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Zorgelijk: Boales & Staples (2008) genoemd als serieus onderzoek, wat het natuurlijk niet is.
Charalambos Y. Charalambous , Heather C. Hill & Rebecca N. Mitchell (2012). Two negatives don't always make a positive: Exploring how limitations in teacher knowledge and the curriculum contribute to instructional quality. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44, 489-513. abstract
Heather C. Hill & Charalambos Y. Charalambous (2012). Teacher knowledge, curriculum materials, and quality of instruction: Lessons learned and open issues. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44, 559-576. abstract
Laurie Sleep & Samuel L. Eskelson (2012): MKT and curriculum materials are only part of the story: Insights from a lesson on fractions. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44, 537-558. abstract
Jennifer M. Lewis & Merrie L. Blunk (2012): Reading between the lines: Teaching linear algebra. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44, 515-536abstract
Hill, Heather C.; Umland, Kristin; Litke, Erica; Kapitula, Laura R. (2012). Teacher Quality and Quality Teaching: Examining the Relationship of a Teacher Assessment to Practice. American Journal of Education, v118 n4 p489-519 Aug 2012 [nog niet gezien] abstract
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