, 20, 323-358. samenvatting
John Cannon (1992). Teaching history at university. The History Teacher, 22, 245-275. jstor
C. Alan Boneau (1990). Psychological literacy. A first approximation. American Psychologist, 45, 891-900.
- from the abstract Reported here are the results of a study to determine which terms and concepts in psychology's basic subfields are judges to be of sufficient importance that they should be general knowledge within the psychological community, especially to students. (...)The results have been compiled into tables of 'Psychology's Top 100' concepts and of ranked lists of the 100 highest rated terms for each of the 10 subfield areas studied
- See also Andrew M. Colman (2001). Defining issus. The Psychologist, 14, 650-652. pfd "I am the author of the latest psychological dictionary -- the Oxford Dictionary of Psychology (Colman, 2001) [Oxford University Press]. In the process of selecting headwords and writing definitions for this vast work, I made some surprising discoveries about the lexicon of psychology and the problems of compiling a dictionary. My starting point was Boneau’s (1990) empirical study of the terms and concepts that textbook authors in the principal subfields of psychology rated as most important for graduates to know."
Sister Madeleine Gregg, fcJ, and Gaea Leinhardt (1994). Mapping out geography: An example of epistemology and education. Review of Eduational Research, 64, 311-361. jstor
James W. Cunningham and Jill Fitzgerald (1996). Epistemology and reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 31, 36-60. jstor
Lewy, & Shavit (1974). Types of examinations in history studies. JEM, 11, 35
Wineburg, S. S. (1991). Historical problem solving: A study of the cognitive processes used in the evaluation of documentary and pictorial evidence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 73–87. [I have yet to see this one]
Leinhardt, G. (1993). Weaving instructional explanations in history. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 63, 46-74. geen fc. (paper presents a typology of instructional explanations in this discipline, gebaseerd op een heel semester bij een geschiedenis docent)
McEwan, H., & Bull, B. (1991). The pedagogic nature of subject matter knowledge. AERJ 28, 316-336.
J.W.G. Claessen, W.M.L. Kratsborn, J. Tuit & H. Swart (2011?). De kennisbasis voor geschiedenis. Herinneren voor de toekomst.
7.1 Handboeken voor de tien tijdvakken
Beelden van de tien tijdvakken kunnen verworven worden door te zoeken in
(bijvoorbeeld alle recent verschenen overzichtswerken):
• Bruin, R. de &.Bosua, M. (2009). Geschiedenis geven.
• Kooij, C, van der, (2006). Verleden, heden en toekomst.
• Kooij, C. van der & De Groot Reuvekamp, M. (2009). Geschiedenis & samenleving.
• Kratsborn, W. (2005). Onvoorspelbaar verleden.
• Mulder, L. &. Doedens , A.& Kortlever,Y (2005). Van Huis Uit.
• PPON (cito uitgave).
• Riessen, van & Rovers, F. & Wilschut A.(red) (2008). Oriëntatie op geschiedenis.
Basisboek voor de vakdocent.
• Voorbij, J.C.P.(2004). Zicht op geschiedenis.
Carla van Drie (2009). Geschiedenis, erfgoed en didactiek. oratie. pdf
Carla van Boxtel & Jannet van Drie (2012): “That’s in the Time of the Romans!” Knowledge and Strategies Students Use to Contextualize Historical Images and Documents, Cognition and Instruction, 30:2, 113-145. abstract
A. Wilschut, D. van Straaten & M. van Riesen (2004). Geschiedenisdidactiek. Handboek voor de vakdocent. Coutinho. (384 bl.). [nog niet gezien, besproken door Cees van der Kooij in Didaktief nr 8, oktober 2005, blz. 35.
Frits van Oostrom (Voorzitter) (2006). De canon van Nederland. Deel A. Ministerie van OCenW. isbn 9059103947 — 106 blz.
I. Preneel (1987 3e). Historische kritiek. Acco.
- "Historische kritiek is de methodiek van de geschiedvorsing."
Hanneke Moors, Laurine Siermann & Karien de Smet (z.d.). Literatuuronderwijs in de Tweede Fase. H
Grada Huis (Eindred.) (2006). Godsdienst/levensbeschouwing
als Examenvak. Handreiking. mei 2006. Besturenraad, Concent en VGS/BGS. ISBN 9070724863
- p. 3: "Inmiddels is de Wet
op de herziening tweede fase door de Tweede Kamer aangenomen en is het zo goed als zeker dat het vak
GL vanaf augustus 2007 een (school)examenstatus kan krijgen op scholen die daarvoor kiezen."
"Het inhoudelijke kader is bedoeld als handreiking voor het ontwerpen van een eigen leerplan op schoolniveau." - p. 4: "Door de eigen didactiek heeft het vak een aantal kenmerken van het nieuwe leren, zoals ..... ." Jammer. Het is beter de nieuwe kleren van de keizer in de kast te laten hangen.
- p. 5: "De beoordeling van de kennis, vaardigheden en attitudes die de leerling zich eigen heeft gemaakt." Dat wordt een grote kladderatsj van naieve onderwijsopvattingen met de GL-opvattingen. Het interessante daarvan is dat bij GL mogelijk geprononceerd naar voren komt wat bij andere humaniora wat minder openlijk is: de grote ruimte voor persoonlijke betekenisgeving ('attitudes,' een ongelukkige term, vermoed ik). In de natuurkunde is die ruimte er niet waar het gaat om de interpretatie van de bewegingswetten van Newton. De kladderatsj is o.a. dat dit geciteerde zinnetje suggereert dat leerlingen tamelijk blanco aan het GL-traject beginnen, een gevaarlijke vooronderstelling, waar toevallig datzelfde natuurkundeonderwijs ook een illustratie van biedt (zie physicseducation.htm)
- p. 5: "Deze scholen willen leerprogramma’s aanbieden, waarin ze de leerlingen het tegoed doorgeven van de levensbeschouwelijke gemeenschappen en kerken waarmee ze zich verbonden voelen." Het is toch niet de bedoeling er catechisatie van te maken? Nieuwe schoolstrijd hier?
- p. 5: "Ook rusten ze de leerlingen toe om als burger te kunnen participeren in de democratische en levensbeschouwelijk pluriforme samenleving. En ze onderkennen dat de leerlingen in het kader van hun burgerschapsvorming kennis van eigen en andermans levensbeschouwingen nodig hebben." Dit lijkt een adequate formulering. Interessant is de toevoeging 'democratische.' Ik beschouw dit als de kerngedachte van GL.
p. 5: "Bij het vak GL heeft de eigenheid alles te maken met het feit dat het vak zich richt op uiteindelijkheidsvragen." Wat zijn dat? Zingevingsvragen? Aangenomen dat filosofie de zijnsvragen doet?
B. H. D. Hermesdorf (1951). Licht en schaduw in de advocatuur der Lage landen. Historische studie. Brill.
- Historische studie over de advocatuur: wat is een goede advocaat?
Clayton Roberts (1996). The logic of historical explanation. The Pennsylvania State University Press. isbn 0271014431 info
Dutch link
Het geheugen van Nederland website
- Kijk hier naar de afdeling Onderwijs. " Op deze site staan Internet lessen voor de vakken Geschiedenis en CKV in het voortgezet onderwijs en de beeldbank voor het onderwijs." "De Geschiedenis en CKV lessen sluiten aan bij de verplichte lesstof en bij de meest gebruikte lesboeken in het middelbaar onderwijs. Ze duren meestal 50 minuten. De lessen en de beeldbank zijn gratis te gebruiken. De beelden in de beeldbank zijn gegroepeerd rond onderwerpen uit het curriculum van de vakken geschiedenis en aardrijkskunde. Ze zijn bovendien in de context van de bijbehorende lesstof geplaatst."
- Ik moet deze lessen nog bekijken. Het onderwijs is hier het middelbaar onderwijs. Carin Gaemer heeft er een stuk over geschreven, o.a. met de ervaringen van een aantal lerlingen erbij, 'Geschiedenisonderwijs op het World Wide Web' in Holland Historisch Tijdschrift 2005, 37 #3, 230-234.
Editor(s): Christine Counsell, Katharine Burn, Arthur Chapman (2016). MasterClass in History Education
Transforming Teaching and Learning
- See more at:
Michael Fordham (20 June 2015). Why don't we have set texts in history?
Where have progression models in history gone wrong?
Posted on 2 March 2017 by Michael Fordham
The problem with general ability statements in history education.
Posted on 19 March 2017 by Michael Fordham
Ben Wilbrink (March 17, 2017). Explaining history (math, physics)? Is it even possible? [@ myth #7]